no blood cards this year!

by DIM 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • DIM

    Last night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year. In the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as JW's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've EVER said in regards to this? Absolutely nuts!

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Hey, DIM.
    I got the news last night. I was surprised. In the KM, it says that they were going to give us blood cards. Then again, it also said in that KM that we can offer subscriptions to the WT and Awake. I wonder why the seemingly sudden change of mind. Money? Or perhaps they are shying away from demanding that we refuse blood? They also seem to want us to use those DPA forms, which are actually beneficial to anyone (JW or not). Perhaps, DIM, we'll be getting "new light"! LOL

    So many stupid people, so few comets! :o)

  • freeman

    OH BOY, I detect new-light com’n down the road.


  • NameWithheld

    I was going to say ... I think that us apostates have given them some good ideas how to extract themselves from the blood mess ... especially the blood reform brothers who have worked on this for years. Just think, one article in the WT and suddenly all those JW's conciences will magically transform into 'allowing' themselves to take blood!

    Or, they don't have any $$ to print new ones!

  • CornerStone

    Hello DIM,

    The Borg masters are just covering their collective arse. They KNOW when the BIG negative publicity hammer hits them, people, JW's and XJW's alike, will run to the cameras and say: "See, they MADE us sign these forms! (blood cards). They'ed PUNISH us if we did'ent! We did'ent know what to do! We were scared, we did not want to lose our family and friends! They said god would KILL us if we did not sign them! and on and on and on.

    So borg central wants to sweep the 'card thing' under the table as soon as they can, to avoid even more liability.

    It just goes to show that the so-called FDS is playing games with peoples lives and that they are neither 'faithful'- they have no faith, nor 'descrete'- they can only show human wisdom.



    it will be one of the few times the wt actually has some "life saving good news" in it....if it happens. maybe they would rather have the issue quietly disappear.

  • TweetieBird

    Very interesting, very, very interesting.

    "I must stand up in search of the truth, if I don't, I only roll with the flow of the lie and make it stronger.

  • wheelwithinwheel

    I think they're having 2nd thoughts about being accused by the press of forcing the issue on their members. Remember they give out the cards and tell everyone to fill them out and sign them. Pretty difficult not to obey if you’re at that meeting. They even sent the elders to fill in the cards with those not at the meeting that night. I’ve heard they’re working on spiritual vocabulary to insure that any interviews with pubs. radiate free choice.

    Personally, I always hated that meeting and even though I agreed with the policy I always felt my decision was being made for me.

  • badwillie

    Hi DIM,
    Funny. If last year you were to say to an elder "well, I still have my card from last year in like-new condition, I don't think I'll use a new card this year", they would have strongly counseled you for your "independent" thinking. If you are a brother, you would probably not be given any "priveledges" either because of this rebellious spirit. Now, yet again, the WTS can arbitrarily change a rule without any explanation to the R & F. Everyone sits there nodding their heads to the wonderful new light or "simplification". Boy, were we BRAINDEAD or what!!!

  • TweetieBird

    What if you lost yours? Will they issue new ones? Will it only be to baptized publishers? I still have mine from years ago, but it hasn't been signed by any elders.

    What about newly baptized ones from this year? Can they ask for one?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    "I must stand up in search of the truth, if I don't, I only roll with the flow of the lie and make it stronger.

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