Christian Arrogance

by startingover 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    From my morning paper:

    Re: Bill O’Reilly’s Jan. 9 column, “Brit, Tiger, Buddha and good intentions”:

    O’Reilly tries to provide cover for the silly and unprofessional urging by Brit Hume that “Tiger turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world.”

    A supposed journalist advocating such simplistic religious conversion is an example of why Fox News is not a real news organization but a propaganda network. Turning to Jesus is the traditional Republican get-out-of-jail-free card and now, according to Hume, it makes you a hero!

    Christianity is the most manipulated religion in history demonstrated by the many factions, cults and denominations it has produced. It has been successfully interpreted to serve just about anyone’s needs, from justifying slavery to the right wing’s ability to completely ignore the primary doctrine of you are your brother’s keeper.

    I am willing to bet Hume is opposed to universal healthcare, and I would like to see him square that with the philosophies and teachings of Jesus.

    This is just another example of the hypocrisy of the religious right wing. It has no interest in the heart and soul and meaning of Christianity. It is just a doctrine the right wing uses to advance its philosophies so it can call anyone who opposes this point of view an enemy of God, much like al-Qaida.

  • BurnTheShips
    I am willing to bet Hume is opposed to universal healthcare, and I would like to see him square that with the philosophies and teachings of Jesus.

    It's easy to square. Jesus' philosophies and teachings are a personal ethic and way of life, not a blueprint for a political system.


  • BizzyBee
    Jesus' philosophies and teachings are a personal ethic and way of life, not a blueprint for a political system.

    Separating personal ethics from our political system certainly explains why our current way of life is threatened by rampant greed and corruption.

    But please explain, then, why the Christian-right meddles in political affairs: health-care, right-to-choose, education, medicine, marriage, sex, contraception, war, etc., etc.?

    The Christian-right is so hypocritical that it positively beggars belief.

  • Gregor

    Pardon if I am repeating someone else's post on this, but I can't resist the most obvious example which is the blind eye turned to situations like the current human tragedy in Haiti by a so called "all powerful" God/Jesus. Christians don't seem to see the inconsistency of praying to the Great Being to step in and give aid to those devasted by a disaster that should be child's play for Him to stop in the first place. Yes, I know all the pat answers, heard them trotted out by delusional Christians all the time. I wipe my ass with their smug explanations.

  • BurnTheShips
    Separating personal ethics from our political system certainly explains why our current way of life is threatened by rampant greed and corruption.

    No. Our political system putting it's tentacles into every aspect of our private lives is what causes the threat. Greed has always been there, and will always been there. But in trying to control what we shouldn't, we've breached a firewall, because those tentacles actually end up being a two way street, with power flowing in both directions. We end up replacing our non-political with political power and influence. The greed is still there, it is just not denominated in dollars, but in political power.

    But please explain, then, why the Christian-right meddles in political affairs: health-care, right-to-choose, education, medicine, marriage, sex, contraception, war, etc., etc.?

    Because politically, people act according to their opinions and principles. You might as well ask why the secular-right meddles in these same issues, or why the Christian-left (or secular-left) does as well.

    And it isn't meddling in any case, it is democracy. People vote their consciences.


  • snowbird

    Luke 23:26-31 As they led him off, they made Simon, a man from Cyrene who happened to be coming in from the countryside, carry the cross behind Jesus. A huge crowd of people followed, along with women weeping and carrying on. At one point Jesus turned to the women and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, don't cry for me. Cry for yourselves and for your children. The time is coming when they'll say, 'Lucky the women who never conceived! Lucky the wombs that never gave birth! Lucky the breasts that never gave milk!' Then they'll start calling to the mountains, 'Fall down on us!' calling to the hills, 'Cover us up!' If people do these things to a live, green tree, can you imagine what they'll do with deadwood?" MSG

    [I wipe my ass with their smug explanations.]

    Be sure to save some for later.

    It's getting closer.


  • BurnTheShips

    Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost. There's not much point in discussing with you anyway, Gregor. Your mind is made up, and your hand is ready to part your crack with anything that would be said.


  • BizzyBee

    Jesus' philosophies and teachings are a personal ethic and way of life, not a blueprint for a political system.

    Because politically, people act according to their opinions and principles.

    These two statements seem to contradict each other. Perhaps that is why the FF were so adamant about the separation of church and state.

    (And examples of the religious right wiping their collective bums on that principle have been documented here ad nauseam.)

  • Gregor

    Thanks for the quotation, Syl. Am I to understand that only non believers will be crushed under the mountains? Sounds familiar.

    I've got to get me one of them Monosodium Glutamate Translations.

  • PSacramento


    Jesus was referring to the upcoming destruction of Jerusalem, but even if he was referring to a "future time" we need to never forget that, as our saviour and Lord, Jesus and God want all to be saved and that it is not only what we believe but WHY, that we will be judged on.

    If there is an end and a judgment day I think many will be surprised as to who is saved and who isn't.

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