One Reason Why I Worship the God of the Bible

by snowbird 193 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bisous

    hear, hear, IP_SEC.

  • chrisjoel

    Hi Sylvia

    There are no commuting of sentences, no payoffs, no unlawful flights to avoid prosecution or any such shenanigans in this case. God has remained true to His Word throughout the millenia since He first pronounced the Death Sentence on the human race

    Recently I drove my JW mom to my sons graduation and had a chance to talk for hours on the Bible and JWs. I was able to clearly explain to her the many things I did not understand in the Bible as well as in the Society. She agreed that many things are difficult to understand, the WTS has a lot to answer for, and didnt have answers for a lot of my questions. In the end she remarked that whenever someone says or implies that there is no Jehovah she starts getting agitated to the point where her body shakes. It is something she would rather not hear. Instead of forcing my opinions on her i simply told her that her faith in Jehovah is to be admired because it gives her support in tough times.

    I tend to think those who rely on the God of the Bible are blissfully content.The things that are too difficult to understand or when questions that are too problematic for faithful worshippers come along IS IT OK to ignore them like we did when we were JWs and go our merry way "in the Lord"? Of course it is! Your happiness is number one. Your strength your courage your determinations your integrity all center around your beliefs. Sticking to them allows you to increase your love for god. Increase your love for god and you increase your joy.
    On the other hand many need logic. Your statement about your worshipping the god of the bible on the basis of what you said above provokes my need for logic in as much as your joy is increased by your admiration of god. My mother would no doubt agree with you that Gods pronouncement of death on humans has not been able to be bypassed in any way.

    Does it matter that God himself doesnt have any concept of death since somehow he has never had a beginning and will never have an end? Does it matter that God chose the Isrealites Because the Bible says " they were the the least of all the peoples.' told them THOU SHALT NOT KILL then instructed them to kill millions of those peoples that were NOT "the least of all peoples" that happened to be in their way...ect ect..
    When YOUR statement above that no human has ever bypassed YHWH's sentence of death on humankind goes unchallenged it forces me back to my Watchtower days when i accpeted everything and questioned very little.

  • bisous

    what a wise and reasoned answer from (what appears to be) a very youthful poster. Very eloquently stated. As well as logical. And reasonable.

  • BlackPearl

    Snowbird! I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to hear that there are those that feel the way you do about the scriptures. I was beginning to think I was the only one! I have loved the Bible and it's author (Jehovah to some of us) from a very young age as well. It was if Jehovah was speaking to me, instructing me, like a son. I was (still am) one of those that took the path less traveled. I knew from an early age, that I wanted to please Jehovah as best I could.

    I too love the God of the Bible. Thanks for your post.


  • nvrgnbk
    What an incredibly ignorant and thoughtless remark.

    Logic is our friend, Perry.

  • BFD

    I was a believer at one time. If you ask me if I believe in God the answer is yes. If you ask me whose God is the right God, I'd say your own God. No one has a monopoly on it.


  • nvrgnbk
    I wanted to please Jehovah as best I could

    I'm sure he's delighted.

  • Perry

    I found out that 'pleasing Jehovah" was a fool's errand. That's why I asked Jesus to save me.

    He did and now I do.

  • nvrgnbk

    I found out that 'pleasing Jehovah" was a fool's errand. That's why I asked Jesus to save me.


    It's... Jehovah v. Jesus- Dueling Deities.

  • Perry
    Logic is our friend, Perry

    nvgbk, it is not your logic that damns you, it is your premise.

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