Are we equal...?

by DannyBear 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    When an employer resorts to comments like 'who sign's your check?' or 'are you biting the hand that feed's you?', it is normally due to some perceived or overt violation of loyalty, or simply to shut the employee up regarding the subject matter at hand.

    I don't like the tactic, because it is rarely used in a one on one situaltion, but generally in the ear shot of other's, to squelch the matter. It is a power based, control technique. It usually works.

    Here on for any poster to even suggest that certain 'worthy', or 'accomplished ', tenured participants deserve special consideration, is restricting and trampling on other's free will and spirit. For an author to ascribe his works, as worthy of such recognition, is pure absurdity. Common sense, not to mention the vast diversity in thinking, should assure any writer, that not everyone will agree with his/her conclusion's on any given matter.

    This assinine position, would promote the idea that because someone offered an opinion that held up to be true in the past, is no longer subject to review or critique for current stands. Complete hogwash.

    There is also an attitude displayed by those who have adopted this course of 'power' and 'control', they believe that because they offer an answer or explanation for their particular stance, that anyone who does not accept their answer, as gospel, as the end of the matter, is thick, or unable to reason. Again the heighth of arrogance and conceit.

    One man's answer is another's question. These self induldged writer's just assume, that what they say has more weight than the next guy, this to me is where most of these threads, get sidetracked.

    The 'power' poster thinks he has addressed the question or issue, it is a done deal. Even if he/she thinks she has just responded with the most literate and sound reply...the reader may not. In fact the reader may see the response as a flame or putdown, of the readers idea.

    Until everyone can disagree, can point out the reason's, without being utterly destroyed, by name calling, condescending remarks, or ridicule of their thinking process, things will never improve. It is a stale mate, even if the power broker's don't see it.

    I used to feel indebted to a religious organization of men, who considered that their 'shit didn't stink' in comparison with other religious men. I realized very early on, after shedding the need to be a 'follower', that no man or group is worthy of 'power' and 'control' over what is truth and what is not. I don't give a good god damn, how long they spent researching, studying, publishing, spreading the 'good news'....they deserve no more no less respect, than the next guy.

    I hear and see more truth comming out of real everyday life experiences, from people who have nothing to gain, or prove to me...than I ever have in reading some 'high minded' self appointed, 'feed you at the appointed time' teacher. The truth they(real life) teach me, is a pill a whole lot easier to swallow, to boot.

    Don't toot your own horn at me. Don't expect me to roll over because you say it's so. Don't threaten me with 'taking your toy's' and leaving. You whoever that think your special or deserving of some special consideration.....think again...little man/woman....your no different than the rest of us. Equal is a very simple concept, when discussing matter's of the spirit and faith. That is what we talk about the most, isn't it? If so, equality and respect is not an option, it is a right.


  • Naeblis

    Now, why did this deserve another thread? Why am I here? Or posting? Hmm. The questions that plague me.

  • rekless

    long winded post bore me... just give me the reference and I will look it up.

    I like small firm breast that points to heaven....

  • AlanF

    A chain of reasoning dies if its main premise is false. Your post, DannyBear, is largely wrongheaded because your main premise is false:

    : Here on for any poster to even suggest that certain 'worthy', or 'accomplished ', tenured participants deserve special consideration, is restricting and trampling on other's free will and spirit. For an author to ascribe his works, as worthy of such recognition, is pure absurdity.

    Your premise is false because no one I am aware of has suggested that anyone deserves special consideration, nor am I aware of anyone who has described his own works as worthy of special recognition.

    You could show that your premise is true by giving several examples of each claim you make in the premise. But you can't, and so, while you make some good points, your post is mostly a long-winded red herring. The last part of it is whining.


  • Prisca

    AlanF, your comments to Dannybear are completely laughable. Your eletist comments from the other day show how much you consider some posters here to be more "worthy" than others. Not to mention your consistant put-downs and personal insults to those you disagree with.

    Dannybear, great post. I agree completely - no poster here is any better or more "worthy" than another. Even ones like Fred Hall and You Know. We seem to forget that there are actually humans making these posts. People who live and breathe and share the same planet as us. Whether we agree or disagree with their viewpoints, dignity and respect for others is a goal worthy of achieving.

  • larc

    Ladies and Gentleman,

    As far as I am concerned, each person's merit is based on their posts. Even with a history of good posts, all of us are only as good as our last post. Now, if you are interested in how I have been posting lately, you can look at my posts to You Know on economic theory. I did not attack him as an idividual. I attacked his ideas. Do you have a problem with that? Do my comments represent some kind of power position or some kind of elitism? If so, please show how and why. I get tired of people complaining about the thoughtful comments of others, as if good ideas and complex thoughts represent some kind of elitism.

  • Prisca


    "Good ideas and complex thoughts" an elitist do not make.

    It is their attitude towards their own posts/research/essays and how this makes them worthy of more respect/honor/prestige than others on this board.

    Sure Kent, Norm, Jan, and Alan have written and researched alot. That's great. But that doesn't make them any more worthy of respect than the sngle mothers on this board who are struggling to raise their children alone whilst dealing with post-Borg issues. Or the ones who have lost parents at a young age, and were raised by relatives. Not everyone has the time/money/interest to enable them to do what the above-mentioned guys have done.

    AlanF's comments in recent threads show how much he regards his friends and himself above other posters. I'm surprised if it's not glaringly obvious to everyone.

  • radar


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • ISP

    At the end of the day a persons view is their view. If someone disagrees you can state your view. You can present evidence that supports your view. Anything on top of that such as insults is unnecessary and you can draw your own conclusions from those who do that.


  • larc


    I have not read the recent AlanF debate, because I choose not to. If he has been aragant and unfeeling towards others, then shame on him. The same applies to Kent. I don't think you should include Norm in this group of people, because I don't see him behaving in a mean spirited way towards others. Perhaps I missed it.

    Now regarding those who have gone through bad times, I am sure you have read my words of sympathy and comfort towards them. I have operated on two fronts as it were. I have dealt with complex issues and I have given words of sympathy towards those that suffer. I just don't like the implication that if someone writes something that is complex, that somehow they are an elitist. Perhaps, I am sensitive to this issue, because I have had to deal with it in my personal life. I have a PhD in Organizational Psychology, so what is the favorite game at the local bar, where all I want to do is sip a cold beer and shoot the shit - bring down the professor. I have been there and dealt with it on more than one occasion, not every day mind you, but often enough to get on my nerves.

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