Remember when assemblies were fun?

by Aphrodite 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    yes they were fun . many of us spent most of our time in the corridors looking for dates. I met most of my jw boyfriends that way.

    memories lol

  • Finally-Free
    Remember when assemblies were fun?

    Assemblies fun???

    Were we in the same cult???


  • oompa

    I hate to admit it, but it seemed fun as a kid to work in the big kitchens with the adults, and I guess the big sense of accomplisment just made you feel good. Decent food for thousands of people. I still love to cook! When I was only 8 or 9, my mom and I cracked thousands of eggs for breakfast in a huge stainless pot at a Charlotte DC. I have always liked stainless steel in my kitchen and thik I just figured out why..........oompa

    oh yeah, and the more I worked in the kitchen, the less I had to sit and watch the programs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • memario

    ah good times at Norval mmmmmmmm ice cream with chocolate sauce mmmmmmmm


  • FlyingHighNow

    I never thought they were a lot of fun. I always wanted new light and new publications. Seeing friends was nice. But mostly, I hated the conventions. They cost too much. They tired me out. They were boring to my kids. All the work was on me, the washing, ironing, packing and getting people ready in the mornings and bathing kids at night. And I was always too excited to sleep and drowsy during the sessions. I loved going to Macon, GA though.

    Eating out at night with good friends was fun. That was nice.

  • ssrriotsquad

    Food service was the fun at CA's and DC's. Its the only place when you can go through the hidden and off limit areas of the grounds.

    We knew where all the accesses to the Members Club was at the Warwick Farm Racecourse. The beer and soft drinks was still working on tap, also the spirits where available. There was even a full size pool table in there that we played on. We used to hide out there when the sessions were on. This was mainly due that the brothers didn't know how to get the Members Club via the back access, only the main access doors where locked and no-one even went there. We also used to sit behind the Tatt counters too, as that's where the airconditioners worked the best, also you could also sleep there and no-one ever notices you.

    I have plenty of fond memories of it. Now it is just plain boring. No wonder the kids are going wild in the Borg-anisation

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    We loved cooking and prepping food for 2 days beforehand and during, it was the best fun ever.

  • MsMcDucket
    I hated the conventions. They cost too much. They tired me out. They were boring to my kids. All the work was on me, the washing, ironing, packing and getting people ready in the mornings and bathing kids at night.

    FHN, exactly! I got baptised when I was pregnant with the twins. I was so tired. After the twins were born, lugging them around all those people was torture! My arms would be burning. My husband couldn't carry the twins cause he's disabled. And then, the babies would get so tired and whiny; everyone's staring at me like "shut them up"!

    I think I disassociated myself about 2 years later.

  • WTWizard

    I don't remember any fun, save for that first one where the novelty of it was fun (a new experience). After that, they were a huge letdown (and would never be any good again since I already know what crap they are going to put out). And, they set me up for total failure with the sisters, limiting me to just s.

    The food was satisfactory, but definitely not worth it. We had a kitchen at the a$$embly hell, and they served burritoes and those Muffin-eggs (I wish McDonald's would sue the sxxx out of them for stealing that idea from the Egg McMuffins). The Grand Boasting Sessions served those sandwiches, of which I found the roast beef ones best (but Arby's is as good, without the high cost). That fake cola and lemon/lime pop was OK, if generic (I prefer real orange juice or water). They also had fruit bags (I wonder if the fruit really was that good, since those bags usually were quite skimpy).

    And, I remember when they would open the door on warm days to let people out on the patio during lunch. There was no playground (I will not disclose the topography as to other features, since i want Brother Hounder to have to use fully integrated thinking to find out where), but people would be able to go outside and walk around a bit. Of course, they still had those suits and dresses, so any real play was not allowed.

    Then the curtain came down. No more food. No more burritoes (I wonder how much textured soy protein was in those things) or roast beef sandwiches. I wonder if they are allowed to open the doors any more, since I have blown off the last 7 of those things and going on 8. But, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if they put a "Emergency Exit Only--Alarm Will Sound" on all those exits to prevent anyone from leaving during lunch break.

  • SirNose586

    Well, they were never FUN, but they were better than they used to be. There at least used to be food. Now there's nothing. There used to be less hounding regarding the "Please Keep Moving" signs. Now I get those bleeping cards shoved in my face every time I'm in a congested area.

    They went from mildly terrible to terrible all within my lifetime....

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