What do you think about Demons now?

by tooktheredpill 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
  • myelaine

    dear Oracle...

    He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad. Matthew 12:30

    love michelle

  • cognac

    wow, i still totally believe in them and I'm still scared of them...

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    hello myelaine,

    I am assuming you believe that the demons are real, and you are trying to help me.

    For this, I thank you. I believe your motives are pure, and that you are a good person!

    May peace be with you,

    The Oracle

  • myelaine

    dear Oracle...

    yes, I do think that demons are real...

    you have a good day!

    love michelle

  • dogisgod

    It could be that they exist. Who knows? I know that when I see some of the things that people will do to other people, children or animals I just wonder how much evil can even come into the mind of a human being other than a really bad juju (and I don't mean bean)

  • Chalam

    I am in the minority of posters here who have no problem with believing the Bible when it says

    Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version)
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    If you believe in God then if seems obvious there must be a spiritual evil forces too, open any newspaper.

    The enemy likes to operate covertly but you can see them manifest from time to time.

    I would not go looking for them in the occult, witch doctors, witches, Ouija boards, seances, spiritualists, mediums and the like but if you do you will encounter the manifestation of spiritual dark forces. After all, these type of things have been happening worldwide since time began.

    Far better to go an look for the Creator I say, than anything He created.

    The other tactic is to demonise everything and everyone, in classic Watchtower style and thus discredit demons have people believe than an enemy does not exist.

    All the best,

  • DanTheMan

    MyElaine - what are demons made out of?

  • tooktheredpill

    VM44 and Dantheman:

    I found a very old article wrote by C.J. Woodwoth in the Golden Age of November 1932. It is is Spanish: http://atalaya.lawebcristiana.com/atalaya00/espiritismo/espiritismo.htm.

    The funny thing is how he describes how demons "materialize" and move objects usind "ectoplasm of strange odor"!!!! Thay can "direct a band, play musical instruments (guitars, harps, bells, etc) and raise tables and chairs from the floor" (page 14).

    He also attacks psichoanalysis. Is there any way to found that article in English?

    Have a great day!


  • DanTheMan

    Is there any way to found that article in English?

    Not sure, but have you ever checked out Leolaia's "Golden Age Goodies" thread? It's a JWD classic!

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