Warning To All Posters Here!!!

by SWALKER 79 Replies latest jw friends


    I just found out that a dear friend of mine was OUTED by a poster on this board!!! I am soooooo angry and disgusted it's hard to contain at the moment! So to all those out there that are trying to fade and get other family members out, don't let anyone know who you are!!! The door has now been closed for any further discussion with the family members and I'm sure a DF'ing is immenient. Why would someone from this board intentionally cause a good person to now be cut off from their family????? EGO??????


  • zeroday

    Good advice, Jehober will use any means to track down those straying...also good idea to password protect your personal computer...

  • Odrade

    Weren't you just DEMANDING a day or two ago, that a new poster OUT herself or else she must be a troll? Hypocrite.

  • erynw

    Weren't you just DEMANDING a day or two ago, that a new poster OUT herself or else she must be a troll? Hypocrite

    NOOOOOOO I didn't! My point was that people needed to be careful! As you can see from the topic of my post! Go back and read what I said! Usually, it's the wise course to get to know a poster for a while before giving personal information to them IF you are trying to fade. There are a lot of new posters here now, is why I even said anything. I've been here for a long time and NEVER caused any trouble, and I don't appreciate your attack and words. Have I ever called you a hypocrite??????????


  • Odrade

    Whoops, sorry, I stand corrected. You didn't demand she out herself. You only suggested she was a liar and a fraud. My bad. Apologies.

    You only suggested she was a liar and a fraud.

    I felt that I had my reasons for saying that. I don't just sound off or hadn't you noticed? You call a long time poster, me, a hypocrite and don't blink and eye? Do you see the irony? (If this person proves to be all she says she is, I'll be the 1st in line to apologize...I just plan on waiting a little while to see what happens.)


  • SnakesInTheTower

    there are several posters on JWD that live locally who know who I am... One of them figured it out the other day..and posted that fact here, though they did not ID me by name or locale....I am certain none of them would purposely out me to the BorgElders. Just as I would not do it purposely to them.

    there are other posters not local that have met me personally or know my real name and locale... there is always the risk of being found out.... I will never out them to the dubs and I dont think they would me.......but even in general conversation with each other we risk slipping and using a real name instead of a screen name when talking about each other offline.......it happens, we are human.....so we have to be as careful as humanly possible....

    Yet...by the very fact that we are here...and if we post any details about ourselves or people we know (or know in common) or describe situations we know about... we risk outing ourselves or being outed by someone... 6 degrees of separation and all that...very common among the JWs...former and current...

    so do we continue to live in fear of being found out by the hounders? Is that really freedom? So we may not want to be outed, but we accept that risk by being here...

    greater the risk (of being outed and/or DF and/or losing JW friends and family) = greater potential reward (ie... making new friends, enjoying freedom to think)

    just my opinion...

    Snakes ()

  • chickpea

    it seems a timely warning and i thank you for it...... sometimes enthusiasm outruns reason and those of us newly released from the grip of the borg need to temper our enthusiasm

    sorry for your friend's outing and the difficulties already stemming from it....

    thanks for the heads up

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You are doing a very fine job of putting off new posters SWALKER.

    If you are not working for the Borg, you are doing a very good impression of someone who is.


    (who tells small untruths in the left hand column to obscure his indentity)

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