Remember when assemblies were fun?

by Aphrodite 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    the fun part was getting out of town, staying in a motel, eating out, seeing all our friends, volunteering. I remember Candlestick park, that was an uncomfortable one. Dodger Stadium and the Rose Bowl were exciting for a poor kid who never got any other type of trip. As I got older I volunteered in first aid. Kept me occupied during the sessions. At the circuit assemblies, the actual medical people would say, we need to get to our seats and listen to the program. Let us know if someone needs us. So I got to hang out in first aid, look important, pass out aspirin and bandaids, talk to all sorts of people, and get approval for volunteering. At the District conventions, much larger, the medical people stayed in first aid, but it was still a breeze and fun. When I had to stay in my seat and actually listen, god it was mind=numbingly boring.

  • Peppermint

    The first assembly I went to I got ill after eating something. They took me to the Kitchens and I was given a hot milky cup of tea(Stupidity). I threw up over everything and everyone. It was all all downhill after that.

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah as kids we found a lot of fun stuff to do during the breaks. We used to have races running along some pipes that traversed a creek on the property. We'd shake up lemonade cans and see how high we could get them to fizz up. At the DCs I loved the doughnuts for 30c of 'scrip' money. It didn't really make up for the several hours of tedium and being made to sit still while there was a beautiful day happening right outside the window.

    One DC site was a racetrack with a river that went most of the way around it, we could watch the groomers tending the field and boats going by all day. When it got moved to a new indoor stadium there really was nothing to be distracted by. As the years went by I started finding them more and more depressing, and I remembered a while ago that even when I was a teenager I used to imagine hanging myself from the overhead beams, wondering how long the rope would need to be, that it would be kind of crap if I was wearing a dress hanging over all those people. I was one fecked up kid.

  • jookbeard

    I remember many years ago before Twickenham was rebuilt and the South of the stadium was a banked vast terracing for standing, the brethren would bring camp chairs,deck chairs etc, for some reason we ended up there and this assembly seemed to rain very heavily for all the days we were there, my father managed to get some plastic sheeting that was pulled over all of us while we just sat there gradually getting soaked to the skin, fun? No

  • wobble

    I went to Plymouth one year and got my arse frozen off, it is still in a stand there somewhere.

    Never fun, good hunting ground for singles though, trouble is you are going to date a Cult member, not good.



    p.s How can I turn on spell-check when I post ? boy do I knneed it.

  • finallysomepride

    No don't remember them being "fun", more like a big load of boredom, anxiety, stress ect......

  • designs

    The Donut making machine yummmmmmmm And the cute girls over by the 3 Palms area hmmmmmmmm (Dodger Stadium)

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    Assemblies were absolute hell. It was always cold and as a preschool child being made to sit for 3hour sessions on a rock hard seat whilst some old man droned on, usually over time, about some teaching that by now has been removed. In my teens we attended asssemblies in the USA where you usually roasted in the sun. I gave up assemblies along time before I left the hall.


    There were the good moments - bacon baps, ice cream, the closing song. My more vivid memories include the uncomfortable benches at Twickes -designed for strictly 80mins of rugby only, the gentle british breeze chilling one to the core and making it hard to look up scriptures, wondering if the temporary interruptions from the passing planes were factored into the timing of the talks - that always seemed to run overtime.

  • fokyc

    I will always remember 1963 at Twickenham - 8 days of it!!

    The coach back to near Staines and the campground for supper and those terrible toilets!

    I must have been a total lunatic . I was 30, just baptised, AND I genuinely believed it all!!

    What a complete waste of time.


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