If I was to go out and rape the best looking young virgin girl I could find.........

by ThomasCovenant 191 Replies latest members adult

  • snowbird

    He could - and did - do something about it. Read the account again!

    The man was required to marry whomever he raped/seduced because no other man would have wanted her. That requirement was compassionate as well as practical.

    Let's bring this a little closer to home, shall we?

    My paternal grandpa was sired by a White man; I don't know how old his mother was when this happened; my people wouldn't talk about it.

    Now, just suppose the law that would have required him to marry her was still in effect!

    You follow?


  • superpunk

    The man was required to marry whomever he raped/seduced because no other man would have wanted her. That requirement was compassionate as well as practical.

    You've got to be sh*tting me.

    If OT God wanted to do something about it, he could have told them something like this;

    "If you rape someone, I will kill you. I will cut off your balls, and I will effing kill you. Not only that, but I will miraculously restore the young girl's hymen, which you morons are ridiculously concerned with, and the rest of you will damn well treat her like a virgin, or I will kill you, too."

    In this isntance, God didn't even need to install a punishment. What he needed to do, since he was actually reportedly having direct contact with Israel - was to ADJUST THEIR THINKING ON THE MATTER. The issue is not even really rape - it's that your OT God did not see fit to see that his chosen people were treating each other with respect and dignity - instead he was making provisions for what they should do when they did NOT treat each other with respect and dignity. In so doing, OT God offers tacit approval of things like slavery and rape and women as property.

    A REAL God would have adjusted his people's thinking on the matter. He needed to "teach them how to fish" - as it were.

    And you cannot respond to this with the old chestnut that God was not going to interfere with the culture - you've already acknowledged that he did interfere when he made this nonsense law. The question is why he did not correct the ROOT of the problem, opting instead to treat the symptom as an impotent deity.

  • snowbird
    The issue is not even really rape - it's that your OT God did not see fit to see that his chosen people were treating each other with respect and dignity - instead he was making provisions for what they should do when they did NOT treat each other with respect and dignity. In so doing, OT God offers tacit approval of things like slavery and rape and women as property.

    What are you smoking?


  • PSacramento

    Here is the thing, God did make Rape and sexual assault wrong, he made a commandment about it:

    Thou shall not covet anything of thy neighbour.

    That meant that taking what didn't belong to you, in this case an unlawful sexual act, was against the commandments of God.

    They just choose to ignore it and make up their own Laws about it.

  • dinah
    "If you rape someone, I will kill you. I will cut off your balls, and I will effing kill you.

    I agree. He could have made that a law just as well. Which tells me the OT laws were man-made.

  • PSacramento
    I agree. He could have made that a law just as well. Which tells me the OT laws were man-made.

    The vast majority were and Jesus was very critical of the scribes because of that.

    The rest were inspired by God, supposedly.

  • snowbird

    From Deuteronomy 22 according to The Message Bible:

    23 -24 If a man comes upon a virgin in town, a girl who is engaged to another man, and sleeps with her, take both of them to the town gate and stone them until they die—the girl because she didn't yell out for help in the town and the man because he raped her, violating the fiancée of his neighbor. You must purge the evil from among you.

    25 -27 But if it was out in the country that the man found the engaged girl and grabbed and raped her, only the man is to die, the man who raped her. Don't do anything to the girl; she did nothing wrong. This is similar to the case of a man who comes across his neighbor out in the country and murders him; when the engaged girl yelled out for help, there was no one around to hear or help her.

    28 -29 When a man comes upon a virgin who has never been engaged and grabs and rapes her and they are found out, the man who raped her has to give her father fifty pieces of silver. He has to marry her because he took advantage of her. And he can never divorce her.

    How more clearer can this be?


  • PSacramento

    They were archaic laws for an ancient time, hardly enlightened, all the more "proof" they were man-made and there is nothing WORNG with that.

    They did the best they could with what they had for WHO they had to do it.

  • snowbird

    Each of us has our own take on that, shaped by our cultures and life experiences, of course.


  • dinah

    So if you are a terrified 12-year old girl who doesn't scream you get stoned to death by a bunch of other men. If you do scream you have to live with the bastard for the rest of your life.

    God is Great. God is Good.

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