Furor grows over Arizona's illegal immigration law

by Sam Whiskey 213 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Undercover said - "If you're already pulled over for a simple traffic offense, or are being detained for any other proper reason, can't they check for your legal status? If so, why the need for new laws? If not, then I can see the new law.

    What I'm afraid of is being anywhere anytime and being stopped and asked to see your papers... very police state like..."

    What papers? Your drivers license? That doesn't sound like a Police state to me, just normal procedure. As I said, it appears most have not even read enough of the bill to know what it says.... Heresay doesn't count.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    leavingWT said - "Mexico Issues Travel Warning for Arizona


    Now that's refreshing! We've put Mexico on the spot and the onus is now on any Mexican that crosses the border illegally. What a hoot, it's about time..... On the other hand, if you try to cross the border illegally into Mexico, they'll haul your butt off to jail.

  • John Doe
  • villabolo

    Somebody, you can guess who, decided to resurrect two of my old threads. Not the best ones at that.

    So I thought I'd return the favor.

    In my not so humble opinion, I can understand the issue of not wanting to be flooded over by "aliens" who are out to feed off your land without your permission; make your life more miserable; and outpopulate you.

    That was sure was a major problem 400 years ago when a wave of illegal immigrants swept over this continent.

    Then there was that issue where Mexico allowed American immigrants to come into its nation. The American immigrants were not too thrilled when Mexico, ahead of them in moral issues, decided to ban slavery and exercise its sovereign rights and bring back property tax So, in gratitude the American immigrants, rebelled and their "independent" land, for white masters that is, was later annexed by the US.

    Soon after, the imperialists, with their sense of entitlement referred to as Manifest Destiny, also took over California and New Mexico.

    Now Mexicans are returning to their stolen land to relieve themselves of the impoverishment of their land. Of course, those with a sense of entitlement; as well as a total inability to connect the dots with other issues (That they are in denial of.) and thus see the big picture; arrogantly proclaim themselves superior to them by virtue of the fact that they can temporarily provide such desperate people with a "higher standard of living".

    By temporary I mean until the corporate economic ponzi scheme, Peak Oil, and Global Warming combine to lower everyone's standard of-what do they call it again?-ah yes, "living". Yes there will be plenty of "living" in those Desert cities of New Mexico, Arizona, California and let's not forget Nevada with its economically productive gambling casinos. Yes, leave up to Yankee "ingenuity" to build cities where you have to keep the air conditioner running day and night and suck up water from far and distant places that are running dry.

    In any case, how immoral it is for those tortilla chompers to go back, unarmed and in desperation, to the land that was stolen from them by the barrel of a gun. After all, Americans are entitled to rob and plunder. And who would dare call that illegal? It's God's will. Doesn't it say so on their coins. Then it must be so.

    The chickens come home to roost.


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