Moral Values of an Atheist

by hamilcarr 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamilcarr
    it means you dont respect your creator

    Thanks for your comment, real one,

    This may be the very reason why atheists have higher values than th/deists: they put 'love thy neighbor' above 'love god'.

    Besides, for most believers respecting their creator means respecting the earthly representatives of this creator.

  • yumbby

    I believe i have higher values as an Atheist. Sure I do things like drink and party now that I'm not a JW, but I genuinely care more for people and do things right because I know in my heart its right or wrong not because someone told me. I also don't feel burdened with rules I can't follow so I'm not constantly try to wiggle my way out from under them. I don't feel the need to rebel. I'm also not as Judgemental, I can't believe how narrow minded I was as a JW, it just makes me sick.

  • Alpaca

    Hi All,

    Good thread.

    It worth remembering that it was secular humanists / atheists who first spoke out against slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries, while religion condoned the practice. It was also the secular humanists and atheists who spoke challenged what Hitler was doing, while religion largly turned a blind eye to what was going on.

    I was raised as Dub and was active until I was 41 years old. One thing that I learned from the Borg that is an immutable truth is that religion is a hoax that has been foisted on the human race. I agree with some of the other posters that those who make a conscious, reasoned decision to reject religion and walk down the path of agnosticism or atheism, are generally the most moral people I know. I belong to several secular humanist organizations and the atheists and agnostics in these organizations are among the finest people I've ever met.

    As was previously mentioned by a previous poster, you do the right thing simply because it is the right thing. And while we're on the subject, probably 99% of the atheists are liberal and care deeply about social issues, wealth distribution, and how the shenanigans in politics have ensured that poverty will never be eradicated in spite of the astounding wealth in this country (USA). And, I might add, the staggering wealth that the richest individuals and families have accumulated at the expense of everyone else.

    Thanks for listening to my vent.


  • LtCmd.Lore
    it means you dont respect your creator


    I have nothing but the utmost respect for my parents!
  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I would have to agree with you entirely Alex....good comment

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Great posts here. Great thread. I call myself an Atheist, and I detest more than ever, for example, when someone deliberately acts deceitfully for his own monetary or personal gain. Especially when I look back on the very religious people I grew up around (JWs) who I KNOW didn't report all income because they could get away with it and felt entitled as Witnesses of God Himself.

    Even the Bible says in the NT that people of nations were a law to themselves, that they acted naturally and correctly with respect to certain things.

    The JW interpretation of this is "conscience". My conscience tells me that Christmas is good, and adultery and stealing are bad. Easy enough.

  • Satanus

    Real one stated, 'it means you dont respect your creator'. I had 2 creators. MY mother still lives. The other one is dead. I respect them as much as they earned. My mother has basically been a copout, all her life. My dad was messed up, but he tried really hard. I respect that.


  • Zico


    "you do the right thing simply because it is the right thing"

    But what if someone else, even another atheist, disagrees with your view of what is 'the right thing'? What would make your view of 'the right thing' better than someone else's view?


    I expect most people here get their morality from the society they live in. I expect most people here live in a society who's morals are strongly influenced by Judeo-Christian thought.

  • Satanus


    A study of history will show that morality and honor existed among the europeans and british peoples that mainly established and made up north america, long before they were christian. Guess what the prechristian religion(s) was in europe.

    While religion slightly modifies peoples' morals, the nature of peoples also affects the decision that they take on which religion to accept.


  • LtCmd.Lore
    But what if someone else, even another atheist, disagrees with your view of what is 'the right thing'?What would make your view of 'the right thing' better than someone else's view?

    I doubt there's a blanket response to that question. It would have to be answered on a case-by-case basis. If you'd be willing to provide an example of a moral dilemma, that would probably help.

    I expect most people here get their morality from the society they live in. I expect most people here live in a society who's morals are strongly influenced by Judeo-Christian thought.

    Again, I think you might need to provide an example.

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