Exercise Check-In Log

by White Dove 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    i did yoga for the first time yesterday and i was pleasantly suprised by the difficulty and reward of those stretches. still on my p90x kick. then i did back and legs and went for a soak in the hot tub. feeling great this mornning. my pull ups were better yesterday. not easier but i could surprisingly do more of them than earlier in the week! today is some kenpo excercise that i didn't fit in last night and some chest and back. i'm feeling good. weighed in this morning at 235 which is a 5 lb drop from last week! If I can do between 3-5 lbs this week i'll be stoked. that is the goal.

    food - last night i had some salmon, wild rice with mushrooms, broccoli and a smoothy made from berries, mango and non fat yogurt for dessert. this morning is a proteing shake and kenpo then a powerbar for snack, tuna salad with chilled, spiced cucumber soup for lunch. almonds and an apple for snack, recovery drink after the work out and then fish, rice and veggies for dinner. when i break 230 i'm going to be super happy. then its on to my goal of breaking 200. i want to be ripped by august and i think i can get there if i stay on track

  • Velvetann

    Hi, I am still on my WW diet but I haven't exercised yet other than swimming. I plan to do the treadmill today. I have severe Pain in my lower back so exercise is not FUN. I was at the doctors on Thursday and he said the only way I will get relief from pain is to exercise and to lose weight. He gave me a DVD of exercises that I can do sitting down or holding on to a chair. I better get started.

    1 Tablespoon of Peanut butter per day is ok on a diet. I LOVE peanut butter. Weight Watchers encourage eating peanut butter in small quantities.

    Today I had tea for breakfast, not hungry for food. Just had lunch and had 1 slice of rye bread with reduced calorie margarine (I can't believe its not butter) 1 slice of no fat cheese melted on the toast and 2 slices of tomato on top. I also had one slice of Watermelon.

    I am going to go out into my pool and exercise there.


  • beksbks

    Hey Snakes, was that workout your trainer had you do called "fran"? Mine had me do the same thing. Wow. It's great though, after working with him for several weeks, I only lost about 5 lbs, but a whole size, more like a size and a half. Never felt better in my life. Then I decided to run. Tore up my knee, and ended up having surgery. Now I am starting all over again.

    Thanks for the motivation White Dove, this is a great thread.

  • beksbks

    I have to agree with WD on the peanut butter. It's good fat, and it's great for you.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Today's finished report:)

    I did 30 min. on the treadmill at 2.5 mph at 3-4% incline.

    Due to partying on Saturday, I am wiped out.

    Helpful hints:

    Feed a cold and starve a flu is an old wives' tale.

    Listen to your body.

    Over exercising will turn into negative results as will losing weight too fast.

    Lose slowly and gain slowly so you can control it in time before it gets too bad:)

    Lose fast and gain fast so you lose control of it:(

    We are doing great!

    Oh and Velvetann, I really feel for you and others who have to exercise through pain and discomfort.

    That is not my experience, so you are reminding me to be grateful for my health and to take care of my body as best I can. Thank you and keep going as much as you can so you can live long and healthier. I'm sending love vibes your way You are inspiring:)

    Let's keep this up because without doing this check in, I will fail.

    My mom and dad are obese.

    It scares me to death!

  • Velvetann

    Thanks White Dove for the acknowledgement. You are so right that people who have their health should take care of it and not take it for granted. Keep on exercising and eathing healthy.

    I have always been active and exercised a lot until a couple of years ago when I got this Arthritis, Degenerative Disc, in my back along with spinal stenosis which is congenital. So all that going on in my back at once. It happens when you get older but not always having 3 things ganging up on you. Ugh. I eat healthy most of the time but I do sit around a lot now so its difficult to lose weight. Its been piling on with being a couch potato and I have gained 20 lbs in the past 3 years. So off it comes.


  • coolhandluke

    you're doing good velv. one day at a time. you don't have to reach the goal line today. just make your ten yards for the day. i dated this woman once who trained people in your situation. she did water aerobics with them and helped them make total turn arounds since water is such low impact. if you can get some water weights. they are made out of a plastic that gives some good resistance in the water. you'll be amazed.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    chrisjoel: realized I transposed two digits in your starting weight, so I've got a 10# jump on you--which makes the goal in two-three months seem even more achievable!

    Today: 1 lowfat yogurt with a sprinkling of almond granola upon waking; coffee, fresh ground black; at work, a 1/2 c. bowl of my oatmeal/cranberry mix. Lunch: brought a chicken/grape/pecan/craisin/itty-bitty-mayo spread (homemade) on whole wheat bread and a low-sodium V8. mid-afternoon snack, 1 orange. Dinner: pork chop, oven baked, with 1/4 cup brown rice and 1 cup of salad with lowfat dressing. Lots of water all day long.

    Tonight: 5.5 mile walk over 1.45 hours. Whew. Ready for some ice water and bed!! Plenty of rest is important for weight loss and rejuvination, too.

    QUESTION: how often do you weigh yourself? I tend to get on the scale each morning, but record just once/week (Sunday AM) for consistency.

  • chrisjoel

    TJ,,,,,YOur an inspiration to me , thanks!

    I wieghed In April at the end of the month and at the end of the month in May.....now i weigh my self every other day or so....

    This morning I had my oatmeal and blueberries. Blueberry tea and ...I hr walk....but was feeling really lazy so just did a few leg lifts on my trampoline ( I LOVE my little tramploine and use it for indoor runing on the spot when it rains outside..)..salad to work and apple.....coffee and green tea.

    But someone at work gave me a cookie and I ate it ,....It was Raspberry flavored and I and Im not holding it against myself . ..this time.hehehe... I prolly ate just under 1000 cal so at this point im past the initial stage where im going to fail and quit so i dont feel guilty for the cookie.

    But add about 150 cal for the Southern comfort Im having right NOW....for some reason alcohol before i hit the sack doesnt effect me detrimentally since theres no other food in my system .Im was 245 this morning.

    (Velvet ...IM sure I speak for a lot of other dudes out here when I say...Nice Avatar pic!..lol...)

  • Crumpet

    Definitely a once a week weigh in is supposed to give you a more accurate reflection.

    Good inspirational thread.

    Whilst I do need to lose weight, looking after my physical health is good for my mental health too. So since I can't sleep more than 3 horus anymore I got up at 4 am and went out walking with weights for an hour, home for a berry and natural yoghurt smoothie and then 30 minutes pilates before poached egg on seeded wholegrain bread. And I'm in a pretty good mood, so it must be working!

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