State Truthful Facts About JWs That Make Them Look Bad, Weird, Foolish

by minimus 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    When you explain to a nonjw what a JW's view is toward anyone not a Witness, it really is shocking! Let them know they are just the living dead unless they 100% conform to everything a JW has to believe in. Then explain in detail everything we've discussed on this thread. it would make any sane person think twice about joining that cult.

  • AllTimeJeff

    In addition to all of the non doctrinal points, the indefensible position of viewing the bible as a book that exclusively prophecied the existence of the modern day remnant, esp the Presidents of the WTBTS woke me up for good.

    Russell, Rutheford and Knorr were prophesied as the antitypical representations of everyone from Noah, Abraham and Moses. If I haven't bored you with my anti-epiphany, when I learned at Gilead that Elijah = Rutherford and Elishah = Knorr, I knew this was a crock.

  • megs

    Well, I think this could qualify as foolish... My male JW friend told me I was kind, big-hearted, sweet, we get along well, have the same interests and the same humour, but we can't talk anymore cuz I'm worldy *SIGH* I realllllly need to get over this... I never realised the affect being a JW has on a person until that point...

  • independent_tre
    JW's cannot explain adequately why birthdays are not celibrated by members.

    Even my 9 year old saw through this 'explanation' and knew that there was nothing in the bible condemming birthday celebrations.

    1. Fact that until recently there were 5 meetings on 3 days of the week and if that weren't enough there are also assemblies and 3 day long conventions. Then, whenever you are not at the meeting or at work, you probably should be hard at work in the ministry. And don't forget the time involved preparing self and children for all these obligations. Every day involves some sort of witness activity. And you also need to have read all of the publications in order to get full on spiritual food.

    2. You cannot accept or read any other religious pamphlets, yet you should convince others to accept and read yours.

    3. How many hours you spend in field service is a measure of being spiritual strong/weak.

  • HSS1971

    To me it's wierd when your religion mandates how you can have sex with your wife.

  • Farkel

    :State Truthful Facts About JWs That Make Them Look Bad, Weird, Foolish

    As opposed to "untruthful facts?"


  • ldrnomo

    How about a bunch of people all dressed up sitting in a parked car or van while somebody is making a call for a half hour.

  • Mary
    Scully said: That for about 5 years in the 70s, JWs couldn't have ice cream from Dairy Queen because they assumed the lecithin in it came from blood, not plants.

    Holy shit! I didn't know that one.....good lord.........

    One of the strangest things about the religion is how highly they esteem Charles Russell and how Jehovah chose him to 're-establish true Christianity', even though if you followed what Russell taught now, you'd be disfellowshipped for apostasy.

  • Finally-Free
    How about a bunch of people all dressed up sitting in a parked car or van while somebody is making a call for a half hour.

    I remember that. July, very hot, and the engine and A/C is off. Probably 120 degrees in the car, and everyone's asleep. I wonder how many brain cells I killed that way. W

  • Mary
    How could all men be brought to perfection and which color of skin was the original? The answer is now provided. God can change the Ethiopian's skin in his own due time. -Feb 15 1904 WT

    Yes, see what Jehovah will do for all the poor black people?

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