Ask Happy Homemaker!

by compound complex 337 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Happy Homemaker,

    I have just spilled an entire gallon of costly mohogenized milk upon the kichen floor. Mama always warned not to cry - but I can't help it!

    How can I recover this horrid loss?


    Dear Kitty,

    Your name says it all! Gather all the neighborhood felines and give 'em the treat of a lifetime. Well, almost.

    I am sending, under separate cover, valuable MooJuice brand coupons.

    Now you may cry for happy!

    Hope this helps!

    Happy Homemaker!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "crying over spilled milk"

    "crying over spilled milk"To cry over spilled milk is to remain upset about a past loss. Example: "We came so close. Really. We almost won that game!" Reply: "There's no use crying over spilled milk." When milk has been spilled, it is wasted and cannot be used. There is no reason to keep complaining over the loss. Note that either of the words spilled or spilt can be used. Example: "Well, the car is ruined and that's too bad, but there's no use crying over spilt milk. We're just going to have to get a new car." Crying over spilled milk is not useful because the thing is already lost. Parents often tell their children to stop crying over spilt milk. Example: "I can't believe we lost my favorite toy!" Reply: "Oh, stop crying over spilled milk. You have other toys to play with."

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Cleaning house this weekend?

    Need help with problemes de decor?

    Can't get rid of unwanted, lingering guests?

    Ask Happy Homemaker!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Happy Homemaker,

    I have a sink full of dishes, an empty fridge, a nonworking kitchen range and a lazy husband. I want a fresh start in life but don't know where to begin.

    What do you suggest?



    Dear Abby,

    Toss the dishes, unwashed, into the trash (bin in the U.K.). No need to do the washing up in situations as extreme as yours. Purchase a hefty supply of Chinette (these are the "nice" paper plates) and plastic eating utensils (there are some very choice upgrades in this arena). Fill your fridge with ready-to-eat comestibles and, on occasion (per your budget), splurge on take-out delicacies. Upon completion of your veritable repast, toss all waste into the trash/bin.

    Regarding your reprobate mate: whether to feed him or toss him is totally up to you, dear!

    Hope this helps!

    Happy Homemaker!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Happy Homemaker,

    My kiddies are fed up with Twinkies and regulation ice cream. Even bear claws and snails (the pastry variety, of course!) hold little attraction. I'm a good mom who's concerned that my offspring get proper nourishment from all the food groups. Anything exciting up your baker's sleeve?

    Thanks so much.


    Dear Rotunda,

    Leaving off comment on your expertise as a certified dietician, allow me to throw around a few lovelies:

    Schwartzwalder Kirschtorte, Creme Brule', Caramel Custard, Toffee TonTon, Baba Gateaux a la Froufrou, Oeufs d'Astarte au Double Chocolat, Pupple Pudding, Triple X Flambeau HoHos ...

    Kindly excuse me ... I'm feeling a little sugar-surcharged and need to lie down....

    Hope this helps!

    Happy Homemaker!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Black forest gateau

    I know what you're thinking. But bear with me. The key components of this German confection - chocolate, cherries and cream - are a sublime combination. My version is made up of six layers, most of which will work as desserts in their own right. Do have a go at the whole thing, though - you'll never think of the gateau the same way again

    Heston Blumenthal

    I’m not sure why the black forest gateau of my childhood was never as good as it should have been.

    After all, chocolate, cherries and cream are three ingredients that go together well. However, leaden cream, dry sponge and cheap cooking chocolate conspired to make it cloying and virtually inedible, an utterly ersatz experience. I would try to pick the chocolate off the top, and even that would be disappointing.

  • HAL9000

    We won't even mention Sacher Torte!

  • Dagney
    After all, chocolate, cherries and cream are three ingredients that go together well. However, leaden cream, dry sponge and cheap cooking chocolate conspired to make it cloying and virtually inedible, an utterly ersatz experience. I would try to pick the chocolate off the top, and even that would be disappointing.

    So true.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    As I'm as silent as the grave, I'm taking the recipe there with me. See you in the NSOT!



    This torte has become the symbol of Viennese confectionery worldwide. Unfortunately, it has had many imitators. Karl Schuhmacher has a simple solution to the problem—he relies on the best ingredients and professional methods, as he explains:

    Sachertorte is a timeless composition of the most important and finest ingredients from the confectioner's kitchen with no additives: pure chocolate, butter, eggs, sugar, flour, and apricot jam. What makes them into a Sachertorte is the quality of the individual ingredients and the way they harmonize perfectly with each other. Anything else is just an ordinary chocolate torte with ordinary chocolate icing and often looks nothing like the real thing. It is important to remember that, above all, the Sachertorte must be served correctly. It must be served fresh with freshly beaten, lightly sweetened cream, which the Austrians call "Schlagobers." without this cool, smooth, elegant finishing touch, the pleasure is incomplete. It would be a sin, a crime even, if the waiter did not recommend it. The sweet velvety coating is a cooked chocolate icing.

    Makes one 9-inch torte

  • HAL9000

    Schwartzwalder Kirschtorte requires correct ingredients and skill to live up to its promise.

    Key ingredients include: Morello Cherries (ie sour), superior chocolate (I prefer Lindt for this purpose), fresh cream and the best of other ingredients.

    The recipe should NOT be Anglicised, Americanised, etc but must be a traditional German recipe prepared from fresh, not preprepared ingredients.

    Dry Sponge cake!!!! S acrilege!

    The desired outcome can only be achieved by adherence to tradition!

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