Obama's Comments on 'Small Town' Voters- Sadly, he nailed it

by nvrgnbk 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Not everyone is spinning it. I agree with flipper. Obama doesn't say what he thinks people want to hear. He just tells it like it is.

    CNN: The Clintons' Millions - Corrupting Ties


  • oneairhead

    Watson, if you are still in the org. that is good you won't be voting.

    Titianna & Flipper, please don't vote for him just because he tells it like it is. It takes much more to be president of the United States and the free world.

    It is amazing to me that people would vote for someone just because they speak well, they are of a partiular race, they support one thing that is important to them ignoring the rest, but it has been going on for years and it is now time to stop it and study the issues.

    But that would take some effort and we just don't have the time.


  • Mincan

    It's Fing Carter and Reagan all over again. You have one telling the truth and the other flattering them with lies and what they want to hear.

    Titianna & Flipper, please don't vote for him just because he tells it like it is. It takes much more to be president of the United States and the free world.

    Nice start though don't ya think?

  • MsMcDucket

    Hillary and McCain are really throwing darts at Obama! They try to twist everything that the man says! He didn't say that he was against anything. He just brought out how people lose hope or become angry when things seem to be unending (loss of jobs and not being able to make ends meet).

    Many people on here can be accused of being elitist because you just put those people in PA down too! "You don't want to pay taxes for their illigitimate babies, not working, ..." Yet, you say Obama is the bad guy.

  • jaguarbass

    The small town voters, the wacko religious right that gave us W. are a pitiful bunch.

    I hope they havent destroyed this country, although it looks as though they have.

  • oneairhead

    As good start fine but a bad choice is final.


  • hillbilly

    Obama lives in Chicago. If he had to travel all the way to central PA to see how small town America lives I am disapointed.

    Illinois, Wisconson, Ohio and Michigan (dont get offended if I left your state out...the midwest is the tip of the iceberg) has been loosing jobs for 30 years. You can not pay taxes, own a home or care for your needs on the $7-10 dollar jobs that remained after the good manufacturing jobs left. Obama should know this.

    Other than a few cities...his home region is "small town America". I hope he gets that soon. Hell...even Chicago doesnt need half of what it's Democrats have done to it for years. Crime and other social problems have been static in Chicago and NW Indiana for years... and no one has figured out to stem job losses or induce a rebound for 30 years.

    I am still waiting for Ms Granholm (D MI) to put the state of Michigan up for auction any day. If Obamas policies as a Democrat reflect hers I really could not endorse him or Hillary for that matter.

    I like the guy...he's positive. But I am still waiting to hear his plan to keep me (the angry white man) from living in a cardboard box in the near future.


  • JeffT

    The small town voters, the wacko religious right that gave us W. are a pitiful bunch.

    I hope they havent destroyed this country, although it looks as though they have.

    Sounds a lot like the people at the KH who insisted that the end was coming because everything "is so evil these days" - a comment made to me in 1973. The country has problems, it always has and always will. It isn't destroyed yet, although the Democrats seem bent on proving their prophecies will come true.

  • MsMcDucket

    There will always be "death and taxes".

  • avishai

    >>>>So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,”<<<<

    And inner city folk, say, in Chicago cling to guns and beating up others who aren't like them why?

    What small town folk get tired of is the paternalistic attitude from "Big city" folks that come to our places to live and vacation. Screwing up the area, telling us not to "kill bambi" and doing thing's like passing law's that actually cause more death of species due to lack of controlled hunts, etc. Assuming that just because they've grown up in a big city, that the farmer down the road is less educated, when often these farmer's are wealthier, have gone to school longer, but just happen to like their gun, their tractor, etc.

    Sorry, much better have a redneck @ my back with a gun than most idiots from the city. People from small towns rarely shoot PEOPLE with their guns.

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