If God Truly Cared About People Wouldn't He DO SOMETHING By Now?

by minimus 392 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyGuy
    Happyguy, I think we have to just agree to disagree. You are never going to make me an athiest and I am never going to make you a Christian. You keep asking me the same Q which is why doesn't God do something and the answer I will continue to give is HE IS. The river worm problem can be easily solved if the water was cleaned before it is drunk.

    I'm not an atheist and am not trying to convince you to be an atheist, I'm asking a very straightforward moral question about your god.

    What is God doing for the blind children exactly?

    Again, the river blindness disease is not spread through drinking water, it is spread from the bite of the black fly. The water is not dirty, it is fast flowing river water. So, you continue to argue about something that you know nothing about.

    I think you need some courses in reading comprehension. You keep making the same idiotic statements.

  • lovelylil2

    "idiotic statements", so who continues to insult who? I think my BA in business Managment took care of my reading comprehension, but thanks for your concern.

    Just so you know I looked up information about "river blindness" and apparently the World Health Organization has the problem under control. Millions have been helped by this organization who distributes medication to help with black fly disease. Here is a link you may find interesting on the subject http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/onchocerciasis/factsht_onchocerciasis.htm

    Also if you google "Christians help with river blindness" you will find thousands of programs run by Christians who are giving their time and financial assistance to support programs that assist people with medications for river blindness. If you read my earlier posts you will see that one way God helps people today is by moving his Church to be active in the world. We are Ambassadors of Christ, The light of the world and we are sent out to do good to all people.

    Since you are not an athiest, maybe you can join efforts with some of these charities and God can work through you too?

  • HappyGuy


    Yes, the idiotic statements you made were that river blindness is spread by drinking unfiltered water. Absolutely not true. So, I guess your BA didn't help all that much.

    Oh I absolutely believe there is a god and I absolutely hate the mother fucker.

    The WHO has river blindness under control? Wow, they sure are delusional. Yes, they have helped a a few people after the fact, but the fact remains many millions more wil be infected and be blind.

    You still haven't addressed the question of why god doesn't do something about the problem. You just keep pushing responsbility off on other people.

    So, god looks down on the planet and sees millions of innocent people blinded by a worm and a fly that he created and his "Solution" is to send some holy rollers around with some salve?

    Is god on crack?

  • lovelylil2

    I gotcha Happy guy. You are right, I did not really know about this illness. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Maybe I can help in some way.

    According to the WHO, they have already helped millions of people by dispensing medication for this disease. Also there are many charities trying to help. I think more people should get involved because it is a shame that little children have to go blind for something that is totally preventable and that mankind has already invented medications to treat. By saying this I am not blaming Man for the problem but we can prevent this. This is a preventable problem if we put our resources together. God does not have to do anything about this specific problem because we can do it ourselves. That is what our responsibility is being made "Lord of the earth, and having everything in subjection under us" means.

    I guess I am not the type of Christians like the JWs anymore who sit by and wait, and wait and wait on God to come down here and solve all the ills of mankind. I believe WE have to solve many of the problems we have ourselves. To be a Christian to me means to be active in the world doing good for people. We do not sit idly back and give lip service only. As ambassadors of Christ he expects much of us and will ask an accounting when he returns. he will ask what we did "for the least of these my brothers", while he was gone. This means all people in the world. Did we give them when they were hungry, thirsty or in need in other ways? If not, then it is like we did the same to Christ.

    Nice talking with you. I have to go off to work now and will be busy this week for the holiday. Have a great one. Next time I will take my time reading the posts better. Lilly

  • startingover

    You know Lovelylil2, if the things you say about yourself are true, you really are a great person who is willing to do many things for others. I just don't understand where your belief in god or Jesus or the "church" you refer to really matters in that. Everything you talk about doing is something any non-believer could do. Really what connection is there with the things you do and with Jesus? Do you only do those things out of fear or are you a truly honest caring person?

  • HappyGuy


    Now I am really confused. First, you said that man caused the problem because of man's inability to govern himself properly. You stated that it was "dirty water" and "lack of a filtration system" that was causing the problem, it was not God's fault and God had no obligation to do anything.

    NOW you are saying that God is not obligated to do anything because man is fixing the problem?

    So, which is it, man caused the problem or man is fixing the problem? And if man is fixing the problem then that means that God created the problem (being the creator of the black fly and the worm that causes river blindness) and man is cleaning up after God?

    Either way your point is that God has no obligation to do anything.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Our inablility to know God's reason doesn't mean that He doesn't have one. It simply means that we don't know what it is. We would have to be God to know all possible reasons. My dog doesn't understand why I had him nuetered (testicular cancer) but that doesn't mean there was no reason. I know three blind Christians. They are content that God has a reason. They have a faith that God will make it right. People from Africa tend to understand that life is what it is. Funny how those doing the most whining come from rich western countries.

    God is love. That you want God to pay you off with life in paradise on earth is your hang up. That you wish to get your theology from Sir David Attenborough is your problem. You would do well to read works from people that have training in theology. This does not include crap from the WTS.

  • HappyGuy

    Mad Dawg, not sure who you are talking to or what you are talking about, as usual.

    God is love.

    That statement is not borne out by his actions. His continually allowing suffering that could easily be stopped to continue proves that God is NOT love.

    That you want God to pay you off with life in paradise on earth is your hang up.

    I don't want anything from anyone and I don't believe in the paradise earth fantasy.

    That you wish to get your theology from Sir David Attenborough is your problem.

    I have no idea who that is and I have my own spiritual path that did not come from any human or any book.

    You would do well to read works from people that have training in theology. This does not include crap from the WTS.

    I have read hundreds of books from all relgious paradigms. I have done scholarly research on many aspects of the Bible, God, religion, etc.

    I detest the WTBTS, I haven't read anything from them except to expose a lie they were trying to tell, in over 15 years.

  • lovelylil2


    I do not do good things out of fear. I do them from the goodness of my heart. I also do them because I do believe in Jesus and I take seriously that he said we must "Love our nieghbor as ourselves" and our neighbors really are the entire world.

    I agree that you do not have to be a Christian to do good for others. I admire people like the Dalai Lama as well as Ghandi. I do not feel God only approves of Christian people. The Bible is clear that God is not partial but accepts all those who are righteous and do what is good.

    Have a great Holiday. Lilly

    Mad Dawg,

    I enjoyed your comments.

  • minimus

    Sooooooo, as long as man is capable of fixing something, even if he hasn't 100% figured it out, it's man's problem, not God's.

    As a "loving" parent, if I saw my little uneducated child unknowingly walking into quicksand, would I bear responsibility if I just watched and figured, "this is preventable. Next time it will be learned why walking in quicksand is not good to do"?If the authorities heard the parent's response, they'd rightfully lock him up for failure to care for his child because he could have prevented it but simply did nothing.

    God sees horrible things happening and just watches it happen. He does nothing to lift a finger to help, nothing. And the proof is the result of misery and death.

    I say since we're created in his image we should do just as God does when he sees suffering----NOTHING!

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