Do any of you still believe in 'Hellfire'? heh

by theMadJW 277 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • isaacaustin

    LOL true PSac. nice to see you, by the way.

  • PSacramento

    You too :)

  • Mary
    We put people in prison for three reasons:

    1. to deter bad behavior to the individual and others learning by example.
    2. to correct bad behavior, and ideally rehabilitate an individual
    3. to protect the innocents that this individual poses a continued threat toward.
    (if there is another reason, I welcome being informed of it)

    How about for punishment?

    3) locking a person into a place of eternal torment might protect the innocent from physical harm. But mental? There are many 'innocent' who would be tormented by the knowledge of such a place of tormented souls existing constantly outside of their paradise - especially if some of those within were loved ones. Myself included.

    True enough. My only thought is that perhaps the punishment is not 'eternal', only for a specific length of time. The Greek language is not like English and I know that certain words can have slightly different meanings. This would actually be a good question for our Resident Scholar, Leolaia: Can the idea of 'eternal' torment mean only for a specific length of time in the Greek language?

  • isaacaustin

    LOL Mary I misread this and thought you were saying we should consult "Scholar" on the Greek!! LOL hahahahaha

  • theMadJW

    "Wasting your breath on a troll Isaac...But thanks for the point"

    Mad Troll: Yes, Jesus and the Bible's teachings don't matter- only where you want to put a comma- or read into it.


  • Gerard
    That is why of ALL the False Dogmas of ALL Religion- it is the most obscene...It's purpose was to scare people to church, and to control them. -the MadJW

    So is armageddon for JWs.

  • mindmelda

    Witnesses can scare you with "eternal death" or Gehenna though or Armageddon and no paradise. Fear is a huge motivator. But, it shouldn't be a primary motivator for a God who defines himself as Love, don't cha think?

  • Chalam

    Love and fear are motivators IMHO.

    My father's love would motivate me mostly but also I would fear his judgement/punishment if I continually did something wrong.

    I came into the Kingdom more with the stick than the carrot. That said, I have learned to love the carrots on offer. Every once in a while we might get a rebuke or correction. I got one the other week from the Lord. I sulked for a bit but I thought about it and realised that it was given in love, to save me from my own poor choice.

    Father God is loving and also just. His justice is the second death. His love was to freely pardon those who choose and show them His abundant generousity instead.



  • mindmelda

    I wouldn't want fear to be my PRIMARY or first motivator in doing anything much, except maybe running from a serial killer.

    Which goes to show that not all fear is bad, as you say. Sometimes, it can save your life. Witnesses just get 99% stick is all. Makes some ex JWs allergic to sticks, just like anyone who is over exposed to something. *G*

  • Chalam

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