What do you think about Demons now?

by tooktheredpill 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoddessRachel

    I think we need a definition, then, of the word demons. I took the first post to mean the conventional meaning as defined by the Jehovah's Witnesses. What Buttlight described seems like in her mind ghosts, spirits, demons are all one and the same.

  • ButtLight
    Levitating, remote viewing, pyrokinesis, invisible bodyguards, someone to play multiplayer videogames with, Curaga etc... (I'm not sure what I have to offer in return, but I'm open for suggestions.)

    And given the fact that there is no documented case of a demon EVER killing ANYBODY, I fail to see a downside...

    I dont know about actual documentation, but I thought some did die due to this........could be wrong, cant believe everything you see on TV.

    Get the crap scared out of you just once......I would rather keep my feet on the ground (rather than levetating)

  • Twitch


    They're a mean backup band (Charlie Daniels Band - "The Devil Went Down to Georgia")

  • jaguarbass

    I think the demons are running the Wac Tower.

  • ButtLight
    What Buttlight described seems like in her mind ghosts, spirits, demons are all one and the same.

    Sorry, should have clarified that. No, I dont. I think ghosts and spirits are the same to an extent. I do believe when you die, your spirit (ghost) still exists. I believe they can still be here, after their physical body dies. Visit us, show themselves if they choose....move things......whatever. I believe demons are totally evil beings under the direction of the devil. Yeah, Im sure I will get a whooping for that, but thats ok, people choose to believe what they want after leaving the borg. Im not suppose to believe that your spirit lives on after you die, if I go by what the borg taught, but I do!

  • JAVA

    I wish I had a dollar for every JW-demon story. Yes I believe in them, and know where they live--at a building in Brooklyn, NY.

  • monophonic

    perfect discussion since i'm reading 'letters from earth' by mark twain, where satan is writing to god about humans' misconceptions of demons and heaven.

    very funny.

    a lot of the 'experiences' i've heard seem to happen in bed, which might mean the person is still in a dream state or having realistic dreams that feel like they really happened. throw a dash of propaganda and 'oh we're coming over right now to pray for you' and i can see people thrown for a loop.

    personally, i don't discount if there are some type of spirits or something going on that we don't understand, and if there is a god i'm suckerpunching him before asking questions.....too bad people

  • LtCmd.Lore
    I dont know about actual documentation, but I thought some did die due to this........could be wrong, cant believe everything you see on TV.

    Not even the Bible accuses demons of killing anyone.

    Angels on the other hand.... If anything the Bible says is true, they can be pretty nasty: ( 2 Kings 19:35 )

  • myelaine

    dear LtCmd.Lore...

    "And given the fact that there is no documented case of a demon EVER killing ANYBODY, I fail to see a downside..."

    I suspect that a general lack of enthusiasm could creep in if a demon was stuck with a particularily ignorant person but if they've got you coming with them to the pit then that's really the whole point and there's no need to be "fleshly". imo.

    love michelle

  • ButtLight
    Not even the Bible accuses demons of killing anyone.

    And as we all know, the bible doesnt always make things clear......talks about life on earth, doesnt talk about life on other planets. Doesnt mean there isn't, now does it. (not saying there is) The bible doesnt mention alot of things........but they exist! Im not much of a person that likes to get into a heated debate on subjects, but if you had the experiences I have had, not with demons, but with the "unknown", as well as my children, their friends, and my mom, you'ld understand where I'm coming from. Now where is Funky, he should be here soon!

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