Education Survey

by larc 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman

    Currently five courses away from an associate's degree in Business Administration. Haven't taken courses in several years, but plan to start again in January. Once I finish that degree, I may try to enroll in a Bible college to get my bachelor's. One step at a time, though.

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • Skimmer

    B.S., M.S., Mathematics

    Worked my way through; full time the last three years.

  • larc


    Damn, or as they say along the Ohio river, Dayyum, you got some stuff goin for ya.

    Would you do me a flavor, I mean favor and email me kinda private like. If'n you do, don't be bothered none if I don't write right back. I have been up all night and I need some shut eye.

  • msil

    I almost finished high school

  • Angharad

    Just finished first year in degree in Earth Science.

    Year two starts in Febuary.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Cyngnas' story kind of reminds me of my own. Up until fourth grade I was third in the state. Then I got some bad teachers and a lot of kids making fun of me, and had the attitude that education didn't matter much, so I quit working. I was a B and C student with occasional A's when I couldn't help myself. Never studied and never put any extra work into it. That is a regret for me. Because now I am forty one with a high school degree and not enough time or money to further my education.
    And of course my parents didn't encourage furthering it either. With the exception that Dad did talk about a trade school for awhile.
    But I do have a pretty successful cleaning business. Just me and my vacuum. Never wanted the headaches of hiring. Have had some of my clients for twenty one years. Pretty much a fixture. It is a no stress way of making good money.
    My dream though is to be a decorating consultant. Again lack of time and money is the problem. For years I have given my rich clients pointers for free. Lot's of homes with my signature, but no credit.

  • safe4kids

    Hey Larc,

    I dropped out of highschool after 10th grade. I was a good student but thought why bother? My parents weren't in the least interested in any of us kids getting a college education, altho I wanted one in the worst way. But I figured it was just another dream.

    Fast forward a few years...I have 2 kids and am 36 years old...last May, I received my AA degree and am now enrolled in the University of South Florida as a junior, majoring in Social Work. Sometimes I ask myself why I'm doing this!!! kids and I bitch together about homework and unfair teachers, but I will never forget the feeling I experienced sitting in my very first college class, looking around and thinking: "I'm finally here! I'm in college!" One of the best feelings of my life.


    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
    Closing Time, Semisonic

  • JT

    my wife and I are back in college now- we to did the PIONEER/BETHEL THANG


  • DIM

    associates degree in business management. recently went back to get a degree in computer science. my wife is going to school to become a teacher. i am 24 and she is 22, so hopefully we'll be situated by the time we reach our 30's.

  • MadApostate

    My biography starts in the pre-1975 era.

    I was the only child of two young, poor, working parents (no indoor plumbing), who did not have time for a child. When I entered the first grade, I could only recite about half the alphabet, and I could only count to 10. My first grade teacher ignored me, because some of my family were "those Jehova people", who I later learned that she hated. Fortunately, my second grade teacher's husband knew and liked my non-JW grandfather, so she encouraged my parents to help me improve my skills. Since my parents had no time for me, my mother introduced me to the public library, where I eventually fell in love with reading. Since noone had time for me, I became a "library rat". By the 4th grade, I had become one of the best students. In the 5th and 6th grades, I was the highest scorer in those grades on acheivement tests.

    However, during this same time period, my JW relatives, who completely swallowed Freddie's "BigA in 1975" crapola, got their hooks in my parents and myself, who in turn also completely swallowed the crapola. My only memories of the 7th and 8th grades are using my skills in FS and at the KH, and of course, being abused at school for my new found religious beliefs. Thereafter, I hated school, and took every opportunity to miss. The only reading that I then did was from WT publications.

    When I entered HS, I concentrated on "vocational" classes, since all that "higher learning" was from the Devil, and was going to be done away with in a few short years. I gave little attention to other required classes. I continued to miss lots of school. I recall one day that I was called to the Principal's office for another lecture for missing so much school and doing so poorly in school. My science teacher was present, and evidently he had informed the principal that he was going to give me a "F" for that term. The Principal wanted to know whose fault it was that I was flunking the basic science class, since I had a reputation for being "smart". To my face, the science teacher said I was obviously not as "smart" as other teachers thought, or I would not be flunking his class. The Principal was not happy, and I don't know what was said after I was dismissed, but when I received my report card, I was given a "D" in that science class. Only a few days after receiving that "D", I was again called to the Principal's ofice for another lecture. After getting another chewing out for missing school and doing so poorly as to earn a "D" in basic science, the Principal informed me that he had just received the school's PSAT results, and that I had received the highest score. He wasn't happy with me or his teachers.

    Well, I let the Principal off the hook. Since I was flourishing in the local congregation, and the BigA was just around the corner, I DROPPED OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL, and began working a minimum wage job so that I could marry a JW from a nearby cong. I didn't know her very well, but none of my family or her's, or elders in the cong counseled against a quick marriage since there were all the typical JW positives: Both were JWs. The BigA would soon be here. Marriage prevents fornication. etc. etc.

    What was the result of all this WTS inspired madness?

    What the hell do you think happened? None of the 1975 predictions (more verbal than printed) came true and my life was a f***ing disaster for several years.

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