Our Southern Friends- Are you Pissed about the Oil Spill? I Know I Am ...... !

by flipper 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • awildflower

    Yes, it's pissing me off!

  • flipper

    SAMMIELEE- Sams wife- Good points you bring out. I mean - the high cost of gas for transportation is murder indeed on many of us who are self employed. And as you said so many are unemployed now some can't even AFFORD transportation. Huge corporations ONLy interest is the bottom line - profit - and they'll skirt safety regulations to gain that profit risking thousands , even millions of $$$ worth of fines to turn that profit.

    I observed this briefly in the Asbestos removal industry here in California when I removed asbestos for a short time. A union company I worked for tried skirting OSHA safety regulations by sending in workers with particle masks or half masks , not full masks with fresh batery supplied oxygen ! Just to save time and money. I got in the face of one supervisor about endangering the workers - didn't phase him. One reason I quit and got my own janitorial business going. These companies really don't care- nor does BP, Haliburton, or Ocean whatever they are. What's happening in the Gulf is a tragedy and all they can do is point fingers ans squawk about the money they are losing

  • flipper

    Been busy working and running around with errands today. Will comment a litle later once I've read some current news today on this. All comments and observations welcome

  • flipper

    The latest I've read in our local Sacramento Bee newspaper is that this particular oil rig had a near explosion a couple weeks BEFORE the main explosion as they had what's called a " back-up " of gasses coming up to the rig which freaked out the workers. They were able to shut it down before anything happened at the time though. But it happened again at the time of the explosion. The article I read is this kind of drilling is hella dangerous as down near the bottom of the ocean near the continental shelf there is a lot of shifting of gasses that happen creating unsettling situations which create a threat to oil rigs

  • Quirky1

    Pissed ain't the word..

  • leavingwt

    From our local newspaper. . .

    Before Katrina caused billions in damage, the region in 2005 attracted 8 million visitors. The 2008-09 season drew about 4.5 million.
    Pre-oil spill, there were signs the economy across the state and nation were improving.
    "March and most of April, we were very optimistic," Hornsby said. "We knew it was going to be a slow upturn, but we turned the corner."
    That was before an April 20 explosion ultimately took down the Deepwater Horizon oil rig and led to the spill that continues to gush an uncertain amount of oil into the ecosystem and economy.
  • flipper

    From what I read in the Sacramento Bee today- they are pretty sure this oil spill is going to hit, or has already hit the Gulf stream and will travel around Florida to some extent. I read it might miss Miami Beach, but hit Palm Beach. I'm not familiar with Florida geography and particular locations without using a map - but for you Florida people - what will his mean if it hits Palm Beach ? Will it threaten the Evergaldes also ? Just curious. Thanks for any info

  • beksbks

    Here's my question. Since this oil when extracted was not bound for the US, but for where ever the price was right, was it worth it? Was it worth the jobs in sea food and tourism to Americans? I won't even ask about the rest of it, I just ask was it worth another megalithic oil company making record profits, at the expense of the folks who make thier living in the Gulf.

  • JRK

    One of my favorite places in the world is the Florida Keys. THe oil is supposed to be there in less than a week, and it will kill the only living US coral reef. I am sickened.


  • beksbks

    Hey JK!

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