How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??

by Lady Liberty 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie
    Another teaching that creates the same dissonance is the recognization that all non-jws who are not minors with one baptized jw parent, will be destroyed forever at Armageddon. jws dance around this one too.

    Could you elaborate on this please? I seem a little confused on this one. Is this scenario right:

    My daughter, who is just my daughter and not a witness nor a Christian in a sense that since she is only 3 is not of the age to make such a decision, grows up and chooses not to be a witness (or maybe not even a Christian for that matter, who knows). However, assuming my wife makes her goal of becoming baptized, my daughter will have at least one JW parent. My daughter (and I) will be destroyed at armageddon? Is this right?

    What this means garyneal, as long as your daughter is under the age of responsibility (a nebulous age in WT lore), she will be safe at Armageddon as long as your wife is a baptized jw in good standing. But if your daughter reaches that nebulous age, she is judged on her own "merit." That is why jw parents are blackmailed and told that if they leave the WTS, they are choosing eternal death for their minor children as well.

  • blondie

    *** w87 4/15 pp. 12-13 par. 12 Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism ***Should even youths consider baptism? Well, recall that Jehovah told the six armed men in the vision: "Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off—to a ruination. But to any man upon whom there is the mark do not go near." (Ezekiel 9:6) Of course, children too young to make a dedication would be protected by a parent’s "mark" if that parent is striving to bring the children up to love Jehovah and if they are obediently responding. (1 Corinthians 7:14) Yet, if a child is intelligent enough to make a personal decision and has reached the point where he "knows how to do what is right," do not presume that he will continue indefinitely under the merit of his parent’s "mark."—James 4:17.

    *** True Peace book chap. 15 p. 174 par. 25 Why Care About Other People? ***Another powerful reason for a believing parent to be loyal to God when faced with opposition is the children. God gives assurance that the young children of his devoted servants will be preserved through the coming "great tribulation." Even if only one parent is a servant of Jehovah, He counts such young children as "holy." (1 Corinthians 7:14) But if the parent were to "beg off" from doing the will of God, what then? Such parent would give up an approved standing before God not only for himself or herself but also for the young children. (Hebrews 12:25) What a tragic loss that would be!

  • AnnOMaly

    I knew it. I was a kid at the time. I remember in the '70s that the brothers giving the prayers used to finish prayers with 'In Jesus' name, our Mediator ...' and then at some point it was mentioned on the stage this was no longer an appropriate expression - only the 'anointed' could appropriately call Jesus their Mediator. I remember overhearing private discussions about the change, but I never understood its significance. Its significance or relevance in the grand scheme of things still went over my head (like 1919 and the 'generation' change) until I started to wake up from my spiritual coma.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Well Blondie, that seals up that salvation is based on merit I guess. No wonder I had no chance. Sheesh. W.Once

  • garyneal

    Blondie: All I have to say is, Wow... I guess Matthew 19:14 has been made null and void by this teaching. So what about the poor children born to two unbelieving parents?

  • blondie

    They are just little birdfood. Eternally.

  • JoJoJones

    I'm not sure, but it seems like the WTBTS taught us that Jesus didn't die for all mankind; He just died for the 144,000. Therefore, He was a mediator only for the annointed. Disgusting when you think that everyone who goes to the Memorial actually has a right to partake. EVERYONE. And all the 'rank and file' do is pass along the bread and wine like little sock puppets. That's not a religion. It's a sham!

  • JoJoJones

    Re: Chalam's post - - "For God so loved the world....." That is to say WORLD, which means everybody, not a limited number of people, but ALL people, all humankind whom God loves. Just some good old common sense should make this clear to Jehovah's Witnesses, if the WTBTS wasn't feeding the poor 'rank and file' a bunch of warped and twisted teachings. Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall.

  • recovering

    I found this out long after I left (read it in CoC ). My immediate question to this was, If Jesus is not our mediator, then why do JWs close prayer in Jesus name?

  • garyneal

    They are just little birdfood. Eternally.

    I guess I have no chance then and neither do my sisters and brother since none of our parents were witnesses. For that matter, my parents never really attended church either since my step-dad was kicked out of his old primitive baptist church for marrying my divorce mom back in 1979.

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