American Politics...leave it to the Americans

by Who are you? 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Exactly...this is my only problem with it, I am as liberal as they get but I just don't agree with the policy that neocons and republicans can't express their view.

  • Narkissos

    I rarely discuss American politics, but may I remind you this is an international forum? Should I bring up European politics here, I would certainly not expect U.S. or other non-European posters to shut up... nor to be particularly interested or well-informed for that matter.

    Btw (on the side topic of "power" vs. "impotence") I sincerely doubt that the average American citizen holds a significantly higher deal of "power" over the global political course of events just because he or she can vote at the next U.S. presidential election. In spite of "neocon" dreams the current economical and military situation of the U.S.A. is nothing like that of the Roman empire. It has probably never been the world power (although some neocons have enjoyed that thought during the short span between the dismantlement of the Soviet Union and the Iraq war), and it is only a matter of very short time before it ceases to be the first world power -- if that hasn't already happened. Moreover, smaller states and even non-governmental entities have proven that they can affect world events in a significant way. So I think the current superiority complex and accompanying paranoia of some Americans is ill-founded -- ironically not unlike the attitude that persisted for a while in European nations as they were losing their "empires," half a century ago.

  • hillary_step

    Who Are You,

    My only surprise, especially given the gibbering, uninformed, and erratic logic that passed for an opening post is why you took such offence when I referred to you as a dumbass bonehead on another thread on which you were firmly trounced by myself. You were proved a liar, a hypocrite and a dumbass bonehead, and I see that you have no yet learned your lesson.

    What should I call you? Inelligent? It hardly fits the bill does

    As I have said before, drink a Cola....squeeze a few zits....then go back to sleep.


  • hillary_step

    Burger Time,

    Exactly...this is my only problem with it, I am as liberal as they get but I just don't agree with the policy that neocons and republicans can't express their view.

    Were this the case, I would agree with you, but IT IS NOT THE CASE THAT REPUBLICANS AND NEOCONS CANNOT EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS. What IS the case is that POLITICAL PROPAGANDA on all sides of the house cannot be be cut and pasted so that it fouls the Board. It just so happens that 'neo con' propaganda far outweighs that of Democrats and Independents, that is why it was singled out. Could Simon have handled this more carefully.Yes. Is it Armaggedon? No. Who Are You? Strangely enough, I have never met a German who was scared to pass an opinion about anything to anyone, especially not Americans. My experience? Not a business trip or vacation. I have numerous German friends, have lived in Hamburg for some months and have over the years travelled extensively in Germany. Germans have never been known for their shyness! You can ditto the above statement where the US is concerned. I have probably seen more of the US than you have! Just because you repeatedly had your arse handed to you in debate on another thread, try not to become a bitter little boy. It might interfere with the few brain cells that actually produce some wattage in your brain. HS

  • trevor
    You were firmly trounced by myself. You were proved a liar, a hypocrite and a dumbass bonehead, and I see that you have no yet learned your lesson…You repeatedly had your arse handed to you in debate.


    These are terms that you use many times with different people in debates that cover many subjects.

    Everyone is at a different stage of development. Has it occurred to you to use, what you consider to be, your superior intellect to help people rather than trounce them.

    I find your posts very entertaining but feel a certain empathy for those who are under your hammer. You know you have the ability to shine on this board without crushing those who try to join in the fun.

  • Simon


    What IS the case is that POLITICAL PROPAGANDA on all sides of the house cannot be be cut and pasted so that it fouls the Board. It just so happens that 'neo con' propaganda far outweighs that of Democrats and Independents, that is why it was singled out.

    Could Simon have handled this more carefully.Yes. Is it Armaggedon? No.


    Of course I knew these people like to try and twist anything that is said to suit their agenda. I also know that the neocon types are not the brightest bulbs in the box so needed to put it in a language that they couldn't misinterpret ('cause I'm sure they imagine their copy and paste propaganda is some sort of intellectual debate ...).

  • milligal


    Look, non-American people, we Americans are not personally responsible for the George W phenomenon. I didn't vote for him, nor did anyone I know. He was elected despite the popular vote; which means the majority of U.S citizens voted against him. It was the Supreme Court that voted him into office and 84% of Americans currently hate the job this administration is doing. We got one-upped with the democratic system this time.

    Additionally, I've been to Europe a couple times and found Europeans (for the most part) extremely hospitable to my American'ness' (minus the French).

    Don't forget most of us Americans are actually just Europeans who vacated the mother ship-don't be so hard on us!

  • trevor
    Don't forget most of us Americans are actually just Europeans who vacated the mother ship-don't be so hard on us!

    This sums it up. What is America except a melting pot for the world?

  • llbh

    Hi i am a Brit and i went to America for the first time this year. I was worried ,I thought you all had guns.

    I can honeslty say that from the moment i landed to the time i left i was treated very well

    I liked Americans before i like it more now.

    i am very pro Europe to . We can and should work together.

    So do not make such sweeeping statements

    It is just unfortunate you have George W , we have Gordon Brown. both wwill be gone soon


    I can honestly say that from the moment i landed to the time i left i was treated very well

    Whenever I have left the arena in Rome to travel in America I have been impressed by how polite and civilly I was treated. New yorkers were a bit more insular than the west coast but OK in my book.

    America is a great country and I liked the the people I met. I would be happy to live there but there are no arenas so I will have to settle for visiting.

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