State Truthful Facts About JWs That Make Them Look Bad, Weird, Foolish

by minimus 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    I erred in putting this thread under PRIVATE, mods. If you can adjust that, it would be great.

    Moved to Beliefs, Doctrines & Practices.

  • BFD
    First, I dont think we need to be attacking JWs, per se--rank and file, I mean.....the legal organization is what should be criticized

    Dreamy, without the rank and file there would be no legal organization. You're all a bunch of weirdos to follow "the organization".


  • catbert

    Jesus found them to be the one true religion when he made his inspection in 1918.

    Russell was obsessed with pyramids.

  • Scully

    That it's wrong to feed your pets catfood or dogfood that has "animal by-products" (aka "blood") in it, as if undomesticated dogs and cats don't eat unbled meat, or that the scriptures actually apply to animals.

    That for about 5 years in the 70s, JWs couldn't have ice cream from Dairy Queen because they assumed the lecithin in it came from blood, not plants.

  • NewYork44M
    They taught that God would make black people white in the New World.

    Oh pah-leeeeezze.

    You can't be serious??

    I have heard similar from the platform. I heard a black brother give a talk about how god can and will change the race of a person in the resurrection. If a brother was racist before he died in the resurrection he might come back as another race. This little trick of god is an option just to teach a person that racism is a bad thing.

  • NewYork44M

    How about the statement repeated many times that in the new order we will begin traveling to other planets to populate these.

    This occurs because everyone is having sex and making babies and no one dies.

  • NewYork44M

    The scrolls described in Revelation that are opened contain our fieldservice reports.

  • NewYork44M

    The catholic cross represents a penis.

  • ex-nj-jw
    The catholic cross represents a penis.

    What? I've seen many penis's but not one has ever resembled a cross! The things these people come up with.


  • minimus

    Scully, Thanks!

    The Society says it really was upright. Maybe that's what they mean??

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