News from Mother ship

by jefferywhat 283 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    It would be so cool, if the wt broke from the core, out. Haha, i'ld celebrate and call up my dub mother and sister for a nice chat ;)


  • badboy


  • 2112

    It could all be another shell game. When they end up in court again it will be said that the PO said this or the (Any current title in the cong.) said that, they will reply 'We don't use those terms and have no idea what they are talking about. Trying to convence the courts that the folks sueing them don't know the semantics so they can't be credible.

    What ever the reason it will ultimatly be a financial one and nothing more.

  • 5go
    They recoil at using any of Christendom's titles. I really doubt this.

    They might have to legally to keep things hidden away using clergy privilege as a defence. Though, I agree three and six are the most likely to happen.

  • DT
    Those guys got some kind of consent from GB members (some of whom have already died now) to further study and research the material as long as they would stay faithful to the org. It is possible that this fragile construct recently collapsed....

    Just another example of how inconsistent they are. Lowly dubs would be disfellowshipped for this, but they were probably worried about the fallout if they expelled high ranking members.

  • Satanus

    Ray franz has been a royal pain in the donkey, since they turfed him. They don't want more of those. Maybe they are using a catholic church tactic of making room for seriously threatening dissenters somewhere within the org.


  • attorn


    I got some PMs as regards my post. Here are some questions members asked me:

    >Do you think the apostates hiding within should organize and rally in some way?

    I know that the "apostates" within are organized in a way. A sub-org in the Org under the ultimate authority of part of the official ORG

    >Do you think the borg might implode from within?

    I don't know which happens first, but yeah, I know there is a "civil war" going on and a lot of things point towards them being cut in two...

    >Do you think we need some movers and shakers with a plan for vocal revolt and ACTION?

    The last thing I know is that those "apostates" are a "black op" team, maybe it came to light now and was uncovered... Movers and shakers you wont find in this group, it needs an external "trigger event" for them to break loose. Mind you, there will be one...

    >It seems the time for words is over. People have written letters, tried their best to talk to families and expose the truth, all to no avail. What is the next move?

    Wait for this trigger event and then fire at them to make those walls collapse.


  • Tuesday

    If the trigger event wasn't the handling of pedofiles in the orginization what would be classified as a "trigger event"? There's loads of stuff that should be considered trigger event that doesn't actually trigger anything. The generation change, the blood doctrine change, the aforementioned silent lambs scandal, I'm just curious if those aren't big enough, what will be?

  • candidlynuts

    attorn..i hope you're for real.

    i 'm scared to hope something will happen with that horrible empire that will end up with me getting my family back.

    but that hope is all that keeps me alive

  • oneairhead

    In responce to what attorn said, it would be a travesty(sp) if this org split in two. That means that nobodys family would get out just be on one side or the other, with close to the same beliefs. Folks who are still in need religion. Those of us who are still in but mentally disconnected know that there can be life after the org.


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