Announcement: They Clapped!

by metatron 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mightyone

    Please make no mistake about it, I am not against "the society". I believe that alot of the misunderstandings and hurt come from the individual families and congregational levels. I KNOW that alot of meaning gets lost by the time information reaches the congregation level. I.E. College. I have never read that we shouldn't go to college. I have read that there is an extreme spiritual danger in sending a 17, 18 year old off, away from mom and dads watchful eye, into a place where other 17,18 year olds are. And nobody here can disagree with that. Some young ones may not be affected, but I know that college would have been a bad place for me to be at that age. My particular congregation has had a few of its young ones attend community colleges without so much as being discouraged from doing so.

    Most posting on this site would have to agree that the majority of people cannot rationalize the benefits or negative points on their own. Those will take what is read and make a blanket rule out of it...Case in point, the new full color brochure on what appropriate dress is when visiting Bethel...right after the reading of that letter, many were heard to say that "now they are telling us what to wear at the meetings, f.s., even some mentioned day to day...I read the letter myself, It said nothing like that. It was the same as me asking you to remove your shoes when you come into my home. My right, If you don't like that request, don't come visit...

    Sorry about the red, I only meant to emphasize that one point about when visiting bethel and now I can't change it back..

  • TheListener

    I understand your points mightyone.

    Would you say the Society knows that the friends receive their words in the manner you describe? If so, should they be more careful about how they phrase things so the sheep don't unnecessarily burden themselves?


    Is there a possibility that the Society knows how the friends receive their words and therefore the words are measured carefully in order to create the desired reaction?

  • momzcrazy
    The fact is, you couldn't cut it as a witness.

    Maybe you should stay and read about some of our lives before you make a blanket comment like that. It takes more bravery to stand up for what you believe, or don't believe for that matter.

    It is alot easier to just stay and live the routine most of us lived for years. But we took a stand and said "You are wrong, and I am not living this way anymore". We have lost family and friends. We have lost a belief system. After being lied to for so long, we wonder what really is truth? Is everything we were told a lie? So we begin a journey seeking knowledge.

    You say we couldn't cut it as Witnesses? We have, for years. But then we wised up and began a much more difficult life. You couldn't cut it as an "apostate".


  • DaCheech

    they clapped in my hall too.

    my friends hall, they did not

    I told him at a party sunday night, and he announced it to the others from his hall.

    enbarassed I said, the brother at the stage said "is it not a great provision from jehovah"?.... the crowd agrreingly clapped

  • mrsjones5
    You couldn't cut it as an "apostate".

    Well he's taken the first step by coming here. Let's see if he's strong enough to have an open mind and proceed. If I was a betting woman my money would be on not, but I could be wrong.

  • freeman

    My wife, a long time (since 1977) cool aid drinker had this to say: (paraphrased) I’m kind of saddened by the change, but it must be very hard for some people, this is a “loving provision™”. Her reaction was 100% predictable. From an academic perspective its fascinating to see all the dynamics that interplay in cult-think, I just wish my family we not part of the grand experiment.


  • BreakingAway

    Please make no mistake about it, I am not against "the society". I believe that alot of the misunderstandings and hurt come from the individual families and congregational levels. I KNOW that alot of meaning gets lost by the time information reaches the congregation level. I.E. College. I have never read that we shouldn't go to college. I have read that there is an extreme spiritual danger in sending a 17, 18 year old off, away from mom and dads watchful eye, into a place where other 17,18 year olds are. And nobody here can disagree with that. Some young ones may not be affected, but I know that college would have been a bad place for me to be at that age. My particular congregation has had a few of its young ones attend community colleges without so much as being discouraged from doing so.

    Most posting on this site would have to agree that the majority of people cannot rationalize the benefits or negative points on their own. Those will take what is read and make a blanket rule out of it...Case in point, the new full color brochure on what appropriate dress is when visiting Bethel...right after the reading of that letter, many were heard to say that "now they are telling us what to wear at the meetings, f.s., even some mentioned day to day...I read the letter myself, It said nothing like that. It was the same as me asking you to remove your shoes when you come into my home. My right, If you don't like that request, don't come visit...

    Sorry about the red, I only meant to emphasize that one point about when visiting bethel and now I can't change it back..

    Either you're just plain naive or are a JW engaged in "theocratic warfare", because your take on things is way off.First of all, you blame the "real problems on the the JW families and individuals, hmmmmm....who does that sound like ? NO wonder you don't have problem with the Society.

    I KNOW that alot of meaning gets lost by the time information reaches the congregation level

    Really ? An elder conducts the WT right in front of a congregation which contains the information dispensed by the how does it get lost ? The same is true regarding Assemblies, Conventions, Elder meetings, Etc. This stuff doesn't get passed along by word of mouth so that people can change it, it's all right in print. Regarding college....did you her Losch's comments ? No, they don't come right out and say: "Don't Go ! " but it's always "IF you appreciate this counsel, then you'll listen." OR "Why would you want to go when this world is about to end and we've given you counsel regarding it." "Drop out and pioneer !" Anyone with half a brain can tell exactly what is being said and implied and it's just splitting hairs to suggest otherwise. Here's another example:The Society has repeatedly WARNED and COUNSELED against being on forums like this, yet some JW's decide to completely disobey the direction given by the FDS while hypocritically condemning the very ones on such forums ! And you're right, if one doesn't want to dress a certain way when visiting Bethel then they can just stay home ! But what about newly interested ones just coming off the street ? Would Jesus turn them away ? Would he tell them they weren't dressed "appropriately" ? That they looked too "worldly" ? A JW who gave their whole life to the org would be refused to be let in if they didn't like the way they looked upon visiting ! The same is true regarding the KIngdom Hall.Tie too flashy ? Change it or your privileges are gone ! Suit "too trendy" ? You've got a problem ! Mustache too long ? And on and on... THE SOCIETY has taken the BIble and made Blanket Rules out of it ! NO BLOOD ! Many died from no ORGAN transplants before they changed that.JW's in Malawi suffered horribly because of the WT's orders against buying a "party card" but they approved of those in Mexico bribing officials to so they would be given a card that identified them as one who is now in the military reserves and who had served a year of military service ! Not having that card would have caused some inconveniences but not the deaths like in Malwai.The Society knew they would get publicity by those sacrificing their lives in Malawi for their faith and so the restriction stood.How sick is that ? You have a lot more important research to do than checking out the 8 Kingdom Halls in your area to see if they clapped !

  • parakeet

    Emma wrote: "So where are they getting their serious spiritual food? Sounds like they've gone to fast food that no one will ever remember 'eating.'"

    To continue your amusing analogy, Emma, it sounds like the junk food du jour is a super-sized 'flame-broiled Whopper.' Yet the dubs will open their silly beaks and allow the WTS to cram the lie down their gullets, as usual. (apologies to Burger King and for the mixed metaphors).

  • IndependantThinker


    It amazes me how many of you attended the local meeting "just to see the reaction". Why do that to yourselves, why waste your time? Is it just so that you have something to come back here to write about? You think the witnesses are trained monkees, but you behave like children, looking for something to run back and make fun of. The fact is, you couldn't cut it as a witness. So your gone, get over it and move on with your life! BTW, nobody clapped in all the 8 congregations surrounding me, I did check.

    Nice how you can be in 8 places at once. And if you're so fxxxing loyal why are you here?

  • Mightyone

    I believe that it is difficult to teach common sense or discernment to some. Therefore, damned if you do, damned if you don't

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