Are we equal...?

by DannyBear 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I have to admit that I watched this one develop and I too, like many others, have noticed a certain recurring trend when a thread becomes challenging and provoking on a personal level.

    Basically, there are still "active" skeletons luriking in among the closets of certain members in this forum. When the occasion presents itself, and the iron is "hot", they strike for past and present. In an effort to bring someone down a few notches and put people in their place, the words begin dropping like bombs with each one hoping to land a "daisy cutter" right on target and do damage.

    Then, once the digital hostilities have begun, in come the "cheeleaders" and sports fans each endorsing and defending their favorite "warrior" as he/she battles in cyberspace. It is very comical and cliquish, like american high school.

    The fact is that everyone alive, no matter how much or how little education or experience they may possess, has something to contribute. Everyone has either a job or a hobby or an interest or something for which they carry a fair amount of working knowledge and ability. Even a janitor posting here could probably go on and on about cleaning techniques, cleaning experiences, etc.

    In other words, at any time, anyone could appear as an expert in this forum, if they are posting from their strengths, despite education. A lawyer posting here could easily take liberties with those unfamiliar with the law, and then become a member of the "elite". Right? Sound familiar? Those of us in information technology could do the same, and those of us in the medical field and so on and so forth..

    The point is not to feel provoked unless a personal attack is launched. There are no elitists, or illuminati, or regis comitatum. Let me tell you, face to face, if we were all up front, close together and personal, most of this inferiority complex and insecurity would eliminate itself almost immediately. Once you examine people's body language, physical features, appearance and gestures, your opinions tend to change and vacillate anyway.

    Basically, everybody grow up. Nobody knows everything about anything, no matter how much education or how much experience or how long they have been alive. Compared to the planet itself or the universe, we are nothing. There is always someone smarter, faster, better-looking, etc.. GET OVER IT!

  • joelbear

    We all start out equal. We debase ourselves when we treat others badly.


  • Tina

    Hi Xena,
    When I said there are plenty of posts to prove what alan said I was refering to his words here to Pricka;
    " once again the fact that you engage in name calling regularly but condemn others who do the same is proof of your hypocrisy'

    Sorry if the way I wrote it caused confusion.I was ADdressing that post to Pricka. hugs,T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • teejay


    It's a pity that I missed such a rousing discussion here. I happened to go to Dallas over the weekend to join in the celebration of my oldest sister's fiftieth birthday. Halfa century. Last time I looked up, I'd-a swore she was nineteen. Where'd all the years go???

    Hell, they made me eat barbeque, cake, cookies... drink daiquiris, dance with the kiddies and otherwise bore myself to death. I wonder why I even went. It's so much better to be here, and by Wednesday I expect to return to my full form of's Number One Shit Stirrer.

    While I regain my footing, I'd comment on your original post but so many of the points I'd make have already been made, and since we've battled together over many of these same issues a time or two, it's likely that most of the folks 'round heyah already know most of what I'd say anyway.

    I did find something deeply troubling, however, and wondered if you (or somebody... ANYbody) might help me. On the first page of this thread, I was shocked to read that Simon, our Prince of a host, actually agreed with the general thrust of your observations. To be honest, it's been bothering me all day. Most puzzling to me that he would go and do something like that. Puzzling, indeed.

    What I was wondering was... how can I put this... well... since Simon agreed with you, does this mean that Simon is a moron? Or has the mind of a five-year-old? I sure hope that's not what it means.

    Can someone help me?

    Later, bro,

    Btw... in case you missed it, in another thread one AlanF agreed with everything I said in one of my posts. Hot damn... things are looking up for me mightily. Hell, if I keep at it, with Herculean effort and a bit of patience, in a year or two I may be found at the height of accomplishment, rubbing shoulders with the likes of kent, norm... shucks, who knows? Even the renowned JanH!!! I'm giddy even with the thought of it.

    If I work real hard I might even earn the designation "credible." Nah... I'm being presumptuous now -- gotta keep my head. When/if I get up there, though, I'll remember all you peons, umm, I mean lesser posters. I promise...

    I won't forget where I'm from.

  • Billygoat
    I happened to go to Dallas over the weekend to join in the celebration of my oldest sister's fiftieth birthday.

    And you didn't tell any of us??? What - are you too good of an apostate for the rest of us Dallas-ites???


  • teejay

    Sorry, Andi.

    Went right by Pappadeaux's and thought of you guys, though. Had plans already -- my big sister's b/day. I may be back this weekend... don't know yet. The weather will have a lot to do with it. Rained all weekend long,eh?, but it was good seeing my sis and her family again.


  • Billygoat


    If you happen to be in town NEXT weekend, let us know. You can join us for a bite and a toast! I hope you have a good trip here.

    Merry Christmas!


  • SixofNine
    I did find something deeply troubling, however, and wondered if you (or somebody... ANYbody) might help me. On the first page of this thread, I was shocked to read that Simon, our Prince of a host, actually agreed with the general thrust of your observations. To be honest, it's been bothering me all day. Most puzzling to me that he would go and do something like that. Puzzling, indeed.

    What I was wondering was... how can I put this... well... since Simon agreed with you, does this mean that Simon is a moron? Or has the mind of a five-year-old? I sure hope that's not what it means.

    Can someone help me?

    No. Couldn't wait till wednesday, eh?

  • hillary_step


    Btw... in case you missed it, in another thread one AlanF agreed with everything I said in one of my posts. Hot damn.

    lol - You see Teejay, even Alan The Elite can lose concentration sometimes!.

    Kindest regards -- HS

  • SEAKEN2001

    Hey Teejay, knock it off with all that "fluff" posting will ya? <g> How do you expect to get to the top by sharing such touchy-feely stuff?

    Anybody else see the humor in this rediculous go around?


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