Should women be allowed to have 14 kids without job?

by sammielee24 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah
    No comment

    My best friend swears one day I'll be in the middle of the street waving a toilet brush screaming........

    Actually, that may have been yesterday.

  • Gregor

    I think fertility clinics should have some responsibilty in checking the circumstances of a woman asking for their services. This particular case is over the top. A woman they knew had 6 babies already is implanted with 8 In-vitro (fertilized in a test tube) eggs. They should have their license revoked and penalties imposed if the law allows. I feel sorry for the 14 children. I hope someone raises them with love as individuals, not a litter of piglets.

  • Priest73
    My best friend swears one day I'll be in the middle of the street waving a toilet brush screaming........ Actually, that may have been yesterday.

    I can't remember yesterday. Today it rained.

  • purplesofa

    Eight babies are a ‘horror show’
    Sunday Times Foreign DeskPublished: Feb 01, 2009

    US public outraged over fertility treatment for mother of six. Anger and confusion was growing in the US this weekend over the birth of octuplets to a single mother of six who had undergone fertility treatment.

    The birth of the eight babies — six boys and two girls — on Monday in California was initially welcomed amid the economic gloom in the US. But sentiment started turning against the mother — identified by ABC News as 33-year-old Nadya Doud — when it was discovered that she has six other children, aged seven, six, five, three and two-year-old twins.

    Yesterday, the tide had turned completely after further revelations that:

  • Doud had had all her children via assisted reproduction, and that all of them appear to have been born out of wedlock;

  • Doud and her children live with her parents, Ed and Angela Suleman, in a three-bedroom, 144m² house; and

  • The family filed for bankruptcy just more than 18 months ago, claiming nearly 1-million in liabilities, which increases the chance that they are living on hand-outs from the government.

    Unconfirmed rumours also suggested that Doud had used a student loan or taxpayers’ money to fund the fertility treatment using donor sperm. But UK tabloid The Sun reported this week that Doud, a psychiatric nurse, worked at a fertility clinic, where it suggested she had received the treatment.

    The case has raised ethical flags among fertility doctors, who fear that it will bring assisted reproduction into disrepute. Michael Tucker, scientific director of Georgia Reproductive Specialists, told CBS the revelation that they were as a result of fertility treatment had left him “stunned”.

    “This kind of multiple plethora excess of babies is too much of a good thing, ” he said.

    Ordinary Americans are also sceptical. While some believe the birth of only the second set of octuplets in the world is a cause for celebration, most regard it as a “horror show” and questioned why a young mother of six had received fertility treatment. The policy in the US is to transfer a maximum three embryos into a woman under the age of 35.

    The distaste was growing as a steady feed of new revelations contrived to keep the news on the front pages.

    In a report, ABC revealed that Doud “had had all 14 of her kids out of wedlock” and questioned whether her family had the ability to raise them.

    It said while Doud had been married to a Marcos Gutierrez, with whom she lived from 1996 to January 2000, their divorce document indicated there were “no children of the marriage”. The couple divorced in January 2008, although Doud moved in with her parents in 2000.

    ABC also revealed that Doud appeared to have had all 14 children using assisted reproduction. Quoting a neighbour identified only as Sally, it reported that Sally said Doud had told her that her six older children were all conceived through artificial means.

    This appeared to be backed up by one LA Times website contributor, who claimed her children were at the same school as Doud’s. She said Doud had never concealed the fact that she had resorted to fertility treatment for all her children, using the same sperm donor.

    The LA Times reported yesterday that court records had shown that the Suleman family had a history of financial problems, including “a bankruptcy, tax liens and a foreclosure”.

    To help support the family, Doud’s father works in Iraq as a contractor, where he is said to earn at least 100000 annually.

    The LA Times had first fanned the flames on Thursday when it reported that Angela Suleman had revealed her daughter had had fertility treatment, although she had never expected all eight embryos “to take”.

    Suleman said her daughter had decided not to reduce the number of embryos when she found out she was carrying eight babies.

    “What do you suggest she should have done? She refused to have them killed. That is a very painful thing,” Suleman said.

    In the only statement she has issued, Doud and her family requested privacy.

    “We understand that you are all curious about the arrival of the octuplets. Please know, in our own time, we will share additional details about this miraculous experience,” the statement said. “ My family and I are ecstatic about their arrival. We thank all of you for the positive thoughts, prayers and generosity.”

    But why, Americans are asking themselves, did a mother of six undergo fertility treatment? Was it selfishness, stupidity or naivety? Although Doud has not answered the question, the most cynical believe that it is to cash in on the public’s fascination with multiple births.

    from another article

    Nadya Suleman’s father is Edward “Ed” Suleman. Ed Suleman has returned to his homeland, Iraq, to work as a contractor, to earn money for the large family. Nadya’s mother, Angela Suleman, stays in her house with Nadya and her 14 children.

    another article

  • llbh

    My parents were both from large families, one 11 and the other 13, all my Uncles were as i know ok, it was not uncommon to have big families then i would feel very upset if such opprobrium were heaped upon them

    Some, like my dad , performed their patriotic duty.

    If this woman is, as one professional person here put it a "nut job" (quaint term don't you think) , by putting her under such scrutiny are we helping or villifying her?

    There are hundreds of children dying for lack of food or water every day, some are being killed in wars, sadly way too many. So why is this woman and her family being exposed to so much publicity?

    There seems to be the whiff of eugenics in the histrionics of some .

    Regards David

  • loosie

    Last I heard she was flipping through the various book deals and movie offers. So I guess she won't need public aid if the movie deal goes through.

    But look at Kate plus eight. She has her family on a reality show. and the show 17 and counting, I guess you can have a reality show for being extreme in any sense.

  • independent_tre

    Well, well, well, it turns out this nutjob,... excuse me... whack job, no wait...this poor woman whose actions do not deserve the least bit of public scrutiny, was smarter than at first glance. Turns out her family has hired a PR firm to handle all the publicity. YAYY!! Exploitation of the reproductive process at its finest.....

    Octuplets' mom hires PR agency

    February 3, 2009

    LOS ANGELES -- The mother of the longest-living octuplets in the U.S. is being deluged with offers for book deals, TV shows and other business proposals, her new spokeswoman said Monday.

    Hundreds of requests have been made since Nadya Suleman gave birth to six boys and two girls a week ago, said Joann Killeen, president of Killeen Furtney Group, a public relations company.

    "She's the most sought after mom in the world right now," Killeen said. "Everyone wants to talk to her."

    Suleman, a 33-year-old single mother, already had six children, ages 2 to 7, when she gave birth to her octuplets on Jan. 26.


    And when her 15 minutes of fame runs out, I wonder who'll foot the bill for all the clothing, feeding and medical care that these children will need? Sorry, right now there's no "father" figure to come in, hold up his right hand and pledge allegiance to raising these kids. And as far as all the starving children in the world, its true they are the ones that deserve our compassion. If sympathy for her is what's being sought, I suggest checking in the dictionary between sh!t and syphilis. You won't find any here.

  • llbh

    Idependent- Tre or is that ire ? Do you not see the irony here, you a professional railing against this person. Do you have a misogynist agenda btw?

    The contradictions( or is it contractions) in the rationale you espouse is a wonder to behold.


  • llbh

    Idependent- Tre or is that ire ? Do you not see the irony here, you a professional railing against this person. Do you have a misogynist agenda btw?

    The contradictions( or is it contractions) in the rationale you espouse is a wonder to behold.


  • BizzyBee

    Another sad instance of medical technology getting way ahead of medical ethics. Like Terry Schiavo. No one wants to take on the responsibility for these really tough choices, because it would infringe on someone's freedoms.

    Without the advances in technology this wouldn't be a discussion. The scientific community should develop some ethical guidelines for the dispensing of this type of medicine. Who is going to say "Five is enough"? Or 8? Or 12? Who is going to pick that number? I hope that our next Surgeon General is willing to address medical ethics - it is long overdue. With dwindling resources and baby boomers hitting old age at the same time, how can we not give some thought to triage, as uncomfortable as the notion is?

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