Blood Issue took my mom last night

by rwagoner 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber


    Sorry about your mother first off ..... then to add I feel your frustration and angry all due to WT. mind control

    Wt. is not just considered another religion of choice.. but the God assigned theocratic government

    ruling the earth even now ! Each one must in the end decide if their source of power and personal choice

    will come from internal source or external ! Try to find peace in the fact that years of indoctrination really

    leave but one choice for many honest and trusting souls ! .....Once again so sorry !


  • Blueblades

    It's heartbreaking . They have Blood On The Altar. They have many wrongful deaths to answer for.

    We are so sorry for the pain and the loss you are suffering


  • Robdar

    Adapted and edited from the Jewish Prayer book:

    El Maleh Rachamin

    God, full of compassion, El maleh rachamin, You are the righteous judge of the living and the dead. We would pray that the soul of our loved one who we remember today might be kept in Your presence among those who are holy and pure, whose light shines in the firmament. Father of mercy, bring her under the shelter of Your wings and let her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life. Be her possession and may her rest be forever peaceful. Grant perfect rest to her soul, who has passed to her eternal dwelling place. O Heavenly Father, may our memory of her be without bitterness. May You bring us comfort in our remembrance of her, and may our remembrance inspire us to serve You better. The Lord being her heritage, may she rest in peace.

    My condolences to you on the loss of your mother.


  • digderidoo

    I am so sorry


  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.

    I know the pain you are feeling. I lost my mother in 1995 because of refusing a transfusion. She needed an operation and during which there was a lot of bleeding. My family and I stood by for a day and half watching her slowly pass away. She most likely would be here today if she had had a transfusion at the time. I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself for her death. I wish I had the information then that I have now about the Society and their teachings. I was the one that my mother chose to make decisions for her when she could not. So, I was the one who told the doctors no blood. It pains me that I was so foolish. Many good people have lost their lives because of this horrible religion.

  • Marjorie

    Oh rwagoner, I'm so sorry. Yet another family destroyed by the evil Watchtowerite cult. And all because of their pathological need to be controversial and different (i.e. "holy").

    Do whatever you have to in order to honor and remember her . Do Not let them take over the memorial service .It should be a time for your family not a congregation meeting .
    I hope you and your family can take ahold of the funeral services, this way it will truely be about your mother and not the JW agenda.

    Good advice from Tiffy and J-Walking.

    Don't let the cultists banish you to the sidelines, so that they can have free rein to brandish your mother's remains like some perverse trophy.

  • Snoozy

    I would still wear a suit to the memorial...a uniform is something you wear for your job. I really think it would be showing disrespect for your Mom wearing it. If it were a military funeral I would say yes, If it were a friend on the force, I would say yes, but from what I hear I think the motives for wearing the uniform are wrong..I still say No.

    This is your mom's memorial not a chance to get back at the witnesses ..

    I am not saying you should not be proud of your uniform, what I am saying is there is a time and place for everything and a loved ones memorial is not a good time to try and make a statement..It is saying good-by to a loved one. It is about them.........................

    Snoozy..who realizes everyone has their own opinion but remember the uniform does not make you who you are...your Mom knew that.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Sorry about your loss and how it came about. Its good that you'll have close companions there for you at least.

  • skeeter1

    I am so sorry.


    ..Sorry about your loss................."I am tempted to wear my Police Dress Uniform complete with flags and firearms".....Good for you!..Do it!..Show them you take Pride in who you are!..Most of them,will never amount to much............................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

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