what is best evidence against noah's flood?......

by oompa 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    From the other side ... according the WT:

    YHWH just needed to get rid of relatively small number of evildoers... he could just kill them instantly .... does it make sense for this simple reason to cause Flood and:

    • kill billions of innocent animals
    • destroy the previous perfect ecosystem (canape of watter on the sky... equal humidity and temperature....)
    • change living conditions on Earth - after flood animals became (temporarily) predators, people started eating meat and killing animals (temporarily)....
    • according to (older) WT - before flood all continents were conected... flood tore them apart ... YHWH will have to connect them back in New system
    • high mountains rose and thus changed the landscape totally... big parts of Earth will never be able to be used for living...
    • Due to Himalayas rising (result of flood according the WT) - earths wind circulation has changed... creating deserts in Africa ... causing hunger and suffering of millions... changing weather unfavourably in Asia
    • etc....

    Well Oompa, if you were an allmighty God with absolute power and and wisdom.... what way of getting rid of a bunch of evildoers would you choose????


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Where did all the water go?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    BTW - ok, there were not mountains tall as Himalayas before flood, so no need for 6 miles of watter to cover the complete surface of earth... well if it was just 1 mile to cover all before-flood mountains .... if that amount of watter was on the sky as a "canape"

    • you would see no stars on the sky at night (which were visible according Genesis)...
    • you would se basicly nothing... if you scuba dive just 100 ft down in the sea its basicly darkness there....



    Your my Bud.....And.....Your`re being Lazy..

    Figure out what it would take to run ..An Ark!!..

    It can`t be DONE!!

    Get back to me.........


  • darkl1ght3r

    OtWO said - "An earth covered with water does not explain the mountain ranges. Equal pressure on all the land pushing down does not cause some areas to massively push up, and they know the vast majority of mountains are not volcanic."

    Right you are my friend, AND a minor point our WT buddies forget can be summed up in one simple question: Which is heavier, rock or water? If you drop a rock in water... it sinks. The "flood geology" explanation relies on a reversal of this fact. Any "sciency" sounding hypothesis to rationalize it inevitably leads to the conclusion that God made the earth as a ticking time bomb to eventually destroy everything on it, i.e. he had to set everything up like dominoes to eventually knock it down. And that begs the question, why would God create man and then immediately put a "gun" to his head. (Ummmm because God is evil and violent?) But fortuantely theres no real science behind those fundie explanations for "flood geology" anyway so... yeah.

    Oh! And everyone who's interested in this topic should read the entire page(s) that Hopscotch linked to!!! Great stuff. The WT "responses" are classic.

  • JAVA

    Common sense tells us that it's a myth. However, "common sense" isn't so common with folks of "the Truth" or other sects. 2 + 2 = 7 because the Bible tells me so.

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist


    How would 2 very elderly people - Mr & Mrs Noah, their slightly younger 3 sons and respective wives have possibly been able to get down from the seriously high Turkish mountains that the massive wooden structure is said to have rested on? Today, only skilled climbers with ropes can do it! Most of the time the summits are covered in snow!

    If it would have been virtually impossible for them, without complex mountaineering equipment, how on earth would the animals have fared in their attempts to get down to the lowlands? Very little edible material is up there at that altitude.

    Also, any ark that came on Mt Ararat would still be there - decomposition wouldn't be fully over yet - after all it was said to be 4K years ago! Despite massive efforts and huge expense, none of the massive search parties wanting to find it has found any factual evidence of having done so.

    Apart from JWs, very few people believe it is a true story, meant to be taken literally.

    In fact, when I was a JW, I had a BS with a geology lecturer at Glasgow University, Scotland. He said to me that if the flood was true, the evidence all around us would be overwhelming, and every geology student would believe it happenned because it would be so self-evident that even amateur geologists, far less those studying the subject in depth would believe in it. I wrote to the WTS on the subject, looking for modern writings from eminent geologists. Imagine my shock, when all that I got back was a list of old WT and Awake! articles that I already was fully aware of! Why, oh why did I not realize that the reason they could not help me find reliable source material was because there is no evidence! However, I was only 18 at the time and my mind was more on other things...

  • Caedes

    I found taking a course in basic geology at school convinced me that the global flood of the bible was a myth. As lifelong humanist notes above, the geological evidence would be overwhelming if there had been a global flood, there is no evidence whatsoever.

    From a physics point of view the water canopy is impossible due to the pressures required to keep it in place.

  • doofdaddy

    Sounds crazy but what about fresh drinking water?

    The water would have been filthy with rotting plants and animals and brackish from sea water.

    Keeping the fresh water up to those animals would have been more than a full time job for all aboard just with the elephants.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is very often something in your area that you can use for a bit of cognitive dissonance.

    Is there a guided tour near you that visits animal parks or geological or historical sites that make the flood story look silly?

    I am lucky. NZ has Kiwis and Tuataras on the tourist trails. Never miss a chance to pop an awkward question into a conversation. Never expect an answer.



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