How Many Are From The South (USA)?

by snowbird 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think
    my children are from Blindia.

    hehe, FA. I like your new word. Kinda like my mix except with some portugese.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Do you speak with a Southern accent?

    Yes, I am southern. I speak with a milder southern accent, until I get on the phone with a southerner. Then it cranks into high gear.

    Are you White or Black?

    I'm white. I can tell you though, southern blacks do have southern accents. They are black southern accents, but they are southern all the same. How do I know? Because I live in Michigan and when I get a southern black on the phone, through a call center, I can tell right away they sound southern.



    You're welcome.

  • Robdar

    I'm caucasian and am originally from AL. The only time I have an accent is when I am angry or sweet talking ya.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I'm caucasian and am originally from AL. The only time I have an accent is when I am angry or sweet talking ya.

    No wonder you are so cool.

  • changeling

    In the South since I was 20.

    I don't have a southern accent.

    I'm white.

    My husband has a New Orleans accent. Make no mistake that is NOT a typical southern accent and it chaffes our hide when we see neworlenians portrayed in movies speaking with a southern drawl.

    changeling :)

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Born in Texas raised in NC so I have kind of a weird twangy texan accent because of my parents. I also worked right around Dothan in Eufaula (spelling?) at a radio station in Bama. I'm white obviously. Also I think the south isn't quite as racist as the north at least not in North Carolina.

  • FlyingHighNow

    It's true that southern Louisianans don't sound like North Georgians. I moved from Morgan City to Atlanta as a child and went into instant culture shock.

    Also I think the south isn't quite as racist as the north at least not in North Carolina.

    Living up north, I'd say you are correct. I meet people my age who are black and raised in the south when I was, during integration and they will tell you that they love the south and are treated better there.

  • changeling

    New Orleans and Atlanta have an ongoing animosity based on football. Saints vs. Falcons.

    Gaux Saints!!!

    changeling :)

  • seek2find

    I'm white, from Alabama originally but haven't lived there in the last 30 years. I moved west when I was 16. Been here ever since. I don't think I have a southern accent. I probably won't be visiting Alabama much any more. All my family are witnesses there, and since I was disfellowshipped a few months back they want nothing to do with me. I'll miss them, but I'm not going back to the un-truth. seek2find

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Fortunately for me the Panthers are better then both of em!

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