What is Truth?

by AK - Jeff 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    If one 'Googles' the phrase, you get 167,000,000 hits!

    'Bing' it, and you get 129,000,000 hits.

    Here is a sampling of opinion from just the first page of Google hits.

    1] Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D., teaches philosophy at Denver Seminary. Here is his 'take' on truth: http://www.leaderu.com/theology/groothuis-truth.html

    2] A fellow by the name of Matt Slick [interesting name in light of this topic] says in his Christian Apologist approach to the subject, in paragraph one:

    "What is truth?" is a very simple question. Of course, answering it isn't so simple. We can offer definitions like "Truth is that which conforms to reality, fact, or actuality." But this basic definition is not complete because its definition is open to interpretation and a wide variety of applications. What is reality? What is fact? What is actuality? How does perception effect truth? We could offer answers for each of these questions, but then we could again ask similar questions of those answers. I am reminded of the paradox of throwing a ball against a wall. It must get half way there, and then half way of the remaining distance, and then half of that distance, and so on. But, an infinite number of halves in this scenario never constitutes a whole. Therefore, it would seem that the ball would never reach the wall if we applied the conceptual truths of halves.


    3] A web-page entitled "Seek what is truth" extols the beauty of Yahweh in this manner:

    Welcome to Seek What Is Truth where my primary purpose is to bring praise and glory to Yahweh and His son Yahshua. You’ll find articles and studies on important subjects to believers striving to follow our Saviour’s example. My research and focus is on sound interpretation of scripture with emphasis on the original writings wherever possible. Also available are free mp3 downloads of original songs that have relevant messages for today’s believer.

    Yahweh “is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (He. 11:6) so spend some time here and I’m sure you’ll be rewarded. Time is running out, “Seek ye Yahweh while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isa 55:6).

    Paul stated, “He that is spiritual judgeth all things” (1Co. 2:15) he also wrote, “Prove all things” (1Th. 5:21) and “study to show thyself approved” (2Ti 2:15). So, never, under any circumstances take anything on this site as truth until you have, with your own effort and research, satisfactorily proven it is truth. And please feel free to contact me with questions, comments and advice, which I truly appreciate.


    4] Here is found a 20 page essay devoted to the matter: http://homepage.mac.com/ardeshir/ESSAY-WhatisTruth.pdf

    Besides these scattered ramblings, there are hundreds of articles, videos, archives, opinions related to the central question that has plagued mankind for centuries. Many of them take great liberty in explaining that 'truth' is imperative to our eternal future, extolling opinion regarding the intention of Pilate's words to that effect to Jesus, or ridiculing those who believe it possible to actually pin down 'truth'.

    It appears that one could literally spend a lifetime just reviewing the various opinions that are revealed with a simple search of this subject.

    It is amazing how many people seem to believe that 'truth' is just what they say it is - in spite of the struggle of great minds to come to grips with this question. Not to say that one or more of them might not be right about that. Someone surely has it right. Or do they?

    Would you care to express your opinion on this matter?

    To you; WHAT IS TRUTH?


  • PSacramento

    I have found that truth is subjective and as such, all we can ever do is express OUR truth and respect the truth of others.

    That said, NO truth is truth if it leads to harm another living creature in a malicious way.

    Truth is and always will be THE question for the ages, simply because it can change for time to time.

    There seems to be a fluidity to truth, if there IS a truth.

  • snowbird

    Truth is the antithesis of a lie.



  • quietlyleaving

    good question Jeff "what is truth" but I think it would need to be met by more question "who is asking?", "who is being asked?" and "what is the reason?"

    For example if a judge or lawyer is questioning a witness then of course he wants the plain facts as they happened, in order to arrive at the truth.

    If we asked a poet or an artist or a religious person these questions they would point to their inspiration and their deeds/work. Others may agree that they have caught "truth" in their deeds/work but different peoples perceptions and appreciations will vary. So in this case very often general consensus establishes" truth" and we have different groups with thier truth. However individuals may have their own truth which they live by too

    If science or mathematics was examining truth then of course they would deal only with what can be verified, observed or reproduced by experiment etc.

  • cantleave

    PSac - I knew you couldn't stay away forever!!!!!! That's the Truth.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Truth is the antithesis of a lie.

    Ok. But what if one believes the lie to be truth? Is it still truth?

    600 years ago a man is telling about how the sun rises in the east and sets in the west - a statement that can still be taken as truth depending on your point of reference. Another states that the sun is actually doing no such thing - the earth is moving not the sun.

    If one is telling what he believes to be truth, in other words not lying as far as he knows, yet it proves to be that he is completely wrong - was it still truth - at the time of his telling it he believed it to be the antithesis of a lie.

    So as the space/time worm moves, new 'knowledge' replaces old, does new truth reveal old truth to be lies? Or was it truth in the moment of space/time in which it was believed?


  • snowbird

    Yes. (kidding)

    Imo, Truth is that which is from time indefinite to time indefinite - notwithstanding what finite Man may believe or not believe.

    You know where I'm heading, don't you?

    YHWH - Truth/Yes

    The Evil One - Liar/No.



    Truth never changes only opinions change. Truth silently existed long before man appeared on earth and tried to represent everything with words and numbers. They are just symbols which are helpful in arriving at localised conclusions. They are not adequate in explaining the vast and deep truth of our universe and existence.

  • acolytes

    Truth" Is terrible"


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    That said, NO truth is truth if it leads to harm another living creature in a malicious way.

    Interesting comment here PSAC.

    But what of those who believe, just for instance, that 'truth' requires my eternal suffering in hell for not acceptance of their God? I assume here that most who would say such a thing, also accept as 'truth' that I have an a priori or eternal soul suitable for such everlasting torment by God. If truth is 'individual', then acceptance of the premise you above state as part of truth, then are not the two in conflict, making the argument unable to hold to the premises both? And if both cannot hold - that God will punish me, and that truth cannot lead to harm - then isn't the argument void?


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