April study wt - unbelievable mind control!!

by breakingfree 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • breakingfree

    Has anyone else had a browse of the new study watchtower for april? I have read the first article and it made me so mad, very little bible reasoning apart from the usual twisting of scriptures and total brainwashing dribble... Here are some excerpts from 'Repudiate "Valueless Things"' (i.e. anything other than meetings, personal 'study', field circus, etc) I have bracketed any of my comments within the text. I'm sorry this is so long, but I had to write after reading it...it mad me so mad:

    What then are valueless things? In a general sense, they can be anything that distracts us from serving Jehovah whole-souled. They could for example,include various forms of relaxation . Of course, relaxation has its place. But when we spend too much time on "fun" things at the expense of activities connected with our worship, relaxation becomes a valueless thing adversely affecting our spiritual well-being .

    It's official! Too much fun is bad!!

    Then there is some general blah blah about how valueless money and sex is....

    Then comes the carefully crafted 'beware of evil apostates' paragraphs...

    Beware of words that are valueless

    Valueless things can include words. For example, Jehovah said to Jeremiah: "Falsehood is what the prophets are prophesying in my name. I have not sent them, nor have I commanded them or spoken to them. A false vision of divination and a valueless thing and the trickiness of their hear they are speaking prophetically to you people."

    How ironic!! I think that describes what the WTS dishes up perfectly!! Seriously I think it is no mistake that they are using (twisting) scriptures that are used against them to defend their position so that when a witness comes across an argument using that scripture against the WTS,they will immediately put on the brakes and think "No, that scripture is about apostates who are wrong and not the FDS which is right" ...continuing on:

    Those false prophets claimed to speak in Jehovah's name, but they were promoting their own ideas, their own wisdom. Thus their words were "a valueless thing." They were worthless and posed a real spiritual threat.

    I think the irony meter just maxed out!! Wait there's more... in the very next sentence:

    In 607 BCE, (I mean the irony is killing me here...) many who heeded such valueless words met an untimely death at the hands of the babylonian soldiers.

    I mean you gotta hand it to them... that paragraph had everything. It was a brainwashing work of art.

    In the next paragraph the contrast is drawn against moses, who was of course right and everyone who followed him had a good life... i thought the israelites had a pretty bad run most of the time...

    Do we hear valueless things being uttered today? Yes. For example, some scientists say that evolutionary theory and scientific discoveries in other fields demonstrate that there is no longer any need to believe in God, that everything can be explained by natural processes. Should such proud statements concern us? Of course not!

    I have not heard any scientists say that. Many scientists believe in in a God or Creator. Just not the whole adam and eve story. I smell a strawman...

    However, we know when human teaching contradicts what God has revealed (read: what the FDS says) it is always the human teachings that are wrong. (ahem,how do we know this??)

    Another example of valueless words is the religious leaders of Christendom. These claim to speaking God's name, but most of their utterances are not based on the Scriptures (cause we think so) and what they say is basically worthless (how do we know this? Becaust the WTS says so!!)

    Now take a deep breath...

    Apostates too speak valueless words, claiming to have greater wisdom than the appointed "faithful and discreet slave." (Matt. 24:45-47) However, apostates speak their own wisdom, and their words are valueless, a stumbing block to any who might listen. How can we avoid being misled by them?

    Doesn't it say something that simply listening to a bad 'ol apostate will stumble even the most faithful JW? Another ironic scripture twisting paragraph coming up:

    How to repudiate valueless words

    The aged apostle John gave fine counsel in this regard. (Read 1 John 4:1.) In harmony with John's counsel, we always encourage those we meet in the preaching work to test what they have been taught by comparing it with the Bible. That is a good rule for us too.

    Really? So we should test out our beliefs, doctrines and history against what the Bible says regarding false prophets, etc?

    If any statements come to our ears that are critical of the truth (read JW doctrine)or that cast aspertions(oh lets use a big word to sound intelligent)on the congregation, the elders, or any of our brothers, we do not accept them at face value. Rather we ask: "Is the one spreading(note the use of "spreading") this story acting in harmony with what the Bible says? (Read attack the person's reputation/motives/character) Do these stories or allegations further Jehovah's purpose? (Do they promote the WTBTS and its aims) Do they promote the peace of the congregation?(Do they uphold your current JW belief system and "spiritual delusion/paradise"). Anything we hear that tears down the brotherhood rather than builds it up is a worthless thing. (Anything that goes against what we say is worthless and wrong!!)

    How blunt are the articles in the "insider" edition? No salt seasoning here...just straight to the point mind control filth.

    I'm sorry this has been long and there have been so many outrageous statements in this article, but I feel the best/worst is in the second last paragraph, true Orwellian style:

    A sound rule is found in the words of the apostle Paul: "Do not go beyond the things that are written." Elders do not go beyound the things that are written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave.

    FDS publications = Bible

    Love to know what you guys think of these 'tell it to em straight' paragraphs. As I said from April WT so I don't know if many of you have a copy yet.

  • moshe

    The Writing Dept might just start alienating some of the JW's who have been sitting on the fence with these new JW only WT articles.

  • FairMind

    Seems to me that what they do is make correct application of the scriptures...up to a point. Then they smoothly but incorrectly wed the application to fit their need. They are in facts masters of going beyond what the scriptures really mean and doing it in a way that does not allow for any interpretation but theirs.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    You know what?

    I think this might actually be a terrible tactical error for them.

    I think it is too much over the top. If any intelligent JWs were thinking in the back of their minds that something doesn't seem right...this just might be enough to tip the scale.

    The FDS is obviously getting very concerned about how many people are breaking out of their cocoons.

    The Oracle


    That is exactly a year after what I read made me immediately log onto the evil internet and I don't think I had any conscious doubts at that time.

    I think it is too much over the top. If any intelligent JWs were thinking in the back of their minds that something doesn't seem right...this just might be enough to tip the scale.

    I agree, I didn't expect it to be this strong this fast.

    They are running scared in my opinion.

    There are also those weak minded ones that it will suck right in.

    I hate those evil bastards.


    Who ever wrote that,isn`t smart enough to be stupid..LOL!!.....How BrainDead would you have to be,to read and not think about what this idiot has written.....How much Dumbing Down can the WBT$ expect,from a normally intelligent person?.............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I don't have that issue yet, but I'm amazed at how crappy all the articles have been since the new Study Edition. They are dripping with that type of mind control.

    The book study with the Revelation book is something of a joke since some of us have old books and have to make the 'new light' changes, and others have the new printing which also seems outdated. What a waste of time.

    TMS and Service Meeting are just sales meetings telling everyone their stupid if they aren't pioneering and don't have several Bible Studies.

    At least the Public Talks are shorter. That's good.


    That is why they stress NO HIGHER EDUCATION and NO worldy association

    Cut the flow of critical information about the WTS and you got em for life ... or maybe not!

  • BabaYaga

    Yikes. So this is a glimpse into the "inside" edition? I tend to agree... it would be nice if this tipped a few scales...

  • lrkr

    Did you say sex and money are valuless- thats it- the last straw!!!

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