God and Suffering

by AK - Jeff 322 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento
    Yes, I did. But all I saw was a fuzzy born-again testimonial, which IMO also is invalidated by your previous statement as outlined above, and I thought if posted about it twice it might become redundant.

    I've been called many things but "fuzzy and born again" is a first, LOL !

    I appreciate your honesty in the matter.

    Fair enough PSac. I respect your right to have faith. I am struggling with any faith at all these days. I am treading down the agnostic demarcation - but doing so soberly.

    I still struggle with my faith sometimes, nothing wrong with that.

    I do. Truth cannot contradict truth.

    The post was made in a kidding fashion, I though the big smiley face made that clear.

  • BurnTheShips

    Sorry, PSAC. We all struggle. Unamuno once said that faith without doubt is a dead faith.


  • Perry

    So Jeff,

    I find the Bible totally irrelevant and irrational in this discussion. It begins with a fairy-tale

    You place God in the title of your discussion, but then you discount the idea of God, "In the beginning God" ?? You place God as only a failry-tale construct and then attempt to shoot down or ignore this imaginary being....that's nuts. If he's imaginary....he doesn't need ignoring or shooting down.

    On the other hand, If you are going to assume the REALITY of God's existence, shouldn't you at least give all the theories a fair shake before you rely on the time honored tradition of most atheists/agnostics, ie. "Well, your argument is moot because he really doesn't exist anyway"?

    You listed a lot of stuff in your reply to me but none of it addressed the fundamental tenet of the biblical explanation (an explanation that billions of people hold to by the way) of reconciling a transcendent God with human suffering....which is the title of your thread I might add.

    See, I grew up thinking that God was terrible because my parents and their religion lied to me about the biblical explanation. They told me that they were good (righteous), and God permitted suffering so that he could tell if man could rule himself or not. Of course, this made God out to be a monster-mad-scientist-type who was looking at us like laboratory rats. It took years to figure out that both of the above assertions were wrong. My parents were not "good", and God wasn't performing experiments on us.

    I caused a lot of harm to myself and others imitating the God of that model. It was a world-view flying upside down. So, obviously I'm going to find rather offensive similar world-views like the one you put forth in your thread here where "God injects his children with a polio virus."

    The biblical world-view, that the WT goes to extreme lenghts to hide (and that you go to extreme lenghts to ignore I might add) is that man is at odds with his (righteous) Creator. We are by nature is enemy, we lie when we promise not to, we steal when we would prosecute another if they stole from us etc, etc., etc. As a result of this disconnection from this Source, we and this world are subject to the 2nd law of thermo-dynamics , decay.

    This basic premise is held by Judeo-Christian-Islamic models. So what is it about the basic premise above that you personally find intriniscally illogical?

    I find it unassailable. It is not necessary to assume its truthfulness. I would just really like to know if you have any intrinsic criticism that would support your consistent omission of a premise held by approximately 3 to 4 billion people?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Perry, as usual, you take the position that to discuss God in the abstract, or even the possibility of his existence, one must believe he exists first. Wrong. Fail.

    (small thought. Perry, why do I follow you around sometimes? Because you preach and act just like I did as a JW with your replacement beliefs. I apologize to you Perry because I am sure at times, I am a pain in your born again behind. I have no issues with your personal beliefs, just the lack of intellectual honesty that accompanies them when you discuss them with others. And before we start going "neener neener" at each other, I realize you feel the same about my beliefs.)

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes, Perry, God is mentioned in the title. That is KIND of the point, isn't it?

    The fact that your silly little document begins with the notion of God is not pertinent here. I care not from where your notion of God springs, Perry. God, in general, not just the God of the Bible is under consideration here.

    The issues apply of course to your particular idol in the sky. But not exclusively.

    My point - as I have attempted to make it in a dozen different way that you continue to ignore - is that God just flies about on a cloud watching people die and suffer and does not seem to give a FLYING SHIT!

    Clear now? Jesus Christ, it is simple, not complex. God drives by - looks down - sees suffering, death, pain, disaster. God drives on by waving his middle finger at the suffers below.

    Down below his faithful just continue to excuse him and smile waiting for the rapture.


  • leavingwt

    For superpunk and PSacramento. . .


  • BurnTheShips

    God drives by - looks down - sees suffering, death, pain, disaster. God drives on by waving his middle finger at the suffers below.
    Down below his faithful just continue to excuse him and smile waiting for the rapture.

    So, to summarize, in the Gospel According to AK-Jeff: God is an asshole, and His believers are trusting idiots. But maybe "idiots" is too soft a term. Naive rubes, that's probably a little closer. Am I getting warmer? We get smashed and beaten, whipped and torn limb from limb, but still we love the sky-daddy. I'm sorry, I meant sky-asshole. And "asshole" doesn't quite cut it either, right? We need to adorn the puckering orifice with a few festering hemmorhoids. Let's get Villabolo on this thread pronto, he has a way with words.

    I'd like to interject however, that this is how YOU see it AK-Jeff. If we are made in God's image, we are a reflection. But in a sense, God is like a mirror. The way we see Him is a reflection of our selves as well.

    Your angry verbiage suggests that there are deeper roots than a mere intellectual disagreement. Is God like an absent Father to you? Or even an abusive one? Like most of us, you had an abusive father, he spent most of his time on the Watchtower. He was the Watchtower. Our father that led us astray, and beat us for questioning him. Deep down inside, is there a little bit of envy in you of other children who weren't abused like we were, or if abused, reached beyond this dark father's clutches?


  • AllTimeJeff

    Why be mad at the emotions of AK Jeff and instead focus on the actions/inactions that is causing the being pissed off state?

  • BurnTheShips

    I'm not pissed off. And I've posted more than a little bit on this thread regarding issues outside of AK-Jeff.


  • AllTimeJeff

    I know BTS. My point is, sometimes the emotions of any debater here can obscure the arguments. I share many of AK Jeff's observations on the matter. (not all, many) and as such, his feelings are not the point per se.

    Your angry verbiage suggests that there are deeper roots than a mere intellectual disagreement. Is God like an absent Father to you? Or even an abusive one?

    I follow your reasoning, and it is an interesting counter argument, but it also suggests that the reasons for AK Jeffs (or mine for that matter) objection on how "god" potentially handles suffering is more of an emotional reaction then an objective observation on what AKJ has discussed. As if demanding accountablity from the god who wants/demands/asks for our worship is a bad thing.

    If AKJeff's points are "angry verbiage" that suggest deeper roots, to me, I have to say, that obscures the argument AKJeff presented and attempts a bit of armchair psychology to boot. Personally, I do not perceive what you do.

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