Horrible conduct by congregation Elders at my cousin's funeral.............

by RULES & REGULATIONS 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    What right do they have over the deceased's family? Totally unbelievable.

    Who else could go into someone else's house and dictate rules to them?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What I find saddest is that he let them.

    The Borg middle management is in for a HUGE surprise if they try pushing me around when any relative of mine passes away.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    All I can say is this is heartbreaking without an iota of love or simple manners. Jesus said Woe to You,Pharisees and Hypocrites. Something about worse judgment than the actual evil doer. What would Jesus do? It is my favorite saying.

  • WontLeave

    I don't understand why more conscious or ex-JWs (they tend to turn up at funerals, weddings, etc.) don't just look at elders who act like that, chuckle, and say - very openly and publicly - "Isn't that cute? You actually think you matter." And if they persist, punch them in their obnoxious, ignorant, janitor faces. Why does nobody at least intercede on the behalf of the bereaved or emotionally weak? The entire religion is made up of sociopaths and their doormat counterparts. Anyone who isn't either of those groups, leaves ASAP.

    As someone who has seen the man behind the curtain, is aware of the history, understands the mentallity, and knows enough about human psychology to comprehend the motivations and reasons, I can confidently say I would smack the entire governing body in their collective heads if I ever witnessed behavior like I hear about. Perhaps the jackal keeps his head down when he knows he's in the presence of a tiger, because I never see that kind of crap happen. I wish I did, because it would be the last time that elder ever acted out. I know they damned sure don't try that shit with me and I've laughed at elders and called them Pharisees to their stupid, angry, red faces. It must be frustrating to a sociopath to know he's powerless. I can't even get them to DF me, when I openly reject their stupid magazines and the golden calf they call "the faithful and discreet slave".

  • daringhart13


    God reading your experience makes me want to beat the living s**t out of someone.

    I'm so sorry for your loss....... your poor family should never be subjected to such life altering hate.

  • Violia

    mean- spirited evil bastards

  • screwface

    Man thats crazy how they treated him, i feel real bad that it happened. And these are the same m----f-----s preaching about love and jehovah and all that crap. I hate how they treat people that dont fit in line with there perfect witness syndrome. This makes me angry and violent, but imma try to stay calm. smh......

  • LongHairGal

    R&R: This may be a two-year old thread but nothing has changed with the way JWs act when there is a funeral for a JW and there are disfellowshipped relatives around. If it is a public place, maybe they can get away with their shunning routine even though it is in very poor taste. But, when you are in somebody's house that is entirely different. I would be tempted to kick somebody you-know-where if they thought they would disrespect me on my OWN property!

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