Should women be allowed to have 14 kids without job?

by sammielee24 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Plastic surgery? Noooooooooooooo And we are paying for the brood?????!!!!!

  • sammielee24

    Since I only get a few local television shows now I happened across Dr Phil while having my cuppa. He was discussing this topic and had her PR lady on.

    He admitted himself that she is unstable...clearly unstable. He also had on that woman from a show called Kate and ? where they have 8 kids and that woman said she could barely survive the first year and she had 50 volunteers, a husband and lots of support. She said she is concerned about Suleman. The other issue was the responsibility of the doctor. They showed the mothers house where all the kids are living and the reporter who did the story said there is no way that the family can contiue to live in that house.

    I am not sure what is going to happen - you'll notice that all of the major donors to these sort of events are not coming forward to offer diapers, forumula, housing, vans, clothes and other stuff they will need.

    I went to the website and saw the pictures of the babies and they are so tiny, so cute. I hope that when all is said and done, whether or not they even end up living with the mother, that they are loved by whomever raises them. I also hope that the child welfare looks into the living situation, the financial situation and that the mother is forced to go to therapy of some sort to figure out her issues. Phil did a good comparision. There are strict rules for people wanting to adopt - they assess your relationships, your finances, your education, your background - people who want to be foster parents face the same type of questioning before they are allowed to raise kids...if you want to run a day care for 14 kids you have to have a specific number of assistants, first aid etc. It was interesting....even though I don't like Phil and don't usually watch was timely.


  • purplesofa

    When I saw the photos of the house they were already living in, I saw nothing in preparation for even one baby coming home.

    She knew she was having more than one baby for months!!!

    I just don't understand.

    The cost of formula for my grand daughter for one month has been around $160.00.

  • beksbks

    they need to call Salma Hayek!

  • purplesofa


    Oh and as far as the plastic surgery goes, I don't know if she did or not, but I don't think she is attractive. She does not have that sparkle at all women have when they first have a baby.

    She does look like she is trying to look like Angelina Jolie,

    I find her mouth very irritating,

    but I find Renee Zellwiger's look she has, like she just smelled shit, a bit irritating too!!!

  • beksbks

    Hehe Purps, I still say we need to hang out!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    She does look like she is trying to look like Angelina Jolie,
    I find her mouth very irritating,

    Oh come on. Those lips are hot!

  • purplesofa

    Her lips don't even move right when she talks. She is gonna wind up looking like Cher instead of Angelina if she is not careful.

    This thread has discussed a really serious issue and the whole situation has bothered me on alot of levels.

    I was glad to have a laugh.

  • beksbks

    Purps I was thinking the same thing, this thread has run the gamut. There must be literally millions of kids out there that could do with a Purps, but that can't be. All we can do is care, and today, have a laugh.

  • purplesofa

    This is another thing about this whole issue, the kids already don't have a father, what is she thinking? She goes to work and they lose a mother too. Working will be a vacation compared to being home caring for 14 kids. No matter how much you love them.

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