Should women be allowed to have 14 kids without job?

by sammielee24 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • independent_tre

    Hi Independent_ Tre, you brought up the subject of how hard it is to watch young children being taken into care whose parents are irresponsible and drug addicts, in post 198. Thus you joined the two together, not me.

    Um, no it was you.

    You can not have it both ways, if this woman is ill she needs support, if not who are we to criticise her life choices?

    The hell I can't. Ever heard of constructive criticism?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    That is my opinion Doe. If you find my opinion condescending and judgmental, so be it.

    Let me demonstrate why your zero population growth model is both naive and overly simplified. You say "one person, one child." Yes, in a vacuum, that would result in stable population. However, we do not live in a vacuum.

    First of all, a percentage of people never reach child bearing years. Of those who reach child bearing years, a certain percentage are not fertile. However, even of those who reach child bearing years and are fertile, a large percentage choose either to have no kids or have one kid. Furthermore, the ratio of men to women is not equal. A quick check of available stats reveals a 49% men to 51% women world population. Because of these factors, for your "one person, one child" kick to result in stable population, not only would you have to encourage some people to have less kids than they want, you would have to encourage some people who either don't want kids or are not good parent material to have more kids than they want.

    Now, if by some miracle you get the vast majority of people to follow your proscribed life choices and shoot for one person, one kid, you're going to have a decreasing population. The factors mentioned in the preceding paragraph will result in a progressively increasing attrition rate for the human race. As there are fewer of the younger generation to care for the older generation, you will start to have quality of life problems.

    With this in mind, one child one person is a useless ideology. The only useful numbers are averages. As I've demonstrated, the number of children per family in the US is less than two. Outliers have no affect on the law of averages when you're speaking of world populations. Your disgust for large families would be as equally misplaced if it were directed at those who choose not to have children, since they also do not fit into your proscribed mold.

  • llbh

    Like i said Beks my mum and dad were both part of similarly large families that were alive and being reared between the 2 world wars, and with no welfare at all. They dida good job from what i can see.

    We know little about this person.

    We have nothing to offer this family but to speculate, well that should help.

    BTW Independant_ ire hope you are enjoying your fade, i would not worry about the local congo finding you; you have given little away.

    My congo has not found me here, and i am easy to identify every time i post here

    Regards David

  • llbh

    Oh Dave, Dave, Dave... what would you like me to do? Hold her figurative hand and say "There, there, Hon....It's okay. Have as many babies as you like. Why not shoot for 20!" Who are we to condemn this Frankenstein-ish bastardization of medical technology?

    Maybe my "ire" if you will, comes from having to look square in the face of irresponsible parenting.

    And you know what? The eyes on that face are usually closed and it's the most beautiful face in the world because that face is only a day old. The triage nurse has called me up to find out what to do with this beautiful face, cause Mom is a drug addict, and all 7 or 8 of her other children are all in state custody and she has since checked out AMA and has left the hospital, no name, no nothing. And dropped this child into the world as if it were yesterdays news. Do you know what it's like to have to place a 2 day old infant in foster care? Do you know what it's like to see a child come in to the emergency room because of abuse or neglect suffered at the hands of mothers ( and fathers) too caught up in there own issues to properly care for a child? Come do my job, 40 hours a week. Then maybe you can begin to comprehend real "ire".

    These are your words not mine.

    btw why do you express ire here?


  • independent_tre

    Did you read my words? If so can you highlight where I said "drug addicted mothers make drug addicted children"?

    BTW Independant_ ire hope you are enjoying your fade, i would not worry about the local congo finding you; you have given little away.

    My congo has not found me here, and i am easy to identify every time i post here

    I don't know about that. There are spies everywhere, I tells ya!! **Sister Tre dons her undercover glasses**

  • sammielee24

    She did a television interview today - she said she had a dysfunctional family and childhood and wanted the kids because she wanted some sort of fullfillment for that. Apparently she was also on disability benefits for a back injury for the past 6 years......being pregnant puts a strain on your back so that must have really hurt!..ouch! sammieswife.

    Octuplet mom got more than $165K in disability

    By SHAYA TAYEFE MOHAJER – 1 hour ago

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — A California agency says it paid the mother of newborn octuplets more than $165,000 in disability payments for an on-the-job back injury. The payments made over six years to Nadya Suleman were disclosed Thursday to The Associated Press following a public records request to the Department of Mental Health. The payments were made between 2002 and 2008, during which time the single mother gave birth to most of her six other children.

    Suleman, who gave birth to the octuplets last week, was employed at a state mental health hospital from 1997 until December, when she resigned the position. Records show that for much of that time, however, she was unable to work.

  • sammielee24

    Octuplet Mom Filed Workers Compensation Claims

    Nadya Suleman Filed a Workplace Injury Claim Against a Hospital

    Feb. 5, 2009

    A California woman who recently gave birth to octuplets got $167,000 in disability payments over several years after she was injured in 1999 while employed as a psychiatric technician at a state mental hospital, records show.

    Records from the California Department of Industrial Relations show that Nadya Suleman, 33, injured her lower back during what was described as a "riot" at the Metropolitan State Hospital, a mental hospital in Norwalk, Calif., where she worked from 1997 until Nov. 2008.

    While Suleman attempted to restrain a patient, another patient knocked a wooden desk onto her back, the records say. She said her injuries were exacerbated by a 2001 auto accident and by her pregnancy.

    She received disability payments until at least August 2008. Her employer stopped her payments in July 2001 -- but she appealed to a workers' compensation appeals board, which ruled in 2002 that she was, in fact, temporarily disabled, and the payments resumed.

    Suleman also told doctors that she experienced depression as a result of the injury and was prescribed anti-depressants, the records say.

    Questions and controversy have swirled around Suleman since she gave birth to the octuplets Jan. 26.

    Suleman, who was released from the hospital today, had six other children before giving birth to the octuplets. Her mother has said that all 14 children were conceived through in vitro fertilization, all from the same donor.

    It was unclear if Suleman is currently employed and some have questioned her ability to pay for the cost of caring for 14 children. Her mother, Angela Suleman, filed for bankruptcy in March 2008.

    A Metropolitan hospital spokesman declined to comment on Suleman's employment or her reasons for leaving, citing medical privacy laws. A California Department of Mental Health spokeswoman also declined to comment.

    The father of the octuplets has not yet been identified. Birth records reviewed by the Associated Press listed David Solomon as the father of Suleman's four oldest children. It is not clear what relationship, if any, he may have to Suleman.

  • beksbks
    Now, if by some miracle you get the vast majority of people to follow your proscribed life choices and shoot for one person, one kid, you're going to have a decreasing population.

    And? Sounds good to me. As I said above, Religions and Tribes need higher numbers of offspring to dominate. Beyond that, it can only be good for world population to decrease.

    GET OFF MY ASS DOE! Harass someone else for a while silly.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    GET OFF MY ASS DOE! Harass someone else for a while silly.

    Truth hurts, huh beks.

    If population decrease is what you're calling for, then how can you feel justified in looking down on others when you have kids yourself? I guess you should be looking up to me, huh. lol

  • beksbks

    If by truth you mean the stranglehold you've had on me and my posts for the last two days, yea dude, it hurts. Now back off before I get really CRAZY. Are you in to nut butter?

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