Horrible conduct by congregation Elders at my cousin's funeral.............

by RULES & REGULATIONS 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • momzcrazy

    That is just disgusting! No way in hell I would have put up with that treatment.

    If anyone had tried that at my dad's funeral I would have shocked everyone by kicking the asshole elders out the door.

    Please tell your cousin's son I am sorry that he was unable to pay his respects to his MOTHER like everyone else.

    Who the hell gave them the right to do that? Ooh, this infuriates me.

    My mom is still in. Her DA'd daughter (me), her DF's lesbian daughter and her never baptized son WILL be sitting in front and holding our heads high. I pity anyone who will tell us different.

    Crazy mofo's.

  • sammielee24

    I think when you're in the moment it can be a bit overwhelming and somewhat confusing as old feelings seem to resurface and the old witness behaviour bubble around underneath. When we drove 2,000 miles to go to a brother in laws funeral, we were handed an envelope with a note in it telling us that we were not welcome to visit the family etc. We were shunned and some family members, so as not to even be in the same room as us, stood behind doors until after we would leave a room. Obviously we left and drove back home.

    Now - a few years later, we would act much differently but at the time, it was emotional and raw and the JW's stuck together and stood firm in their group shun. Small minded people with an obvious lack of compassion, able only to puff themselves up in self righteous superiority by acting as some morally elite group all the while exhibiting a distinctly amoral behaviour. sammieswife.

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore


  • cameo-d

    First they take your mind, then they take your heart.

    These people are no longer human; they see lack of feelings, emotion, and affection as a step toward their perfection.

    I am so sad for your cousin's child. I am sending a big hug.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    good lord ... how the hell did we join this shit of a religion :(

  • oompa

    just....just so...............................oompa

  • Honesty

    Evil people abound everywhere in that cult.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    It's interesting that in light of how we derided the first century Jewish religious leaders, we were much more like them than we ever immagined. This kind of legalistic behavior is a textbook example of how the Pharisees engaged with people.

    What amazes me about this conduct is that there was a time in my life when I thought that this behavior was appropriate ("just being obedient to Jehovah"). I can even recall behaving in this manner toward disfellowshipped people. I certainly feel that I have some amends to make in my life.

  • Trying2understand

    This story breaks my heart. I wish that I could just give him a huge hug.

  • carla

    just heartbreaking.

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