
by SnakesInTheTower 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    And no comment about the elder being called in that evening for marital counseling and leaving at 4am, and claim ecclesiastical privilege because he didn't want to testify.

    Thanks for bringing this up as I commented on this on the thread Barbara posted. I would have thought this was important an important piece to the puzzle.

    It was mentioned more than once about the friend that died. If I remember correctly(from reading past articles), Isabelle was upset about finding out this friend died of AIDS and Kelly knew about it and had kept it secret and that was mentioned the reason for the elders visit.

    I guess the most damaging thing(IMO) was that the MIL immediately accusing him of killing Isabelle. That not only tells there was trouble in the marriage but that she thought he was capable of it.

    Also, the ten hours of interrogation. I would be pitching a fit to be at the scene, at my house with all this stuff going on, my spouse being removed, family to console, etc etc. As far as him showing emotion, when my brother committed suicide I did not have a major breakdown until after I got home from the funeral from out of town.

    I think the reporter being raised a JW is telling about how the story was presented. Thanks for that info.


  • Quandry

    What I found interesting was the phone call to 911-there has been a robbery-not get an ambulance here for my wife. When questioned, he said he asked his wife, "Are you o.k.?" What? With blood all around her?

    If my loved one was dead on the floor, a burglary would be the last thing I would care about! Also, as was stated, I would be frantic to get to my children, who would need consoling as their mother had been murdered! I would be insisting that they go and find the killer.

    So many things sounded so lame in his story.....he did not take any phone calls that morning....if the baby needed the formula, why buy it and then go have coffee instead of getting it right home...he just wanted witnesses to prove he was away from the house for awhile....

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    that guy gave me the creeps. He was obviously a man who was desperate, and he resorted to desperate measures

  • Saoirse

    Jarka is nothing but a liar and his crocodile tears made me sick.

    Who would call 911 after they found their wife murdered and then cry about a robbery? Any normal person would be concerned about the wife, not the stuff that was stolen. He only mentioned the dead wife as an afterthought. And I agree with purp, if my husband had been murdered I would have been completely flipping out and sobbing in the interrogation room. Not fidgeting and reading text messages!

    Did anyone else catch that he kept glancing to the left during most of the interview? Classic sign of a liar.

    I'd like to know more about the friend with AIDS. Was Jarka having an affair?

    It's such a shame that those young children lost their beautiful mother. I hope they are able to recover and are happy and being loved.

  • Mary

    I watched the interview last night and I couldn't believe how similiar it was to when Scott Peterson was interviewed about murdering Laci. The claims of loving their wives and how much they miss them, the coincidence that both husbands were the last to see their wives alive and went to elaborate ends to make it appear that they just happened to be out when someone murdered their wives. (Scott Peterson had actually phoned and left Laci a message on the phone after he had dumped her body to make it appear that he had no idea that she had gone 'missing'. Kelle Jarka stopped at Starbucks to buy him and his wife a coffee, knowing full well he had just killed her.) Both men came across as being completely devoid of compassion during the interviews and could turn the tears on and off at will during the trial. Both had the means, motive and opportunity, both were caught in lie upon lie and both mother in laws believed their daughter had been murdered by their husbands. Both men appeared to be the all-American boy next door. Both were clean cut, decent looking, with no criminal record or any hint of spousal abuse.

    It makes you wonder what the hell they were thinking of to pull something horrific like this. Neither of them stopped to think of what this would do to their wives' families and close friends over the next 30 or 40 years. They never stopped to think about anything, except their own selfishness.

    Hell they even look similar:

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Maybe his lying statement at the end of the trial was put forth to protect the face of the god's earthly organization.

    JWS are truly twisted fucked up psychotics on many levels, I've met a few who had little respect for governments

    of the land because they are of Satan's control and are soon to be destroyed.

  • littlebird

    Does anyone know if he's still in good standing, considering that there weren't two witnesses to his crime?

  • itsallgoodnow

    wow, that was interesting. the 911 call... wow. so, he already knew his wife was dead but in the first 30 seconds of the 911 call, he's only talking about the "burglary" and not mentioning his wife. and not a drop of blood on him... he didn't go to her, shake her, roll her over hoping she was still alive? please! and the laptops and the cash were still there, but the old desktop was gone? wow.

    it's like he knew how to cover up the blood evidence, but everything else, he was plain stupid.

    the life insurance policies taken out only a few months prior with only his prints and the money problems before that, the paint chips from the broken door on the car that he was supposedly driving at the time of the "break in", the carefully placed open drawers, the ... OMG... internet searches! wow.

    I watched this show with a witness family member who couldn't bring themselves to think that he did anything wrong. direct quote "she could have done those internet searches". yeah, and she's the one who's dead. right.

    Playing the devil's advocate though, when a murder like this is done by a Catholic or anyone else in an accepted mainstream religion, you don't hear the media mention the religion. If it's JW, mormon, or any type of "fringe" group, or Islamic or something, you hear about it. Maybe they were just using the "preacher man" spin to draw viewers, but you can't blame the religion for this happening. Really, how fair is that?

    I was just looking at a newpaper article from somewhere in that area where this crime took place, and there was a comment from a reader that seemed to point the finger at the religion, and I just have to say... that's really not fair, based on what I saw on the 20/20 show.

    Now, if the elders knew things and didn't come forward in the police investigation, that's another thing, but I don't know if that had been proven, and they didn't mention that side of the story on 20/20 last night. I wish 20/20 had discussed that, too, if there was an issue there.

  • Mary

    Ironically, I would not conclude that Kelle Jarka was guilty based on whether or not he cried immediately after he made the 911 call and when the police were there. If he were not guilty, there would be the horrific shock of finding your wife blungened to death like that and the tears might not come until later. The day my brother in law died, my sister did not cry, although her voice broke when we were all in the room with him. She was so horrified at the thought of him dying and was in such a deep state of shock that the tears would not come. However, there was no disguising the anguish, stress and horror on my sister's face and that's not something you can fake.

    After watching part of Kelle Jarka's interogation, nothing screamed "guilty" more than his demeanor. I mean, if I had just come home to find my beloved husband dead with his head bashed in, I would be absolutely hysterical and would have tried craddling his head and body to me, which means I would have gotten blood on me. Kelle Jarka apparently never touched his wife as there was no blood on him anywhere----a strange thing to do for a guy who's just discovered his wife laying in a pool of blood. What I found so weird is that during the interrogation, the cop is badgering him and Kelle just sits there like a dolt and says nothing---he just stares at the cop. His voice does not seem to be stressed at all, he does not appear to be horror-struck that his wife is dead---nothing. It's like a big zero there.

    What was really pathetic is that when the incriminating search engines on his computer showed that he had been searching for things like "how long does it take to suffocate" and ""how long does a life insurance policy need to be in effect to pay out" and "when to remarry after death", Kelle Jarka had the balls to say that must have been his wife who had googled these things, cause it wasn't him. Gee, I guess that means she must have been planning on murdering her husband----he just happened to beat her to the punch.

    Should be interesting to see if he actually gets disfellowshipped for this, or if the congregation will continue to support him.

  • ldrnomo

    I believe that the view the bORG takes of a situation like this is:

    If there are NOT two witnesses and he is not convicted by the courts then he remains in good standing unless he confesses to the elders. However (and I'm not totally sure of this) if he is convicted regardless of the circumstances IE: no witnesses then he will also be difellowshipped. The bORG honors the decision of the world's court in this situation.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong


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