Our Southern Friends- Are you Pissed about the Oil Spill? I Know I Am ...... !

by flipper 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SNOWBIRD- Thanks for the link. From reading it appears the alternative options they are considering would take 3 months to employ and stop the oil. Million $$ question is- Do the coastal states HAVE 3 months before too much devastation takes place ? I tend to doubt it. This has affected our Governor Schwarzneger so much he has banned ALL drilling off California's coast waters for now until this Gulf situation is rectified. If this same thing happened off Los Angeles coastal waters- there would be freaking heads rolling I swear. Not to mention riots perhaps !

    LEAVING WT- I feel SO badly for all of you folks in those gulf states right now. I can only imagine how badly this wil affect the seafood business and tourism. I've already seen interviews with shrimp fishermen and disgusting pictures of damaged birds and wildlife. Really sticks in my craw. Hang in there bro.

    THETRUEONE- I agree with you- Drilling atthese depths is WAY too risky. I mean, apparently BP didn't even know or realize how damned freaking cold it gets at 5,000 ft. deep. Sounds like they had NO IDEA about ice crystals ! But you are right- greed and wealth take priority over safety measures and care. It's ridiculous.

    UNDERCOVER- I have heard what you are saying if the oil gets caught up in the Gulf stream it could go up the eastern seaboard. That would become an absolute catastrophe turning this disaster from a 8 on the disaster scale to a 10 REAL quick ! Or off the charts for that matter ! I hope they can cap it or stop it before it travels up the eastern seaboard. Jesus

  • snowbird



  • flipper

    IQUIT- I wonder if any video or T.V. or U-tube coverage of these meetings between Haliburton, BP, and the congress will be made available so we can see if they are arguing over who is responsible or who is going to lose more $$$$ from the spill. I tend to doubt their good motives. Call me jaded. And good point you make about the Norwegian oil wells requiring a shut off system being activated remotely. Guess we can't convince our American oil companies to spring the $ 500,000 to protect any mshaps can we ? As you say- it's all about protecting their bank accounts- not the environment.

    BEKSBKS- It's ridiculous how much $$$ the oil companies make. Like you say exactly- The fishing industries could disappear with the lifetimes of those who depend on it - yet the oil company is only liable for $ 75 million ? With the billions they make - they should be easily liable for tons more.

    YKNOT- It indeed is a tragedy all the way around. It might be all the way around the east coast- if they don't stop it !

    BURN THE SHIPS- I fear for you Florida folks as well. Your economy is so based on tourism, beaches, more beaches - did I say beaches ? I mean, it's crazy. It might even threaten the Everglades from some reports I've heard. You also have some pretty famous Golf resorts down there, so if they don't get this thing bottled up soon - trouble lies ahead. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • Quandry

    it is just devastating news. My husband's relatives live in Louisiana, just above New Orleans. The hurricand wreaked havoc on them, now this. So many people may their living from the water. And the poor animals. The tourist industry will suffer all along the coast. I have to say it, but they are "ruining the earth." I

  • restrangled

    Hi Flip, thanks for starting this thread.....

    I am beside myself and pissed off that the national news chains give it little coverage between Obama's new Judge pick, the idiot that couldn't blow up New York, and the Blip on Wall street last Thursday mixed in with absolute crap about celebrity golfers, dancers, singers. etc.

    This is a catastrophe that gets worse by the hour not by the day. The dispersents being sprayed are as toxic as the oil which is slowly dripping to the bottom of the ocean. Poisening the food chain.....Krill eaten by fish, eaten by larger fish, eaten by birds, not to mention the coral reefs.

    If you love shrimp, shellfish, oysters, etc., be prepared to start paying the same price as lobster....if you can get it.

    Our pristine air in Florida is starting to stink every time the wind blows in from the west. We also have very pristine aquafers that are at risk and last but not least all the beautiful beaches and wildlife that the entire U.S. loves to come visit and enjoy.

    I cannot imagine what those west of us in the Gulf are experiencing....there is not enough money.

    No amount of dollars or promises or clean up will restore the Gulf to what it once was for decades.

    This entire episode has been down played by BP, Haliburtan, Government and the News media.

    The entire Gulf Coast is under seige and no one in charge seems to "get it"....oh its just 210,000 gallons a day......

    I can't even get started on the animals.....it just hurts too much!


  • thetrueone

    Does anyone else think Obama wants to distance himself from this tragedy because he just recently gave approval

    of off shore oil drilling on the east coast of the States ?

    This new oil Bill ( don't know what to call it ...sorry ) has been withdrawn from Washington so I hear.

    Quite frankly I'm shocked that the administration in Washington hasn't put forth more of aggressive look into the situation.

  • beksbks

    Alaska still hasn't recovered from the Exxon Valdez, and the victims still haven't been paid.

  • beksbks

    Quite frankly I'm shocked that the administration in Washington hasn't put forth more of aggressive look into the situation.

    I am beside myself and pissed off that the national news chains give it little coverage

    I'm not sure what kind of news you guys listen to/read/watch, but I'm hearing plenty about it. I'm spitting mad.

  • thetrueone

    BP is so dismayed by what to do with the situation in the Gulf that one of my friends

    who is an mechanical engineer has been talking to people at BP via e-mail on possible solutions.

    He had apparently worked for BP on oil transportation years ago.

    This again brings up why hasn't the federal government taken over the problem with

    all their resources at hand. I think it time for BP to step aside now.

  • sammielee24

    The damage to the fish and wildlife is beyond a dollar value and that's the most horrendous outcome of the spill. Tourism and jobs may be affected for years - but BP will go on with business as usual. How many years since Exxon was taken to court? How many years has it been since anyone was compensated for their loss? How many years after are they still finding chemicals in the wildlife there?

    People who file for losses could sit in court for years and never receive much of any thing...and BP is not obligated to pay for State or Federal clean up at this point. Everyone is pointing a finger at the other guy and in the end, how do we know any single one of the companies involved will be held accountable?

    Yeah - I'm pissed.

    Let's hope that they can fix the problem soon....sammieswife.

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