Furor grows over Arizona's illegal immigration law

by Sam Whiskey 213 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    My considered opinion is that looking after the interests of our own citizens is the lesser evil. That is what we have contracted our government to do on our behalf. And individually, our duty towards those in our own country is of a higher priority towards fellow citizens than it is to foreigners.

    My individual brown skin must not be included as one of your "felow citizens" of high priority. Because my brown ass would not appreciate being pulled over on my way to work and I certainly don't consider my interests a "lesser evil."

    This law is bullcrap in that there are other things that can be done. People are acting like this is their one and only choice. When the obvious answer is to fine and put out of business any employer, contractor, day labor .... who puts illegals to work. This is the only HUMANE way to handle the problem. Without jobs, they have no incentive to uproot themselves and come in the first place. And then my husband can make what he deserves to make without the downward-wage-pressure.

    Anyone advocating anything less than this has an ulterior motive. Period.

  • bluesapphire

    If you assume that every singe Anglo supports the Bill (Which they don't --AZ is almost a dead 50/50 split between Liberals and Conservatives) and forget about African American, Native American, and Asian American segments of the population entirely, support for the Bill is still far higher than the Anglo population could sustain by itself.

    The problem is that we humans are selfish and lots of us ignorant. I can see the browns whose jobs have been taken away or payscales lowered being angry and in favor of this law. But little do they think about the fact they might not have their own citizenship had it not been for an anchor baby several generations removed back. Or the fact that this land was once Mexico itself. What you say doesn't surprise me. It still doesn't make it right.

    The right thing to do is to make it less attractive for illegals to come in the first place. Get rid of their access to jobs and make drugs legal. Problem solved.

    Instead of free welfare, we could provide people with the jobs left vacant that supposedly "no American will do". Heck! I think many out of work men would appreciate taking over the lawn routes left vacant if it were illegal to hire undocumented workers to even do day labor such as that. I don't believe this would be an inhumane or unconstitutional way of handling the problem. Corporatists wouldn't like it because they would now be forced to pay fair wages and left with no one to exploit (but I'm sure they'll find a way to do it).

    Democrats might not be thrilled with the prospect of losing some potential votes but then we should get on the ball and make labor what it once was: the foundation of the middle class.

  • JWoods
    and make drugs legal. Problem solved.

    Not sure how making drugs legal will stop illegal immigration - ?

    Also not sure how you identify EMPLOYERS of illegal aliens without first identifying the illegal aliens who work for them.

  • bluesapphire


    Isn't one of the motivations behind this law the claim that illegal aliens come across the border to supply the demand for illegal drugs? If we legalize drugs and funnel all the money wasted on the "War on Drugs" into rehabilitation, we would kill two birds with one stone.

    Secondly, for legitimate jobs, a person has to provide proof of legal status to work. There is already a system in place. It's a matter of enforcement.

    For day labor jobs, I will give you an example of how it would be done: I have a friend who works for the government, has high security clearance and is given polygraphs regularly. He will not allow ANYONE (Black, brown, yellow or white) to work on his yard unless they show him proof of their legal status to work. So this is not discriminatory because it applies to EVERYONE.

    If all citizens who wanted any work done were required to do what employers are required to do, the jobs would disappear and the incentive to be here illegally would be gone.

    So that dad of four who is here illegally and is making $8500 per month tax free by mowing lawns would be out of a job and guess what, now a legal resident or citizen can market their own service and make it grow, pay taxes, etc.

    That's what I'm talking about.

  • JWoods
    He will not allow ANYONE (Black, brown, yellow or white) to work on his yard unless they show him proof of their legal status to work. So this is not discriminatory because it applies to EVERYONE.

    So - if cops made everyone (black, brown, yellow, or white) to show them proof of legal status (when they had some interaction with them) - that is the same thing, right?

  • bluesapphire

    JWoods, yes. it would be the same thing. But pointless and expensive. This law is stupid and it isn't drafted the way you are phrasing this anyway. So your point is mute. The point of enforcement should be at the point of hiring. Not at the point of some whimsical stop by a cop. We have enough cops soaking up our budget as it is.

    What is wrong with anything else I am proposing? Isn't it a much better, humane, constitutional way of dealing with the problem? Why/why not?

  • misocup

    Good, I'm glad. It will push the issue. It is a serious problem!!!

    Last night I saw Michael Moore on Larry King. I'm usually a fan but something he said is ssoooo ridiculous! He said "illegal immigrants take the jobs that Americans don't want". SO NOT TRUE!!!

    My son has been looking for work for several months, trying anything just so he can pay the rent. Same with m daughter whose unemployment just ran out. Also, I've been out of work for 2 years. I've tried everything!

    To say Americans won't do what the illegals are doing is an obvious lie.


    They want to make all of the illegals already here legal so they can pay taxes, I say GREAT! As long as my brother in law from England can come over and be made legal at the same time.

    For him to do it legally it would take my husband to apply for citizenship (which would take several years), and then get my BIL on a waiting list. We estimate it would take 11 years for everything to go through.

    Also, I would like back all of the money my husband paid in order to be here legally.

    Go ahead, call me a racist I don't care. I'm so sick of the whining.

  • bluesapphire

    For him to do it legally it would take my husband to apply for citizenship (which would take several years)

    Once I finally decided to become a citizen it took 4 WHOLE MONTHS !!!

    And it only cost me $650 bucks.

    Check your facts.

    Besides, you don't have to be a citizen to sponsor a family member to come to the US.

  • dinah

    Why doesn't anyone worry about all the identity fraud that goes on with the illegals buying social security numbers?

    I know they have two sets of "papers". One to work, one to collect benefits from the state.

  • purplesofa

    Why doesn't anyone worry about all the identity fraud that goes on with the illegals buying social security numbers?


    Actually, I started a thread on this and it got no responses, seems most of our identity fraud comes from Puerto Rico and they are working to do something about it.


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