Warning To All Posters Here!!!

by SWALKER 79 Replies latest jw friends


    ..LOL!! @ Scully!!.............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • lalliv01

    so do we continue to live in fear of being found out by the hounders? Is that really freedom? So we may not want to be outed, but we accept that risk by being here...

    greater the risk (of being outed and/or DF and/or losing JW friends and family) = greater potential reward (ie... making new friends, enjoying freedom to think)

    just my opinion

    How awful. We read about people like Galileo, Isaac Newton, A. lincoln and many others that hid their thoughts and ideas from an intolerant populace and we feel sad and angry that they had to endure such,but we balme it all on a backward and uneducated world, that would never happen in our enlightened age. Yeah, right!

    Afraid to live and let live, that's where many, Jews, Mormons, JW's, Muslims, etc. are at. I say, leave me alone and I will also leave you alone. If my friends, including my family, (extended et. al.), don't wish to associate with me because of my beliefs, beliefs, not a debouched life style, then so be it. I wish no one harm or ill and, I can live with myself. Tranquil.

    It's sad that some have to live in fear of the very ones they love and hold dear, hiding and maybe even hurting their own consciences by having to lie in order to get by. I feel for these ones and hope they overcome, somehow

  • Layla33

    How utterly disappointing and sad. We are allowed freedom of speech and privacy, and those people that engage in the pseudo-spiritual detective work are the real cowards here. Imagine what it takes to actually question "authority", to dare to think differently than the establishment and those people thinking they are doing something righteous are the real misguided people.

    I realize that in an enviroment like this, people need to be careful, but we are all adults here and we are allowed to think and express ourselves, we have done nothing wrong. It is quite disgusting that even in this realm, there are enemies in the midst. But there is no threat here that will scare me from my right to free will. KARMA will come to those that are trying to "out" those being brave enough to question what has been accepted as truth.

  • avishai

    Whoever it is Is doing a great job of showing just what a cult they are with their fascist gestappo tactics.

  • kwr

    What a strange religion this JW business is.

  • Odrade

    Even sadder is when ignorant people pile onto newbie posters with NO proof whatsoever, just a "gut feeling" based on nothing, and claim that an apology will be forthcoming when the newbie proves (outs) themselves. Pretty disgusting.

    It is dead wrong to out someone on this forum who needs or wants to maintain anonymity for any reason and is not causing real-time damage to other posters. It is EQUALLY WRONG to try and FORCE some poster about whom you have UNFOUNDED SUSPICIONS to expose themselves here so that you can satisfy yourself that they are "verified" and "real." That is what makes it hypocritical.



    We all get your point loud and clear. I got it the first time. Thank you for your input.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle
    What a strange religion this JW business is.

    kwr, you are soooooo right!

    When you really stop and think about it... I mean really STOP and THINK about it....it is a very strange religion indeed. I guess it shouldn't be surprising given how it all got started and the foundation that was laid in the first 30 to 50 years. The expression "Koo Koo Bananas" comes to mind.

    The Oracle

  • RisingEagle


    We all get your point loud and clear.

    I dunno, I could read her postings about not judging newbies, over and over.

    You might also want to re-think that 'we' idea, unless of course your name is Elizabeth and you live in a castle.


    When you realize how conditioned we all were to listen and obey everything we were told, and we did just that....that's strange indeed!!! I still wonder how I could have been duped into doing that?????? When active JW's even hear a whisper contrary to what they are told to believe they automatically put up concrete walls and refuse to even think contrary to their beliefs. It's very hard to break those walls down. I lurked on this site for about 2 years before ever posting. I have friends that faded when I did and they don't know I even post here. I can't even get my foot in the door talking about it. This religion can have a hold on you for years after getting out. Unbelievable!!!


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