If I was to go out and rape the best looking young virgin girl I could find.........

by ThomasCovenant 191 Replies latest members adult

  • snowbird

    Let's hope it wasn't like that, Dinah.

    Let's hope this was a just-in-case law!

    I believe the men of Israel were better than that.


  • bohm

    Superpunk: Man, I was thinking about such a post since page two, and damn im glad someone with a more sharp sence of humor than me beat me to making that post :-D.

    snowbird: Look. We can agree that the text state that if someone rapes a virgin, he and the virgin must marry and he cannot divorce her. If jewish law back then was anything like it is today that mean she cannot divorce him without him allowing it. Why is it not a more fair law if you punish the man (perhaps flog the bastard) and then give the virgin half of what he owns, and besides that not take any rights away from the virgin?

    Psychopats also existed back then. I am sure someone would have thought 50pieces of silver was a reasonable price for free sex with his dream woman, who insidently didnt want to fuck him because he was a creep precisely for that reason.

  • Quillsky

    PSacramento, my heart breaks for your attitude towards women. I hope you don't have daughters.

    Here is the thing, God did make Rape and sexual assault wrong, he made a commandment about it:

    Thou shall not covet anything of thy neighbour.

    That meant that taking what didn't belong to you, in this case an unlawful sexual act, was against the commandments of God.

    They just choose to ignore it and make up their own Laws about it.

    Do you truly believe you OWN the women, the BELONGINGS, in your family? Unbelievable, and all because you have a penis. What century do you live in?

  • snowbird
    Why is it not a more fair law if you punish the man (perhaps flog the bastard)

    I would submit that being forced to marry someone, knowing you can't ever divorce her, would be punishment enough.

    I'll bet it cooled the ardor of many a seducer.


  • bohm

    snowbird: Well, so your justification for the law is that you *hope* the men of israel, who did a lot of organized raping which is described in the bible, were better than raping women?

  • dinah
    I would submit that being forced to marry someone, knowing you can't ever divorce her would be punishment enough.

    Punishment for who? I say just cut his dick off. Oh! Can't do that! No more babies. Same with giving the woman half his stuff and letting her go. She might have a baby with another tribe. Can't have that. The Israelites were on a conquest to rule the world, with their God firmly in tow.

  • snowbird

    Oh, come on!

    They didn't rape those women!

    They took them to their homes, and after allowing them a sufficient mourning period, married them.

    Compassionate and practical, considering the times.


  • ThomasCovenant

    I cannot believe that some of my fellow humans are actually trying to stick up for this law.

    My explanation for people trying to justify it:

    Good people do good things, bad people do bad things, but only religion can cause good people to do bad things.

  • snowbird

    Punishment for the man, of course.

    "You wanted her so badly that you had to use force, huh?"

    "Guess what?"

    "You can have her for the rest of your life!

    "You can't EVER divorce her, even if she makes your life a living hell!"

    And, we women know just how to get under a man's skin, don't we?


  • dinah

    Sooo, you kill my mother and father and take me to your home. Then you allow me to mourn for a month, then I have to bear your children? And don't talk back or they can beat me with a stick no bigger than their thumb. Got it

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