All the accusations- and no SHOCKING!

by theMadJW 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    It seems the def. here is anyone who disagrees with the Majority is troll.

    that's why I put it in Italics.

    Let's not go down that road hahaha

  • mrsjones5

    Wow. You sure showed us. Don't bother refute accusations, don't bother present or back up your own arguments - Just spontaneously "decide" that the opposition is 'unintelligent' and declare yourself the victor.

    Smells like BANE, don't it? They must compare notes.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I could have a heated discussion with you about anything you want. I won't take your views personal....

    unless you bring up Personal things about me....

    which since we never met won't happen.

    I don't think you are a Troll, You are a Jw with doubts about certain things, but if your story you told is true it saved you from certain Destruction.

    I believe in Loyalty and sounds like you do too. It was not easy for me to decide to Leave what I considered BS, realizing my family and children would disown me, because of things I felt I owed them.

    The JW's seemed like the only reasonable explanation of the scriptures I could believe.

    I won't put words in your mouth....... for me it was the only religion that made sence.

  • brotherdan

    That's why you are a good guy, Darth.


  • theMadJW

    Thanks for explaining, DP- so, according to THAT definition, I AM a troll- the Mad Troll! heh

  • theMadJW

    Thanks for explaining, DP- so, according to THAT definition, I AM a troll- the Mad Troll! heh

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    As I said eariler your MadJW scriptures.....(again Wish I thought Of that) proves ..... you can't be a troll.

    In fact....... you'll burn in Hell with me. LOL

    At least we'll have stuff to talk about.

    Darth you were right ....... there is a Hell.

    Ya I'm so glad I was RIGHT! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

  • brotherdan

    Knowing that MadJW would be in Hell with me would be enough to save me from Hell!

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    At least it's a Dry HEAT

  • brotherdan

    How do you know that? What if it was Carribean heat...that smelled of tuna vag...and MadJW's armpits?

    For eternity?!?!?

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