Insane Email From My JW Mother

by daniel-p 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p


    I want to say that you don't seem so angry at

    Jehovah anymore..& to that I cling. Weird, I get those exact same words from my Mom. "you don't seem angry at Jehovah. Yada, yada." Oh, and you are precious to Jah and the FDS. And Satan will get you if you don't return and be the spiritual head. Sorry, but this must be what they were learning at the Tuesday bookstudy. How to try to get your family back. Gag. I get those e-mails regularly.

    I don't know where she gets that I was once angry at Jehovah. Even if I was (before I stopped believing in him), I certainly never gave any indication to her about it. And about the whole Satan will try to destroy my marraige thing--what a bunch of malarky. So ironic, that it's the Society's own policies that break up marraiges.

  • VIII

    daniel-p, I have been getting similar things lately and then they turned to Armageddon and how it is the last days.

    I finally, just last week, told my Mom she sounded insane. I finally did it. She is still speaking to me and told me she is buying a new HDTV. The irony that is obviously being lost on her.

    I had to tell her that the ranting like the e-mail I posted a few days ago, here on JWN, is nuts. I probably won't get any for a few months, but, I know they'll start again. She can't help herself.

    The eerie thing is the wording is very similar to the words your Mom is using. Very eerie. They really are brainwashed with this stuff.

    As LWT told me, hang in there.

  • Kudra

    We can all read this and say, oh yeah, this is just what the JWs believe... but if you looks at it realistically it seems somewhat paranoid-delusional.

    Does your mom have a martyr complex? This letter seems to go miles beyond the normal paranoia of typical JWs who believe they are under siege from "the demons". (I feel bad for being rough on your mom!!)

  • Kudra

    The colors are pretty. I assume they are the originals- and you haven't done this ...creative highlighting?

  • babygirl75

    I have no doubt her love for you as well. I tried to follow it, From the outside it seems paranoid and confusing....Seems she thinks the Devil is attacking your family and causing you to think the way you are.

  • Halya

    I'm used to these kinds of letters too from someone who genuinely cares and really believes what she says is the 'truth'. It can be heart wrenching, knowing the pain that they are going through because of their own beliefs, yet not wanting to reinforce them in these beliefs. I am amazed that so many of us escape these kinds of beliefs - and I am not surprised that some who do, take years to adjust to a different way of thinking and living.

  • caliber

    All these letters from witness family have similar themes, bad things happen, but they are just individuals causing them and of course Satan. Deep seated fear and guilt are mixed in with their true love for you ! The love part is normal and real.. the other things are implanted by constant meeting attendance... that becomes their whole limited reality !

    This idea Satan is attacking is implanted...

    From the outside it seems paranoid and confusing....Seems she thinks the Devil is attacking your


    and causing you to think the way you are
  • VIII

    daniel-p, the marriage issue is interesting. I married a worldly and I regulary get questioned on how my marriage is doing.

    The questioning is in the form of "how is XYZ? Ok? Really? And you two and not having any issues in your marriage? That is so surprising given how long you are married. Every couple has issues. I am just so surprised. You can always tell me about anything. I am always here for you."

    This happens weekly and has for years.

    Now, given that she is a viper and out to break up my marriage, which I determined years ago, I wouldn't tell her if I were being poisened. I just wouldn't. I would figure it out and fix it on my own.

    She wants my marriage to fail so I can move in with her so she has someone to help her in her old age. Even me, a fader. She made that clear a few years ago.


    The angry at Jehovah issue comes up regarding any family disagreement. Recently, a relative who was DFd started saying she was physically abused as a child. Now my Mom is saying my cousin is saying that because she is *Angry at Jehovah*.

    Again, they must learn that catch phrase somewhere and use it to blame the victim and take away the victims ability to point the finger at the perp. Angry at Jehovah. Arrrggghhh. I hate that phrase.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    from a nonJW perspective it is insane. within the JW perspective what your mother says makes perfect sense.

    Within any cult, but especially within JWs, "Satan", the "Great Adversary" gets all the blame when things go wrong and "Jehovah", "Jesus", and "The Faithful and Discreet Slave" all get equal credit when everything goes well in the life of a cult member.

    What about that supposed "free will" the JWs claim to have? Under your mother's scenario, you are not at fault at all... "Satan" caused you to go astray. Isn't "Jehovah" supposed to be stronger than "Satan"? Why isn't "Jehovah" intervening?,..... oh, that's right..."he" is allowing the cult members to be tested as to fitness....oh wait.... can't "Jehovah" read the heart of an individual? Why all this need for ongoing testing in the Old System™ and that Final Test™ at the end of the Thousand Year Reign™? Why not just zap the bad apples now instead of waiting?...oh wait, the cult doesn't have control that way....never

    You will notice that "Jehovah", "Jesus" and "The Faithful and Discreet Slave" are all in quotation marks. I do that to differentiate fictional characters.

    Of know JWs system of beliefs and the resulting actions of its members is all insane, right?

    Snakes ()

  • beksbks

    Gosh Daniel, this makes me feel like crying. I'm sure the poor woman believes she's got the answer, but as another who does not believe in god or devil, it sounds just plain miserable. I'm so sorry you have to bear this.

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