What do you do when you exit and your wife stays in?

by Quirky1 66 Replies latest social relationships

  • jwfacts

    Welcome to JWD.

    Maybe you should reconsider DAing at the moment. There is no rush. I can understand you wanting to be totally freed from the WTS, but there are serious repercussions from being DA'd that will affect your life and relationship with your wife. Take it slowly. Spend time here getting advice and planning your exit.

    There is always the hope your wife will leave over time, but due to the strong indoctrination, most cannot do this immediately. My wife went for a year or so after I stopped going to meetings but slowly stopped going.

    It is good to have discussions about things with her, raising points for her to consider, but very subtly and gently, so that she has time to digest it all and not put her back up.

  • sass_my_frass

    You don't HAVE to submit that letter - it's only their rules that make you think you do. Why follow their rules? Don't make it easy for them to damage your family in that way. Your family matters far more than any kind of closure that you may need at this time.

  • R.Crusoe

    Are you in love with your wife?

    Or do you just have deep affection for her?

    The difference?

    Does she make you feel glad to be you

    Does she swing your heart when you spend time out or alone?

    If not then maybe time is you only enemy!

    The combination of her religion and whether you really love each other is critiacl IMO!

    There is no guarantee of love outside but living an emotional illusion will damage yoy slowly and surely IMO.

    You seem at a crossroads - which is the only reason I say what I say! So you ask yourself questions noone helped me to ask when the time was ripe for it!

  • SPAZnik

    You will truly have left when their rules of departure no longer apply to you. :)

    I agree about not sending DA letter. It will only create an equal and opposite reaction.
    (Unless you are aware of and prepared for what ultimatums can do)

    Don't play their game, beat their game. :)

    Create some new memories that have everything to do with life and love
    and nuthin' to do with the dubs.

  • Quirky1

    Yes, I have been in the middle of some turmoil lately. And it is mostly about the JW's and their rules and stipulations. Our marriage has been rocky for some time. I have started some old habits that I won't describe. But, I do miss my family, my side which aren't JW's, which I haven't seen much in the last 7 years since joining. I do appreciate all the support and advise fom each individual on this forum. I can tell that I am not the only one. My kids are behind me 100%. They and I should all be DF. We all started smoking and all sorts of other BS that we, or I gave up years ago but the children just picked up. ( Their Mom doesn't know). I started having a problem with the doctrine just soon after I made MS. Then I started seeing holes in the religion. I tried to stick in their but my conscience bothered me. I then started to inquire about additional info about the JW's (That I should have done prior to joining) and found much moe than I barganed for. "Crisi of Conscience" by Raymon Franz was killer. That pretty much nipped it in the bud for me. I "do" love my wife but it may be just hypothethically, It could be just an emotional aroma. I have stated that I would grant her a divorce (After a big blow out) and she left vowing never to return, but returned several hours later. Her comment is that she would "Just Exist" and stay married.(Because Jehovah hates a Divorcing) Since then it has been an emotionmal roller coaster with her. I stated at our first conversation about this subjectm, "How do we stand in this schene of things"? Knowing we are both headed in separate directions. Have yet to have a reply.

    Quirky 1

  • beksbks

    I'm sorry I have no words of wisdom. My heart goes out to you.

  • lovelylil


    I opologize in advance for this long post. I thought maybe my experience could help you in some way.

    I was in the same exact situation 4 years ago only it was my husband that wanted to stay and I who wrote my DA letter. I explained to my husband that this was not an easy decision to make and that I had prayed about it for a long time (daily for months) and that I believed with my whole heart, mind and soul that it was the right decision.

    I pointed out to him that IF I had really researched the society's origin and teachings I would never have decided to get baptised in the first place. I told him while I do still believe in God, Christ and the Bible, I no longer believed that the WT was God's only channel for salvation. I believed Christ was the only way for me. And that I felt I had to choose between Christ and the WT and I was choosing Christ.

    I also told him I loved him and would support him if he decides to follow his conscience and remain a witness. I just wanted to same respect extended to me. I told him not to worry about my salvation or the children (who also wanted out) because I left the matter in Jehovah's hands and was fully confident that he would read my heart, know I love him and understand I am only leaving the WT to follow his Son. I felt that this was o.k. with Jehovah because I was not commiting any sins and my conscience was clear.

    Lastly, I told him since I no longer beleive the WT teachings nor that they are the only true religion, I had to leave because to stay and just "go along" would make me a hypocrite both in my eyes and God's. I hoped he would understand my decision. I again told him I loved him and wanted to remain married to him if he agreed to it.

    At first, he was very upset. He accused me of reading apostate literature and listening to the voices of demons. He yelled at me and told me I ruined the family and he also stormed upstairs and began packing his clothes to leave the family. At that time, my hubby was the only financial support for me and the kids.

    I just remained calm, sat in the kitchen downstairs and prayed. All the while the kids were crying and screaming for me to stop daddy from leaving. (they were 7 and 9 at the time). I stood my ground and told him that if that was his decision, then he would have to live with it.

    He left the home with his bags and I assumed would not be back anytime soon. But, he came back a few hours later and went to bed without saying a word. I didn't say anything to him more about the matter. I did not try to convince him to leave or say anything about the WT's false predictions, teachings etc. I just left him alone. A few months later he mentioned that he missed having me and the kids at the meetings and he finally came around and asked me WHY I left. I told him I would show him biblically if he was interested. He said thats fine but wanted to have to opportunity to prove me wrong if possible. I told him I would let him try. Needless to say within a month of us "studying" the NT together and me showing him scriptures in their proper context, he decided that he could also no longer support the WT and handed in his letter.

    Now, things do not always work out this well and I do not know your personal circumstances. But for the most part, my marriage was pretty good up until that point. I don't know if you are still a Christian? But the best thing I did was pray a lot to stay calm about the situation and show my hubby I would love him no matter what. I wanted him to Know that I was the same person and was not going to become some wicked she-devil by leaving the WT. I think sometimes our spouses may fear crazy things like that.

    I also went out of my way to do extra nice things for him like having supper done early so he would be able to relax before the meeting. I was very non-threatening and just left him alone with his thoughts. I tried to remain as christ-like as I could and like the bible says win him over without a word.

    It did work in my situation but everyone's life is different. But I would say to stay calm, be loving, and as non threatening as you can be. Remember Apostates are very scary for JW's. Hope all works out. Please feel free to pm me if I can help in any way at all. Peace, Lilly

  • Quirky1

    I have sat down with my wife and explained to her that I still love her and that I would not try to persuade her from her beliefs. We have always been the couple that does everything together and she seems to think that my decision to leave the WTS will have a drastic impact on our lives. And the only way it will is if she lets it. But, if it doesn't seem to work I have already made peace with it. I do not want her to be unhappy in the least and will voluntarily let her go.

  • truthseeker


    Welcome to the board.

    This seems to be happening a lot more, usually I find it's the husband who wants out and the wife who wants in.

    In my case, I'm the husband.

    It's a hard struggle.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I tend to withhold strong advice on whether to divorce or not- especially when I speak to a
    newbie or seldom poster.

    Her comment is that she would "Just Exist" and stay married.(Because Jehovah hates a Divorcing)

    I have to say, though- "Just Exist" is no marriage. She means that she will agree to prostitute herself to
    her provider in exchange for the provisions. She means that she will view you as "spiritually dead" and
    long for the day she is physically freed.

    Still, that might be anger speaking. It is certainly influence from the WTS.

    I have to say that if you want to save the marriage and have love in it, go to a professional counselor.
    Many JW's do not agree to go. If she refuses, IN MY OPINION, divorce would be the next step.
    You could show her that you will not be in a prostitute-relationship and will do all that you can to
    work things out, except be forced to stay in the WTS.

    You probably should work on this marriage thing before deciding to DA or not. If you divorce, you don't
    need to actually cheat. You can get a conventional divorce, and "scripturally free" her later (if you want to).
    Don't try to play "by/against the rules" just for her sake. Do what is right. The kids will respect you more
    for that.

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