No One Should Be Made to Choose…..LIES from July 09 Awake

by Hopscotch 216 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sammielee24

    Ahhh......but the 'out' that I always hear is exactly what they've put in the article "it instructs those who love God to obey God as ruler rather than men"..

    All JW's believe that the GB are not men but God. So they will obey first the GB in what they teach above what their family might wish.

    Second out is their statement "at times loyalty to God (WTS) may result in your making a decision that is unpopular with some family members". Although you may read the message of the article as not having to make a choice - the intent of the article is to simply reinforce decisions made by family members to shun and cut off their kin. In other words, it may be unpopular to shun your child, but your loyalty is first to God (WTS) and thus it is not a choice you have made - it is your loyalty to God (WTS) and that makes it okay. sammieswife.

  • Hopscotch

    Besty your emails to the in-laws were realy great. I just wish I had the opportunity to discuss this article with my father and brother and sister who decided to shun me 4 months ago because I said I was not going back to be a witness. They also shun my 18 year old son who was never baptised or even an unbaptised publisher because he discussed his lack of belief in God with my father. Password Protected I hope your email to your father has some good ramifications as well. Even if this article just makes a few more JWs wake up to the control of the WT organisation over their lives and the way it tears apart families to satisfy it's ulterior motives, then the article has been a good one. Hopscotch

  • onefootout

    Using this Awake article to try to get anyone who is a true believer to change their mind isn't going to happen. First of all, they would run to the body of elders with it and they would say there has been no change in the understanding of DF/DA. End of story. If you have a relative who is just looking for an excuse to associate, then it might work I suppose.

    Bring this article to any elder and I'm sure he would say, look at the context of the article and it is clear this is referring to people studying or interested in the "truth" and not DF people that have "rejected jehovah".................. sorry mini throw-up there.

    It is hypocritical in the extreme, I agree, and it is an excellent example if trying to prove the publications contradict themselves but won't gain much traction to get people to defy the elders and GB.

    I wish it weren't so.


  • StAnn

    I'm thinking of getting a copy and taking it to our "family reunion" that we hold every September. I think it would be wonderful to read this aloud to everyone in attendance, JDubs and us "worldlies" alike, so that the JDubs can reveal their true selves in front of all of the family. The JDubs might make excuses as to why they will still shun me for becoming Catholic but the non-Dub relatives won't be fooled. I think it is important that non-Dub relatives see that many Dubs shun their family because they enjoy it (mine certainly do) because you know they are always putting pressure on relatives to have a home "bible" study.

    You know, if I read this aloud, it will probably be the last family reunion I'm ever invited to....another bonus!

    St. Ann

  • Perry


    Please don't use the F word in conjunction with Jesus Christ. He is my best friend.

  • watson

    I don't know this Jesus fellow, but out of respect to those that do, I agree with Perry.

  • nicolaou
    Please don't use the F word in conjunction with Jesus Christ. He is my best friend.

    You know what? Out of respect for Simon I certainly will try to keep my language clean, out of respect for Simon I will try to avoid offending other posters. Simon created this place and out of respect for him I will abide by his rules.

    But you sir, need to get a life.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I don't like when people use profanity in reference to my imaginary friend, either. He's very sensitive.

  • passwordprotected

    If a JW were to say that this doesn't apply to them, then they're heading down the blind alley of "double standards". The words "no one" in the article are the catch-all.

    JW - "This doesn't apply to us."

    exJW - "So you don't have the right to have both your family or your beliefs?"

    JW - ""

    exJW - "And do you feel that you don't have the right to change your religion?"

    JW - "Why would I? I have the truth."

    exJW - "But the article shows scriptures that prove it's important that we all examine our religion and beliefs, are you saying a JW never has to do this?"

    JW - "We have the truth."

    exJW - "Fantastic. Can you have your exJW family members as well?

    JW - "Not if they've left."

    exJW - "So this is a double standard; it says no one should have to choose between their beliefs and their family. Does a new JW get told that they do in fact have to choose between their family and their beliefs? What are the Society trying to hide?"

  • passwordprotected

    Guys, do we need to turn this into another "bash Jesus" thread? It gets really boring and I'm sure there are internet forums set up for that very purpose.

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