Furor grows over Arizona's illegal immigration law

by Sam Whiskey 213 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100


    This thread is freaking doomed.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Shamus, in one hand, I have a copy of Arizona's law, and in the other, a tazer.

    I have kissed you before monkey, its slobbery, sort of smells like a banana milkshake, and makes me feel like I have bathed at a downtown Dairy Queen.


  • shamus100

    Now kiss me!

  • Scott77

    "Immigrants across this country are coming here for a better life and to contribute to this nation socially and economically, and this law doesn't move in the direction that we should be, of recognizing immigrants for what their contributions," Liu said.

    The above represents my sentiment. The present lack of jobs for many is mainly attributed the big guys at Wall Street. They messed up the economy and everyone's lives. Do not blame the innocent immigrants for taking american jobs. Please, think about your grand parents. How did they come to the States? That is it.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Yeah, this thread is as doomed as a Sarah Palin Presidential run.

  • shamus100


    For chrissake! All monkeys vote for Palin. you silly noob! For god's sake, let the Mexicans in, give them free health-care, vote Palin, but above all, kiss the f*cking monkey.

    No but really,

    Come kiss me love...

  • misocup


    For him to do it legally it would take my husband to apply for citizenship (which would take several years)

    Once I finally decided to become a citizen it took 4 WHOLE MONTHS!!!

    And it only cost me $650 bucks.

    Check your facts.

    Besides, you don't have to be a citizen to sponsor a family member to come to the US.

    God you are soooo wrong! We had one of the best immigration lawyers in NY checking the facts for us. We know what we are doing.

  • misocup
    Please, think about your grand parents. How did they come to the States?

    My great-grandparents came through the docks on the east coast after being starved out of their own country, were treated like animals, worked as slaves to the rich, and lived in slums. But it was done LEGALLY. Too bad all countries don't share a border with the US.

    And in response to the comment above about letting the Mexicans in and giving them free health care... they already have it. Here in Colorado, they have Medicaid, paid by citizen tax dollars. But citizens don't have free health care.

    When my daughter needed public assistance after her ex left her and their 6 week old son, they told her they couldn't do anything for her because she isn't a minority.

    and to Sapphire, you make it sound so easy. Trust me, it is not. There are only a few green card numbers that come up each year for England, not nearly as many afforded to other countries. There is a "Diversity" program, that allows more flexibility to some countries.

    There is a definite preference when it comes to govt. assistance, and it is not in the favor of whites. Not racist, just fact. I doubt it happens all over the country but it really does happen here in the South West.

    To those of you who think that people can't get job ONLY because of the economy right now, you are WRONG! A siding company that my son worked for before the economic collapse went under because other companies came in and employed exclusively illegals. They are paid under the table about a hundred dollars a day cash. My son was making several hundred per job, but because of the illegals, they could bid the jobs lower and they'd win the contracts. That's the way it is in the construction industry. Everyone around here knows it.

    And it's NOT THE JOBS AMERICANS WON"T DO. What jobs are there that Americans won't do???

    Even now, several of the restaurants and drive thrus in the area employ mostly Spanish speaking Mexicans, maybe not illegals can't tell. I know that at my sons last job in the kitchen of a country club, it was common knowledge that the Mexicans in the kitchen were illegals. I bet they are still working there while my son is out of work.

  • misocup
    Yeah, just make sure you have all the right paperwork, for when your brown butt gets pulled over.

    Heres a hat for you...

  • BurnTheShips
    Yeah, just make sure you have all the right paperwork, for when your brown butt gets pulled over.

    The law doesn't authorize this! Why don't we deal with the facts, and leave the color of my ass out of it? It is probably whiter than yours anyway.

    Again. The law doesn't authorize the police to just pull someone over. There has to be a different reason for initiating contact, such as a traffic violation.


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