Are we equal...?

by DannyBear 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    I've noticed that no one is bothering to answer the question I asked about Simon. Wassup with that?

  • SEAKEN2001


    thanks for your comments, I think. I am going to probably cross the line here and say you strike me as someone who is really pissed off that the WT has taken away your chance for notoriety. Could you get along if nobody gave a shit what you write or say and thought you an insufferable bore? I doubt it. But you seem to have no problem doling out the same treatment to others. Too bad. I hope you grow up someday.

    I agree with the poster who said that if we could get together face to face, in person, and see each other's facial expression and body language we probably wouldn't stay at odds. Maybe one day we'll meet and learn to get along. But at the moment your posts leave me wondering what the hell is wrong with you. You are obviously angry and hurt. I hope you find the healing you need. (Oops, sorry about slipping into touchy-feely stuff).

    And you are right. I knowingly used a pre-emptive clause. I was baiting you and I'm sorry. I slipped back into my intellectual persona for a few minutes. This flame war got me stirred up. Please forgive me. I will go back to following my "fluff" posts now.


  • AlanF

    Well, Sean, it appears that you're in no sense the intellectual you claimed. Actually you're the first example to appear of just what certain persons have complained about -- someone hooting about their own intellectualism. I really have to wonder how someone so accomplished is unable to see the irony of that. And of course, why the complainers have not jumped all over you for jumping right into the role they complain about.

    The shallowness of your horn tooting is illustrated by the complete lack of content of actual facts in your posts to back up your claims.

    As for being pissed off about lack of notoriety, you're a typical know-nothing armchair psychologist. I don't care anything about notoriety. In fact, quite soon I'm going to quit doing anything related to JWs altogether and concentrate on what I really like.


  • one

    shocking topic,

    I am very surprised that the quotes below are from FARKEL out this topic.

    Based on how he (and others) reacted to my first few post not having the FACTS he alwasy claim he has at hand.

    "I pray to God that you would never sit on a jury to adjudge me. You would convict on "implications" and "insinuations" instead of FACTS."

    "People who present arguments based upon emotion are almost always wrong. "

    "I have a very low tolerance level for people who always talk around an issue and claim that proof exists, but won't produce it in the extremely simple fashion ..."

  • one

    I dont think there are any lawyers on this board.

    Nor many with debating abilities.

    But some of us get into debates just to get burn.

    Debating requires skills most of us dont have, or need. More so on written debates...

    Are you here only to debate or what?

    Is so much so called debate (fights)scaring some to joint the board, i was.

  • Prisca

    To Tina and Julie,

    I originally said:

    Name calling is something that is normally associated with kindergartens, not discussion boards comprising of people who are supposed to be adults.


    where in that sentence do I indicate that I never name-call?

    I said name-calling is "usually" associated with kindergartens. This was in reply to AlanF's assertion that name-calling was a 'realistic' part of discussion boards.

    This discussion board is primarily comprised of adults who have left the WTS. Unfortunately, sometimes the discussions degenerate into childish name-calling. Such as tina's calling me "Pricka" (as if that name is supposed to mean anything?).

    And yes, I have name-called, regretfully so.

    However, in my original statement, I was making a simple observation, and stating my opinion, that name-calling is something associated with immaturity, not with rational adults.

    However, with amazing predictability, AlanF, Tina and Julie, used a simple sentence to attack the messenger, rather than pay any attention to the actual statement. We don't even know if they actually agree or disagree with it, do we? Instead, they used it as another excuse to jump down my throat.

    It's rather pathetic, really.

  • VeniceIT

    "It's rather pathetic, really."

    Ya this entire thread is really!!!! I can't belive your all still ogin on about it. Can't someone be the 'better' poster and let it go, move on!!!! PLEASE this is not helping anyone or anything. Maybe we need to start a screechin board here too!!! hahah ohh well take care everyone and don't have a stroke ok!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • one


    Why dont you reate a section for those who like or need to 'fight.?

    anytime a topic develops into a 'fight' , it is moved tothat section.

    a subsection for active fights or something like that, get the idea?

    We sometime start reading a innocent topic to find out it gets nowhere but a fight.

    also what about voting to delete posters, whole topics, specific posts etc

    I know, more work for you, cant you delegate?

  • Julie

    Ah Sweet Simple Prisca,

    Honey, I never said you claimed you "never called names" and I know you never made those claims yourself. I was merely pointing out to you that, if you ascribe a certain label to a certain kind of behavior, than participate in that behavior, why then the ascribed label is applicable. Kinda tricky I know, but I'm tryin' to type it nice and slow for you here....

    As to Alan saying something about name-calling being "realistic" in such a place as this DB, think for a moment here dear. What is the discussion? Generally religious matters and occassionally politics, other various emotional matters. Sure plenty try to use facts to build arguments etc. but the basis of most disucssions here are HOT BUTTON TOPICS. I know in a perfect world everyone would discuss all topics without emotion, quite rationally etc. But when you get into topics that are so deep within someone, emotion is bound to slip in, hence emotional behavior.

    (I disagree with the poster here claiming most here don't have debating skills, we all have the ability, it's whether we make the effort)

    It's all so simple I am almost surprised you missed it Prisca. Almost.


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