Wars, earthquakes and famines are not signs of the end

by Doug Mason 107 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    prophecies often have more than one fulfillment

  • Son of Man
    Son of Man

    Forget all of this nonsense about Matt 24 because at the very most, it only has application for the Jews and Jewish system that came to its end in 70 CE. Any further application is purely a fanciful trip of the human mind on mushrooms.

    Why don't you Fundy's just take a breath?

    Why would a man who condemned people (a generation actually) who sought signs as "wicked" and "twisted" and then turn around and provide just such a sign for a future generation?

    THE ALMIGHTY GOD is The Alpha and The Omega who has written a book about our beginning and our end. The end of the world as GOD sees it not as humans upon the earth teach. Many of the prophecies that Jesus gave us in the book of Revelations depicts mens wars. GOD is not going to destroy all that HE created and is why Jesus takes over the planet earth. Jesus is known as the savior of mankind, not the destroyer.

    What Jesus foretold in the book of Matthew spoke about the "final end" right before Jesus takes over the planet earth as King. So it does not refer to the time in 70 C.E. What Jesus foretold actually describes what occurred against those in the Middle East. They were put into prison, they hated one another, they were attacked by a nation claiming to be Christian therefore were hated on account of Jesus name. Readthe book of Matthew again and compare it to the facts surrounding the events in the Middle East. Read chapter 12 of Revelations and compare it to the same events as well. It will then make perfect sense as to the application of prophecies.......


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    what does T.F.D.S. stand for?

  • JimmyPage

    Thank you, Doug. A perspective on these scriptures that I had never thought of- because I wasn't allowed to think of it!

  • Farkel

    Right after Jesus mentioned all those so-called "sign" he told his followers to watch out and not be mislead. The end is not yet. He obviously mentioned those events to warn his followers not to be fooled into thinking they were significant.

    There have always been wars, earthquakes and famines. That was Jesus' point. However, the WT skews this to mean, "yeah, but he was talking about BIG wars, BIG earthquakes and BIG famines, not just ANY wars, earthquakes and famines. So look for BIG stuff because THAT means the end is coming real soon now(tm)."

    So those folks like dubs who are looking for the BIG wars and stuff are believers in the BIG LIE from the BIG WEENIES in Brooklyn.


  • MissingLink

    >> what does T.F.D.S. stand for?

    Turd, Fart, Diarrhea, Shit?

  • Dagney

    "The Faithful Discreet Slave" maybe?

  • Frank75


    I like how you quote what I wrote and yet make no attempt to refute the argument, but just plow ahead with your own version of doomsday prophecy.

    Why should we take your word that he meant this or that over the direct words of the man himself?; your own admitted master/Lord or whoever you claim Jesus to be?

    He said that a Generation that seeks for a sign is "Wicked" and the worse of the two I suppose "Twisted".

    Why then would a slave or follower of him seek/look/obsess for/over signs?

    If you don't know, then just say you don't know, no need to post more rhetoric.


  • Frank75

    prophecies often have more than one fulfillment


    That may be true, but you don't answer either question (or offer any proof of your assertion).

    1st ? is the above post

    The 2nd, since you are an expert on this ubber fulfillment of prophecy, is, Who then is the person/persons/group(s) being warned about in Luke 21:8 if not JW's?

    I am trying to avoid large words so you can just simply answer the question. (again I don't know will be an answer although disingenuous)


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    "[Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Therefore I cannot comment further as to what the multiple fulfillments may or may not be. An official rep would need to be the one to comment in the manner which you are seeking clarification.

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