Our Southern Friends- Are you Pissed about the Oil Spill? I Know I Am ...... !

by flipper 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    , Mr. Flipper.

  • leavingwt

    I'm posting this for my Progressive Sisters. . .

  • leavingwt

    Scientists Refute Obama's 3-Year Cleanup Prediction

    . . .

    The scientists, who were in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to mark World Ocean Day, said the current oil spill is “basically a [science] experiment.” They painted a gloomy portrait of the disaster in the Gulf, stressing that much of their commentary was speculation, “since we don’t know the volumes of oil lost or how long the spill will continue.”

    The group included Celine Cousteau, conservationist and granddaughter of Jacques Cousteau; Thomas Shirley, a specialist in marine biodiversity with the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies; and Robert Twilley, director of wetland biochemistry and professor of oceanography and coastal science at Louisiana State University. Cousteau said the occasion “would have been a terrific opportunity to celebrate positive achievements, but unfortunately we’re here to talk about the Gulf oil spill instead.”

    Addressing the long-term recovery prospects for the region’s marshlands, Shirley said, “I worked on the Exxon Valdez and lived in Alaska for 20 years. I worked on the project about 10 years after the spill. There are still 21,000 gallons of oil in the sub-tidal beaches of Alaska, in Prince William Sound. It’s still having great effects on seabirds, fish and mammals. And that was a very different circumstance—it was on the surface. That was like a heart attack with 11 million gallons at once.” Here, in the Gulf of Mexico, he said ruefully, “We don’t really know how long things are going to last.”

    . . .


  • flipper

    LEAVING WT- Thanks for the links. If Alaska still has beaches with oil on them after 20 years since Exxon Valdez dumped millions of gallons of oil - there is no TELLING how long it will take until the Gulf's beaches return to normal. Probably not in our lifetime . May take hundreds of years. Sad

  • freydo

    BP and the Clintons


    by Maralela , Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 20:06

    According to the following, Rockefellers must be the ultimate owners of BP. Add to this the money scandels and reports of murder connected to the Clintons in Arkansas. (If you don't have time to read all my post, do note the parts I put in yellow.)

    (big snip then quoting below & links given)

    You probably think most of what I said here doesn't make sense. How could Rockefeller's Standard Oil be doing all that? You probably think, wait a minute, where is Standard Oil? I never even hear about them anymore. Does it still exist? Yes. In the Wednesday January 27, 1988, Wall Street Journal, in a full two-page double-truck ad, it was announced that little Standard Oil was merging with big brother British Petroleum. Could this be true? British Petroleum then had very few productive holdings compared to Standard Oil which controlled much of the world market.

    The scheme was, when they announced the merger, actually finally a Standard Oil buyout of British Petroleum, the name of the new merged company was BP-America. In other words, BP is Standard Oil. Standard Oil simply took over the assets and the name of British Petroleum. The name was chosen to hide that fact. Seemingly, all fears and worries about the world-wide predatory marketing practices of Standard Oil have now been allayed and put to rest -- since the name Standard Oil is never mentioned again.

    In the last 12 years, during a period of many large companies merging, such as AOL-Time-Warner, etc., BP-America has also merged again and again and changed its name. It is now known as BP-AMOCO but it has in fact bought up, merged with, or controls all of the old Standard Oil "mini-companies" which came from the original breakup by the US government way back in 1911.

    Thus, John D. Rockefeller's vow of recombining his original Standard Oil Company has been accomplished, even though it was done by his grandsons and their progeny. BP-AMOCO recently took over control of the Alaska Pipeline. There may appear to be several companies like Texaco or Mobil all drilling on the north slope of Alaska, but it's John D's offspring who now control the price at the spigot in Valdez Harbor. And of course, it's that spigot which is at the end of a very long pipeline stretching all the way to the world's largest oil source in southern Russia. The Empire of Energy now seemed to only have one obstacle left in its way.

    End of Chapter Two

    (a snip from "Chapter Three")

    The whole 20 year Viet Nam “war” from 1955 to 1975 was an oil scam. And all during the "war," Vietnamese General Giap fought the Americans with weapons he got from Laurence for a dollar. Did you ever wonder why the US, despite, greatly superior weapons, and the loss of 57,000 Americans and half a million Vietnamese, never won the "war?" Ever wonder why the US President issued such strange “rules of engagement” for the American troops that made sure they didn’t win? Ever wonder why Henry Kissinger, a personal assistant to Nelson Rockefeller spent so much time in the Viet Nam/Paris Peace talks which never went anywhere but simply dragged on for years.

    (snips from "Chapter Four")

    In the early days of the discovery of large oil fields, the first being in Arkansas, followed quickly by discoveries in Texas and California, all three of those states were swiftly made "safe" for the oil business. All of the candidates for legislators and governors were bribed with handsome political campaign war chests filled brimming with oil profits. In those three states the only way to get into state office was to buddy up with the oil companies and then make sure all the laws you passed were kindly to your benefactors.
    Thus Arkansas, Texas and California have been "Oil Company States" since about 1920. Did you notice in the last 21 years, all the Presidents of the US were governors or senators from Arkansas, Texas or California? And before that, "Viet Nam War" Johnson was a Texas oilman, and "Viet Nam War" Nixon was a California oil senator. Just a coincidence? The oil business is non-partisan. It makes no difference whether a Republican or Democrat wins an election. Just as when you go to fill up your tank at the gas station, somebody else has already chosen for you whether you buy foreign or American gas. Likewise, who you select on the voting ballot doesn't matter. Somebody else has already chosen for you. The Fascist Oil Party always wins either way.


    The Big Four Rockefeller Brothers, the grandsons of John D, each took a different slice of the world pie. Laurence Rockefeller took the Asian region as assistant regent of Japan under General MacArthur after WWII, which lead to the Vietnam "war" and the vast oil profits there.

    Nelson Rockefeller became governor of New York, based on his childhood home on the vast Rockefeller estate in Terrytown on the Hudson, just north or Rye. Nelson had his eyes on stealing his way into the presidency, not by election, but by simple appointment using something he created, and slammed through Congress in 1967 in a matter of weeks. It was called the "Rockefeller Amendment," also known as the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution. It happened so fast, most people never even noticed. And the source of that amendment is not taught in schools.

    The 25th Amendment allows any person, qualified or not, to become president of the US, by simple appointment, not by election. And which Nelson Rockefeller used to become vice president only 7 years later. But he had hoped to be appointed 4 years earlier by an agreement with Richard Nixon. But Nixon reneged, which lead to Nelson getting rid of Richard through the Watergate scandal set up by Nelson. Ever wonder who the deep-throated gravely voice belonged to, who spoon fed the Watergate information against Nixon to Woodward and Bernstein in the darkly lit underground garages? Go ask Woodward, he knows. But he's not telling. Ever wonder what happened to the American press?

    The baby brother of the Big Four, David Rockefeller, set himself up as the monetary head of the world, using his control of the monetary system in the US through the Federal Reserve System, and then later expanded around the world by using the newly created World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to control the central banks and economies of most, and now all, nations. And what of the fourth grandson, Winthrop? Winthrop and his vast inherited wealth and power only took over a state. The state of Arkansas. Winthrop owned Arkansas and everything in it. But it was such a minor state, with many uneducated people and who would want such a puny job? Winthrop did. Winthrop owned Arkansas.

    In 1973 during the Watergate Scandal hearings, Nixon was being maneuvered out of the Oval Office and a Rockefeller friend, Jerry Ford who had been "appointed" by Nixon, was being maneuvered into office as interim president. Then using the Rockefeller 25th Amendment, Jerry in turn "appointed" Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice President. This would seem a rather strange game of Rockefeller musical chairs, and even more strangely the American press and the public never even noticed.

    The press was too busy with the "leaked" Nixon Watergate scandals to notice what was happening just behind the scenery. The fascist energy empire was learning how to use outrageous scandal as a cover for the next phase of political activity. Even though the political activity is in plain sight for all to see, it simply is not reported by the press, therefore it disappears.

    It was a young Hillary Rodham Clinton, as one of the lead congressional law counsels during the Watergate hearings, who helped put Nelson Rockefeller in position. As payback, Hillary's husband would be made Governor of Arkansas, with the assistance of Winthrop Rockefeller, who owned Arkansas.

    That deal was a slam dunk and William Clinton became Arkansas governor. But Bill Clinton was such a scandalous ruffian, even the simple folk of Arkansas wanted to quickly impeach him and toss him out of office. So Winthrop had to save the day and step in for a while as interim Governor of Arkansas until the scandals quieted down. Then Clinton returned for a second term as governor. And why would Winthrop do all that? Because Rockefeller-BP-Standard was grooming "scandalous" Bill Clinton to take over as their man in the Presidency. Bill Clinton had been a Rockefeller oil man ever since his college days as a Rhodes scholar, and his trip to visit the oil men in the USSR back in the 1960's.



  • flipper

    FREYDO- Hey, thanks for posting the info on the Rockefellers. Very interesting reading. I agree with you in the sense that the real leaders of this country are the Rockefeller family and the Rothchilds - both part of the Bilderberg secret financial society who control our government behind the scenes. President Obama is just a puppet being told what to do by the Bilderberg's and huge corporations that run this country. Why do you think George Bush looked scared $hitless when signing the bank bailouts on camera ? Because there are HUGE financial corporations that FORCE our government to do THEIR bidding- or else.

    We see what happens to presidents who don't cooperate with the huge financial corporations- they get assassinated. John F. Kennedy is just an example. It will be interesting to see how our government tries to use this BP oil disaster crisis to it's advantage. Somehow I think the oil companies aren't going to suffer as much as the people in the South will for years to come. It' disgusting

  • freydo

    You're welcome Mr Flippper, here's a new worst case estimate

    (June 17) -- "President Barack Obama promised in his speech Tuesday night that sometime in August, the Gulf oil spill will finally be tamed. The leak will be plugged. The live "spillcam" can be turned off. August seems like a long way off, especially since the flow rate has been raised (yet again) so that the amount of oil gushing into the gulf is now believed to be 60,000 barrels a day. And yet, depending on how the company fares in drilling its relief wells, August could come and go with the oil still running.........."


  • freydo

    Dear NaturalNews readers,

    "As the BP oil catastrophe demonstrates, corporations now threaten life on our planet. Their greed may drown us all in a tidal wave of destruction that could impair our chances for sustainable human life on our planet. Today's feature story delves into this issue in more detail while daring to ask the question: Should We the People rise up against corporations like BP and make a massive citizens' arrest of their executives?"

    Read more at: http://www.naturalnews.com/029023_corporations_crimes_against_nature.html

  • flipper

    FREYDO- Yes, indeed, I think citizens arrests would be quite appropriate for BP officials . If this leak isn't fixed until August in a permanent way - the oil I fear will be on the way North up the entire East coast by then. Man, these guys are bastards

  • freydo

    And along with BP executives, how about members of government?

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